Ukrainian War Developments

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When today that the NATO chief is openly stating they are powerful enough to destroy every country in the world then how is this not a trap. NATO new Asia strategy announced just a while ago that targets China. Leading France presidential candidate has stated not to push Russia into China arms 3 months ago. The German Navy Chief said Berlin needed Russia against China half a year ago. Then you got US politicians saying they want to split Russia and China relations apart. This is such an obvious trap by the West in a poor attempt to sow discord with Russia/China relations.
Another distortion of context (the stock-in-trade of many writers here).

Note that another writer ignorantly or dishonestly denied that the Europeans had ever called for China to meditate.
In fact, I ALREADY posted an article about it, and at least several writers here instantly ridiculed that suggestion.
Now some writers here seem dishonest enough to deny that the suggestion was ever made.


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Do you believe that the USSR should have nuked Kabul, Kandahar, and Herat rather than withdraw from Afghanistan?
Do you believe that the USA should have nuked Hanoi and Haiphong (Saigon too?) rather than withdraw from Vietnam?

Russian nuclear first strikes against Ukraine's cities would be acts of genocide--without exaggeration this time.
Of course, the 'might makes right' crowd here presumably believes that some genocides are good and glorious.
The Ukraine situation is completely different from Afghanistan and Vietnam. This is an existential issue for Russia, it may look like its not from a security standpoint to you, but its now politically and ideologically for Putin and all the Russian population. Genocide against Ethnic Russians in Ukraine is reaching a fever pitch, videos of citizens being attacked by their own military is being shared in Twitter and Telegram.

It doesn't have to be nuke, they might do escalations in their military response, like we're seeing now when they attacked oil refineries. Previously this and other infrastructures like trains and electric plants, are not targeted because Putin and his supporters still think Ukrainians as their own brothers and wants to keep civilians harm at minimum. But as the war starts looking bleak, those nationalist or fascistic ideology will start to surface to call for more bloodthirsty and callous actions.

I really don't like this war, I wish for it to never happen in the first place and would have prefer Ukraine played it smart by doing geopolitical games to try to win more for their population economically and security. But sadly it has come to this point, and now only more tragedy will come.


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That's a very flawed historical analogy in this case, because Japan actually gained territorial concessions from the Russians with the Treaty of Portsmouth. Definitely not as much as they wanted, but still. The best analogy for this war has already been cited a million times: the Winter War. You had an overconfident Soviet Union then, just like you had an overconfident Russia now. The Finnish did very well in the early phases of the conflict, but the Soviets pumped more and more troops into Finland and eventually obtained 10% of all Finnish territory. That's the basic trajectory of this conflict as well: superb Ukrainian performance in the early going will eventually get overwhelmed by Russian reinforcements. I expect Ukraine will lose about 20% of its territory once it's all said and done (including Crimea).

In terms of military potential, the correlation of forces between Ukraine and Russia in 2022 is much closer than the correlation
of forces between Finland and the USSR in 1939-40. Ukraine's receiving much more aid than Finland did.
But Finland had major defensive advantages in terrain and climate that Ukraine does not have.


Registered Member
Another distortion of context (the stock-in-trade of many writers here).

Note that another writer ignorantly or dishonestly denied that the Europeans had ever called for China to meditate.
In fact, I ALREADY posted an article about it, and at least several writers here instantly ridiculed that suggestion.
Now some writers here seem dishonest enough to deny that the suggestion was ever made.
Answer the question how it isn’t a trap when NATO and the EU is opening threatening China while stating they want to sever relations between Russia and China.

You say it’s a distortion of the context but this is the context on why we think it’s a trap. Why are you the only one allowed to comment on the context but we aren’t? So stop deflecting what other people are saying and avoiding the question.


Registered Member
Uh no. If Ukraine did try to go total war and Russia did have issues breaking them then Russia could just do a massive bombing campaign with their strategic bombers. Russia has roughly the same size strategic bomber fleet as the US. Roughly same number of Tu-95 as B-52, Tu-22M3 as B-1, and slightly less Tu-160 than B-2. But Tu-160 has like twice the payload of the B-2.
Do they really though? Or is it all just on paper? I'm having a hard time believing much that is coming out of Russia right now.

I wonder how many stories of civilians being executed by Ukrainian volkssturm or Russian POWs being castrated we need to hear before they make an appearance.


Junior Member
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The Ukraine situation is completely different from Afghanistan and Vietnam. This is an existential issue for Russia, it may look like its not from a security standpoint to you, but its now politically and ideologically for Putin and all the Russian population. Genocide against Ethnic Russians in Ukraine is reaching a fever pitch, videos of citizens being attacked by their own military is being shared in Twitter and Telegram.

It doesn't have to be nuke, they might do escalations in their military response, like we're seeing now when they attacked oil refineries. Previously this and other infrastructures like trains and electric plants, are not targeted because Putin and his supporters still think Ukrainians as their own brothers and wants to keep civilians harm at minimum. But as the war starts looking bleak, those nationalist or fascistic ideology will start to surface to call for more bloodthirsty and callous actions.

I really don't like this war, I wish for it to never happen in the first place and would have prefer Ukraine played it smart by doing geopolitical games to try to win more for their population economically and security. But sadly it has come to this point, and now only more tragedy will come.
"This is an existential issue for Russia."

No matter how often you or others repeat that falsehood, it will not become true.
Have you noticed vast numbers of Russians volunteering to join their armed forces to fight in this supposed war for Russia's existence?
If not, then why not? Are not Russians patriotic enough to fight for Родина when its existence supposedly is at stake?

It's absolutely disgusting that many writers here would prefer the nuclear annihilation of Ukraine's cities--a real genocide
of Ukrainians--simply to help Putin save face. Has allegedly evil NATO ever nuked anyone?


Senior Member
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I wonder how many stories of civilians being executed by Ukrainian volkssturm or Russian POWs being castrated we need to hear before they make an appearance.
When the war becomes unwinnable under the current strategy. Those weapons causes massive collateral damage when used on cities, and would work against the goal they started with when they got in. I written before, that Russia can make this a Pyrrhic victory, at the massive cost of both sides, and geopolitically for Russia. We should wish for the war to be settled quickly under negotiations or surrender from one of the sides.


Registered Member
When the war becomes unwinnable under the current strategy. Those weapons causes massive collateral damage when used on cities, and would work against the goal they started with when they got in. I written before, that Russia can make this a Pyrrhic victory, at the massive cost of both sides, and geopolitically for Russia. We should wish for the war to be settled quickly under negotiations or surrender from one of the sides.
Not against cities, against Ukrainian positions. As I said earlier, do one round of leaflet bombing, saying the next ones will be real. Ukrainians would surrender much quicker against heavy bombardment and it'll save more lives in the long run.


Junior Member
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When the war becomes unwinnable under the current strategy. Those weapons causes massive collateral damage when used on cities, and would work against the goal they started with when they got in. I written before, that Russia can make this a Pyrrhic victory, at the massive cost of both sides, and geopolitically for Russia. We should wish for the war to be settled quickly under negotiations or surrender from one of the sides.
"We should wish for the war to be settled quickly under negotiations or surrender from one of the sides."

Neither Ukraine nor Russia will surrender soon. The only likely alternative to a negotiated ceasefire would be
a protracted war of attrition in which the 'winner' will be the side that can keep from collapsing a bit longer.
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