Ukrainian War Developments

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Registered Member
It takes long time to certify military product on Russian standards now. thats why you see slow procurement of new systems.
Russia is both budget and current account surplus. it has no complusion of reducing R&D on new projects.
Even the small Su-75 is designed for 2900km range on internal fuel
The S-70 is like over 4000km combat radius.
I am not sure about PAK-DA role but the current speed of missiles they are developing. it is reasonable to assume that light weight UCAV airframe will not able to carry much.
Russia is budget and current account surplus, true. But it also has to keep reserves for non-military things, like running the rest of the country. The end result is that Russian military budget is insufficient for its ambitions so either the ambitions are scaled back or the military budget is stretched to fit the ambitions, which means even basics are not attended to.


Lieutenant General
Registered Member
90% agreed. I mean they should 100% keep developing new domestic weapons but they need to scale back. For example their Admiral class frigates (Gorshkov and Grigorovich) and subs (Borei, Yasen, Lada) are very successful, being built on time, on budget, and at least frigates are being used in Ukraine. But Lider is vaporware right now. If they could scale back their ambitions, focusing their domestic development in their strengths, and purchase what they can't make from China, it'd be 100% better than trying everything solo with a ~2 trillion GDP.

If I were Russian high command I'd discontinue Lider R&D, scrap or sell the Kuznetzov and when it comes time, retire the Slavas and Kirovs within 5 years and stick to a frigate/sub navy for bastion defense. I'd import 075 LHDs to aid in that and put Russian helicopters on them. For air I'd cancel PAK-DA, keep PAK-FA at low procurement rates, and buy into J-35. Make sure that existing Tu-22/95/160 are usable and flyable rather than wasting money on pie in the sky projects. For ground forces, the T-14 has been an abysmal failure despite specs while low key Krasnopol and Ka-52 are MVPs. Allocate funding accordingly.

Basically stick to the strengths, and prioritize the most important stuff.
Admiral Grigorovich frigates were basically cancelled because they used Ukrainian gas turbines. Admiral Gorshkov frigates have been delayed like heck partly because they had to replace the Ukrainian gas turbines they used, and partly because it took forever to fix issues with the AESA radar and new battle management system. Maybe. Just maybe they solved those problems.
There is no indication Lider would be more of a disaster than the Admiral Gorshkov program was. They already have nuclear propulsion available.

I think the Slavas will only be removed from service after either the Project 22350M or Lider become available.
The PAK-DA prototype should be under construction right now and will be necessary as a replacement for older aircraft.
If they had the PAK-DA available on this war they wouldn't have needed to spend as much money on stealth cruise missiles.
They will have the Su-75 so they won't need the J-35.
The T-14 should have entered mass production late last year.


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Moderator - World Affairs
DJI drones are used by Chechens to hunt down the Nazis in Mariupol

Is that an iPhone 13 Pro paired with that DJI controller? When your iPhone costs more than your drone (Mini 2 or Mavic Air 2) lol... Kadyrov must be swimming in $$$ from the Federal gov't.

Also, doesn't this make Apple a "military company" for aiding Chechen militias? Time to ban Apple now~!


I feel sad for Russia tbh. They could literally have a small but first rate military if they just gave up the pride and idiotic wet dream domestic development projects and imported from China, in exchange for resources. Even if they bought only like a few 052DL and like 1 055 they'd still have the best navy in Europe. And again, only purchasing a few J-20s would at least give their air force an actual stealth fighter to continue maintaining at least a minimum ability to compete with European ones. Instead of this sad situation where the only thing they can rely on for deterrence is tactical nukes. Instead they're like, no we're gonna make the Lider class even though we can only afford to buy like half a ship by the time r&d finishes in 2032 (optimistically), etc. etc. Sigh.
Russia's problem is not with their domestic industry or R&D capabilities but rather funding. Subpar funding translates to fewer "big ticket" items, slower production, and the need to rely on older & obsolete platforms for a doctrine that is increasingly reliant on newer tech.

Buying from China won't solve that problem.


Junior Member
Registered Member
This war is quite something, I'd have to tell ya. At zero hour, everyone thought it would be like the Gulf War. A week in, it resembled WWII. And now a month in, it's starting to look like WWI. Time truly flew backwards this time around.

On a seperate note, didn't US provide real time intel to India during 2020 stand-off? Didn't seem to really give India much advantage at all. Why did it matter so much this time around?
No one serious thought Ukraine was gonna get rolled over, and Kyiv would fall in 72 hours like the Pentagon predicted
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