Ukrainian War Developments

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Their honesty is at times baffling. This is just giving the West more PR ammunition.
Yeah I'm not sure what they are thinking. Do they feel that they can get more sympathy this way? Do they not realize that there is no sympathy for them in the west?

Are they preparing the domestic audience for a total withdrawal?

Who knows.


Registered Member
I wonder what "other" people he considers "enemies" but is still a little too shy to openly say it, for now anyway.

These are words only a certain type of person speaks.

That could affect their support from their Israeli friends. Not that zionists have much of an issue with nazis nowadays as the latter look up to the former as an example of a proper ethnostate.


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Russians are trying to do ‘brotherly war’ on Ukraine while getting sanctioned, Russian POWs getting tortured and executed. Withdrawing for goodwill reasons. All the while negotiating with the despotic Ukrainian regime.

Putin is showing major weakness. A hawkish Russian leader would have crushed Ukraine by now for all the suffering Ukraine has caused Russia.

Putin’s weakness is the biggest obstacle to Russia getting decisive victory. He is the problem.
Unless he's playing some secret 7D chess, his battlefield decisions are not instilling confidence. He needs to know that whether he withdraws, wins, or forces a stalemate, the Western resolve to depose him, weaken and crush Russia economically, and isolate it world wide will not abate. In fact, any weakness on his part will be thoroughly exploited.


Registered Member
Putin is showing major weakness. A hawkish Russian leader would have crushed Ukraine by now for all the suffering Ukraine has caused Russia.
Putin’s weakness is the biggest obstacle to Russia getting decisive victory. He is the problem
I agree. I made a post some days ago listing Putin's mistakes in this war and how he is the biggest reason of why Russian forces have faced so many difficulties.

Its mostly about political decisions that Putin has taken. I don't how how much longer the Russian Military will accept/tolerate taking so many losses because Putin drank his own kool-aid about Ukraine.

People here have been criticizing Putin's decisions regarding the way the war has been conducted since day 2-3.

Richard Santos

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So, it was false :

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for potential military help lacked hard evidence, a European official and two U.S. officials said.

The U.S. officials said there are no indications China is considering providing weapons to Russia. The Biden administration put that out as a warning to China not to do so, they said.

The European official described the disclosure as “a public game to prevent any military support from China.”

That was most definitely NOT a warning to china or a effort to ease ukrainian situation by discouraging the chinese from providing support to russia.

If the purpose is really to discourage china from supporting russia by letting china know the cost the west is willing tnexact such a move, a quiet, but clear abs precise behind the scene communication will serve completely perfectly that purpose. Airing it publicly is actually counterproductive by adding to the political cost for china to back down.

There are only two purposes thar can be served by stating this publicly. both of which are specifically intended to attack china for purposes completely separate from any concern arising from the ukrainian war:

1. preparing the public opinion for future action to further worsen relation with china after the war by insinuating china deserve it for supporting russia more than ir actually did.

2. embarrassing china by making it look like china backed down before US power when china probably didn’t intend to do it in the first place.
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