Ukrainian War Developments

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That's true. But this process of people's ethnicity/group identity evolving from a common ancestor to diversity, OR the reverse of it are ALSO well documented and not something fluid be played upon like how ultra-libs views gender today.

For example, the historic Chu people (楚人) descended from a common ancestor as Zhou (周人), but as they migrated southward, they become more and more distinct and unique. However, when Qin state unified China and got replaced by Han, the Chu unique cultural and "ethnicity"/"proto-ethnicity" got reassimilated to Han. But this does NOT mean that there are no other non-Han people who identified the Chu as their (partial, at least) ancestors. Some Vietnamese considered Chu as one of their cultural ancestors. But this does NOT mean that we Chinese people today can just invade Vietnam and say to them that "Vietnamese Identity does NOT exist, Chu culture is a myth, you're all Han Chinese now" and destroy their cultural identity. Even we Chinese people can NOT convince ourselves that their culture and identity does not exist.

All of these are certainly not cleaning cut and measurable, but it does NOT mean it is fluid.
There is a Chinese cultural thread for this.
It's really best left there, because this can (and has) go on for pages because Chinese identity and Han identity don't have a good analog in Western culture, so the idea of ethnicity/nationality becomes really blurry.


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Stupid question. Is Ka-52 or any attack heli of any nation can be feed the views of drones? I mean the drone transmit top down footage to heli. For better view angle, larger battlefields vision, etc.

For Ka-52 it was planned back in the late 2000's. But never materialized on account of the drone manufacturer Kamov was planning to work with going bankrupt.


Well, correction apparently drone integration was on the cards again this time for Ka-52M

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Jingle Bells

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Being "Ukrainian" is like those other regional identities and is not a national identity. Take out the demand for NATO membership and the veneration of Nazis and it stops becoming a national identity.
You can argue or even dispute whether "Ukrainian" is a qualified ethnic identity, but to downright it doesn't exist (or is entirely made up) is nothing less of horrifying. The history of Germany separation of only a couple of decades certainly does NOT mean that "East Germany" can ever be qualified as an separate ethnicity, as they will only be considered a regional identity. Same goes with Vietnam and Korea.

There is no need to wipe out Ukrainian, how would you even do that? Go around correcting people's spellings and pronunciation in conversations? Force people to cook borscht like a Russian?
Oh, there are! During the Japanese occupation in Taiwan, Korea and Manchuria, there are efforts called “皇民化运动”, with the clear purpose of destroying people's ethnic and national identity. The same with Anschluss. However, the Germans and Japanese did NOT have the audacity to just blatantly declare that Austrians does exists, or that Korean, Taiwanese, Manchuria doesn't exist. The German's offer the idea of a "Greater Germany". The Japanese offered the idea of "皇民", aka, being subject of a new sovereign. Of course these movements by Japan and Germany was for the sake of their colonizing and invasion, and effective work to weaken people's beliefs and allegiance in their own former identity. But comparing to Russia's current blunt and blatant approach to just downright deny the Ukrainian identity's existence, the Japs and Krauts at least looked more sensible and in-touch with reality back then!

That's what is happening in Ukraine right now. Anyone who supports NATO is Ukrainian, anyone who supports Russia is considered Russian. The distinction is very blurred yet there are some people here who want to make out as if this war is like Finland v Uganda.
The distinction being "blurred" is very different from saying that a certain identity does NOT exist.
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