Ukrainian War Developments

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I don't think Russia will want to go for any more population centres until they've killed or captured most of the Ukrainian army. Like in Mariupol capturing cities diverts a lot of soldiers away from the front line.

Wipe out the main force in a battle then take the rest of the country.
The Ukrainians have wisely decided not to concentrate their forces out in the open... They have mostly avoided any open field battles, because they know that Russia's aerial advantage would prove highly decisive... But at the same time, it greatly limited their ability for manoeuvre personnel and reinforcements across large distances...

Richard Santos

Registered Member
Fluid just means it can change as a result of pressure, whether the pressure comes from within or without. How fluid is a matter of how fast it can change. You can say perception of ethnicity across a large group is much more viscous than an individual’s perception of its own appropriate gender role, in the sense it takes much more pressure over much longer to appreciably change. But the fact that others might be more tempted to refused to recognize the validity of the individual’s perception of its own gender role than a large group’s new ethnic identity does not change the fluidity of each.

Pretending what can change is actually somehow unchangible is in most cases not conducive to solving the problem the changeability causes, it only makes the solution more likely to be very costly in the end.

Jingle Bells

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Of course ethnicity is fluid. It always was in human history. Especially so in China. Just look at the various people who have historically and contradictory been called Han and Nanren during the Song-Liao-Jin-Yuan dynasties.

Cheng Yan, in the 9th century on what it means to be a Chinese ethnic:
There have long been diverse barbarian peoples [siyi 四夷] who have been
multilingual and have come to China [zhonghua 中華]. They admire the humanity,
righteousness, loyalty, and honesty of China. Although their origins lie in alien regions,
they are able speedily to direct their hearts toward China [hua 華]. Therefore, I don’t
refer to them as barbarians [yi 夷]. There are people of the Central Kingdom who have
long stubbornly resisted kingly transformation. They have forgotten humanity,
righteousness, loyalty, and honesty. Although their origins are in China, their hearts skulk
among the barbarians. Therefore, I don’t refer to them as Chinese. They have not been
banished to the barbarians by the state. Rather, they themselves are responsible for their
hearts wallowing in iniquity. Should we not then stop referring to people as Chinese just
because they are named Chinese, and stop referring to people as barbarians just because
they are named barbarian?
There are people who are named Chinese but who have barbarian hearts. There
are people who are named barbarians but who have Chinese hearts. The former, who,
though living in the Central Kingdom, have knowingly abandoned humanity,
righteousness, loyalty, and honesty, are none other than barbarians of the Central
Kingdom. There is no need for the barbarians to invade us. Those who disobey the orders
of the Central Kingdom, who arrogantly act without authorization and do not accept royal
authority, and who discard humanity, righteousness, loyalty, and honesty, are
incompatible with social norms. How can they not be barbarians of the Central Kingdom?
Those of the barbarians who look inward and admire China, who delight in our humanity,
righteousness, loyalty, and honesty, and who desire to be part of human society, how can
they not be the Chinese of the barbarians? Mark my words. There are those called
barbarians who are not barbarians. Then, there are people with the name of Chinese who
fail to measure up to those called barbarians.
No, wrong! You are confusing "fluid" with "evolving".

Evolving meaning changing. And for sure, we all know ethnicity/nations are ever evolving.

Or it's like a nomad coming into a agrarian village in China, and say to them: "you guys don't exist, 中华 does not exist, you are just like us nomads, except you're pretending that you are plowing fields."

Now, won't that be ridiculous? This is what you guys are implying!

I am so damn hungry I can't even organize my words properly! I will come back to this!
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Richard Santos

Registered Member
No, wrong! You are confusing "fluid" with "evolving".

Evolving meaning changing. And for sure, we all know ethnicity/nations are ever evolving.

But fluid would be somebody just come out and say that "there is not such thing as 中华 or 四夷, it doesn't matter how your lifestyle is, you can identify with any thing, you can live like an agrarian in one village in China for all your life and still consider yourself a nomad."

Or it's like a nomad coming into a agrarian village in China, and say to them: "you guys don't exist, 中华 does not exist, you are just like us nomads, except you're pretending that you are plowing fields."

Now, won't that be ridiculous? This is what you guys are implying!

Fluidity is what makes evolution possible. No fluidity, no evolution.


Registered Member
This is not true.

They already laid down two LHD vessels.
This is not exactly a secret.
President Putin was at the laying down ceremony, and it was widely covered across the internet.
No excuse in this modern day when this information is widely available to everyone at the click of a button...
Laid down doesn't mean completed. There's lots of things in Russia that are started but not finished, nobody really knows if these LHDs are going to be that.


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They might only do that if or once they have ousted/defeated the Ukrainians from the Donbass Region and the Ukrainians refuse to come to the negotiating table.


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I think there is no question the preponderance of people in the former east and west germany wanted to reunify germany.

They didn't

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Just like the majority of the population of the USSR didn't want the union disolved but weren't heard because Gorbies's Pizza Huts and Yeltsin's sucking up to the west came first.

But western media has made sure to fit the historic narrative to suit the "the west is democratic and good, the east are all godless commies and bad and people just wanted to run away." bs they like to peddle.
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Registered Member
The UK blocked a Russian attempt to hold a meeting to discuss what happened in Bucha at the UNSC. I didn't even know that was possible.

I don't see why Russia is trying to discredit the Bucha story. It's intended solely for domestic western consumption. He has no way of the Russian side of the story to the western public.

People mostly stopped caring about the Ukraine war and stories started being read less and less. America wants to escalate the conflict by getting Europe to cut off their gas imports. So run the fake stories for a few days to get the sympathy back and then announce you will stop buying gas as a response to Russia. Europeans will be less bothered about losing their jobs, not having enough food or warmth if they feel it is helping prevent "genocide".
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