Ukrainian War Developments

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Lieutenant General
Why is everyone only looking at Ukraine when this has never been about Ukraine?

The root cause of the issue is NATO, and the US agents and useful idiots within the EU who cling to America as lord and saviour.

Every move Putin has made on Ukraine has been done so with NATO in mind.

Because so long as NATO exists in its current form, the EU can never be and stay neutral in any war (hot or cold) between America and Russia/China.

I think this is what Putin is fundamentally trying to address here. Bdemonstrating to the EU countries that matter that so long as they are part of NATO, they will always be American slaves.

I think the play here is to demonstrate and exacerbate the gulf between American interests and EU interests and have the EU pay the heavy economic price for American choices and priorities to try and wake them up to the fact that America controls EU diplomacy through NATO and make that situation intolerable for Europeans who actually care about Europe.

This message is hammered home with real, tangible economic pain. Because when the EU sanctions Russia, it hurts itself more. While Russia will have China to help cushion the pain and share the burden, America will leave Europe to pick up the tab alone with only empty platitudes and demands for more European defence spending (buying American arms of course!).

Putin will make this worse by playing to the worst instincts of American trained analysts to always assume the worst of him by making very marginal plays and have the Americans blow it out of proportions with crazy hyperbolically claims and cry wolf, and each time the Europeans pays the costs of sanctions for objectively speaking, very inconsequential actions.

Do that enough times and either the EUs grow a backbone and stand up to the Americans, or they trash their economy. Russia and China wins either way.


Registered Member
I'm even more sure, China will take Russia's explanations "to protect not Russian interests, but Russian peoples" in Ukraine more than closely ... and some day Russia will see certain "Chinese" cities in Siberia and Far East Russia calling for "independence" and help from Chinese troops to protect them. ;)
Just for my own interest.
Which cities are you talking about?


Senior Member
Registered Member

Great Q&A with Russian FM larov. I suspect a lot of coordination with the china FM. Both stressed UN Charter. China did it at the UNSC meeting on Monday and larov stressed it in depth today. The Chinese FM laid the blame for destruction of Minsk agreement with the west and Larov basically point by point listed all the times the EU and US allowed Ukraine to break the agreement over and over again.

I feel from Larov's press conference today, china likely knew all of this was coming down in more detail than I had initially expected.



Great Q&A with Russian FM larov. I suspect a lot of coordination with the china FM. Both stressed UN Charter. China did it at the UNSC meeting on Monday and larov stressed it in depth today. The Chinese FM laid the blame for destruction of Minsk agreement with the west and Larov basically point by point listed all the times the EU and US allowed Ukraine to break the agreement over and over again.

I feel from Larov's press conference today, china likely knew all of this was coming down in more detail than I had initially expected.

There is no way China was not informed about this beforehand.
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