Ukrainian War Developments

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More supplies and reinforcements have arrived in Melitopol from Crimea; previously several more armored trains have resupplied operational zone in the region, bringing much needed supplies to the front lines.

Additional armored trains operated by the Russian Railway Troops [Железнодорожные войска ВС России] have been seen in both Yekaterinburg and in the Moscow Region.

I wonder how many troops Russia is mobilizing for this Donbass offensive. Some pro Russian sources say 200-250k. I really doubt that. It would be logical to mobilize that many forces for this but I doubt that’s the case because Russia mobilized 200k near the borders before this war.
Now the reports always have been half of Ukraine’s military is in the east. That doesn’t only mean the Donbas. That includes garrisons in the major cities as well. The Donbas has anywhere between 65-120k fighters in the pocket according to reports.. In any rate Russia and allies need a massive numerical advantage to get the offensive done.


Yeah. The next question is what land area Russian surveillance can accurately cover with the satellites/planes they have. They have no hope in a war where they are blind compared to their opponent. It's like, you have a gun, he has a gun, but you are blind whereas he can see. You can outnumber him 10-to-1 and your gun can be 10x more powerful, but you still lose.

If they can only accurately surveil 10 sq. km, they can only fight in 10 sq. km at a time. If they've realized this, it may be another factor in their withdrawals and narrowing the battlefield. Anyone would run away from that situation.

China has the full capability to provide that to Russia very accurately, but the question is whether China would do that or whether Russia would ask China ?


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I think the Ukrainian are now going to take the fight to the Russians

they will infiltrate and use hit and run tactics in Donbas and Luhansk even Crimea

and this will not allow Russians to hold territory
Tactically this won’t do anything. Maybe sow terror and fear but this will fail. It would work if they occupied non Russian speaking territory. The territory they control is pro Russian so they’ll identify these hit and run squads. They’ll recruit from the populace to track these groups and Russians law enforcement forces are really brutal. The thing with guerilla warfare you’ll need some support from the populace. This won’t do anything. This is like Hezbollah sending hit squads to do hit and run tactics in Haifa.


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I wonder how many troops Russia is mobilizing for this Donbass offensive. Some pro Russian sources say 200-250k. I really doubt that. It would be logical to mobilize that many forces for this but I doubt that’s the case because Russia mobilized 200k near the borders before this war.
Now the reports always have been half of Ukraine’s military is in the east. That doesn’t only mean the Donbas. That includes garrisons in the major cities as well. The Donbas has anywhere between 65-120k fighters in the pocket according to reports.. In any rate Russia and allies need a massive numerical advantage to get the offensive done.

After withdrawing troops from the Kiev front it will; in the most logical and economical way possible with respects to Russian infrastructure; take several weeks and will at most contribute around several thousand soldiers and a few dozen armored vehicles if they choose to allocate those forces to the east, they will at the very least keep a relatively strong force in Gomel for further limited operations and for defensive roles.

The Russians have already allocated an estimated [100,000-200,000] for operations in the Ukraine; it is unlikely that there is even half of that number currently deployed in the country given the lack of military infrastructure available for the housing of troops, therefore it is likely that only a few dozen brigades and armored battalions will be allocated to any new offensive given heavy resistance by Ukrainian forces.

It is likely that Russian Forces will shift focus to intensifying bombardment of key military positions and infrastructure while mopping up any pockets of Ukrainian Forces within held territory; we’re seeing a considerable slow down of Russian Forces and given the shift in RuMOD policy in regards to the Ukrainian Campaign it is likely that they will shift in strategy to an overall policy that is more comprehensibly defensive in nature.

This however is all just speculation based on available data; we will simply have to wait and see.


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How is Ukrainian artillery this effective? Given that Russia has claimed air superiority for over a month, how are Ukrainian artillery not suppressed yet?
air superiority only means that your planes have an advantage in the air and enemy planes are suppressed. Without sufficient ground strike capabilities, having air superiority only means your troops are safe from air attack. And Russia has either been unable or unwilling to use their most potent ground strike capabilities: their Tu bombers.

China, until recently, was in the same boat without sufficient stocks of PGMs.


Registered Member
Where in the world would have been better at that time? Stagflation was a global phenomenon. A country under sanction is tremendously under more strain than a country that is a hegemonic economic power.
yes, they're under strain and with the capability to vastly escalate. So why would they back down under strain which has literally never happened in all of history for even countries like Iran and North Korea, when they can just escalate instead?


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Xinjiang issue is just like what if I said you’re a murder. Obviously I don’t know wether you really are but I could just claim it anyway. And this could automatically turn me into one of your enemies. Don’t pretend you don’t understand what I’m talking about, murder!

Just kidding.
Again, my point is that many countries have criticized China for its policies in Xinjiang.
There's no reason that I know to single out Ukraine as exceptionally objectionable.


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Czechia has officially announced that it is the first country to send sustainable offensive armaments to the Ukrainian military;

“We believe that this is the only thing that can stop the Russian forces from perpetrating more atrocities,” statements from senior Czech defense officials; stating that deliveries of military hardware were to be considered as gifts to the Ukrainian government.

Secrecy of such transfers of hardware had been kept secret due to operational security concerns by the Czech government; thus far they have only sent over dozen combat vehicles including at-least five modernized [T72] platforms.

Czechia has also made mention of servicing and modernizing Ukrainian armaments; such as armored fighting vehicles and main battle tanks; within their borders at their own behest.


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