Ukrainian War Developments

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"What total stupidity. The Russian military is financed by the Russian national budget, not by banks. Any Russian official of sufficient high rank to have participated in a decision of the Security Council who still trusts the West to have money abroad is so stupid that he deserves to be confiscated. Indeed, such fools should be cleared out of the Russian government."

"Russia and China have been subjected to a psy-ops operation that they need the West. This delusion is the greatest threat that they face, indeed, that the world faces. The chances for World War III are enhanced by their contacts with the West. These contacts result in constant accusations, constant provocations, which are dangerous because they can explode into conflict. By now Russia and China should know that negotiations with the West are not only pointless but dangerous."

The first step toward the reduction of tensions is for Russia and China to stop responding to accusations. The responses serve no function but to keep the accusations alive and to encourage more. Accusations are the way the West keeps Russia and China on the defensive, always saying “no we didn’t do it.” Why do they bother to deny? The West never believes them.

To be constantly accused results in frustration and anger. It is the main cause of spousal abuse. The only way for Russia and China to stop the abuse is to cease responding to it.

Russia and China have their own goals. These goals are the development of their countries and the creation of their own trading blocs. There is no reason whatsoever to contaminate this project with Western corruption .

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Moderator - World Affairs
'Chinese analysts' disagree on comparison between Ukraine and Taiwan.

There are voices from the West that have tried to distort China's stance on the crisis, and compare the Ukraine crisis with the Taiwan question. But Chinese analysts said the two cases are entirely different, as Taiwan has never been a sovereign state and the Taiwan question is China's internal affairs instead of an international issue, and China's approach to promoting and realizing its national reunification has nothing to do with the Ukraine crisis.
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Instead of Taiwan, the closest analogy would be Mongolia or Vietnam if they sought US-alliance on China border, and China citing past shared history, culture, geography to restore imperial control over Mongolia/Vietnam. Which is obviously bullshit and requires massive revisionism and mental gymnastics. You can't take Russian propaganda on "Muh Blood brother" irredenticism/revanchism at face value.
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Junior Member
Exactly this. Anyone on here who thinks China and Russia are bezzie mates at the bar 4 eva needs their 'kin head examined, and also needs to read some history. It suits both countries for now to be friendly - but circumstances will inevitably change in time. By the end of the Cold War the USSR had more divisions deployed against PRC than against NATO.

the most malicious wedge-driving foes usually look like this: they put up a patriotic face, put out a few anti West posts. then they'll turn to Russia. dig up the unequal treaties, bemoan the lost territories, Russia is no good, America is benign. if China is ready to cuck, we can still make up.....


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Can you explain this in more detail? How does EU sanctions on Russia hurt itself more? Doesn't Russia have a GDP smaller than Italy?
Because a lot of the Russia-EU trade, is about oil&gas .
If EU post a sanction on that , they would have to deal with a much higher energy price and inflation behind it.
If EU doesn’t post a sanction on the energy trade , it won’t hurt Russia , and the fact “you posted a sanction on somebody and he doesn’t really care” makes EU even weaker in geopolitical games.
This Russia-Ukraine thing is a shit storm for EU, no matter what happens in a few days.


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'Chinese analysts' disagree on comparison between Ukraine and Taiwan.

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Instead of Taiwan, the closest analogy would be Mongolia or Vietnam if they sought US-alliance on China border, and China citing past shared history, culture, geography to restore imperial control over Mongolia/Vietnam. Which is obviously bullshit and requires massive revisionism and mental gymnastics. You can't take Russian propaganda on "Muh Blood brother" irredenticism/revanchism at face value.
“How dare you do the dot-connecting? That will make us look stupid “


Registered Member
I sure hope these excellent folks maintain their dominance over the other wing in the right, the religious/white supremacist one, because that group will want to buddy up with Russia no matter how many wars it launches or "human rights abuses" it commits, for obvious reasons.

I mean, for now at least even if that group wrested control of US policy I doubt the feeling would be reciprocated with Putin in control, but I'm concerned about him being overthrown in a colour revolution. I feel like the percentage of Russians who are brainwashed westoids are even higher than Chinese nowadays. (Maybe it's an unrepresentative sample and domestic opinions are nothing like that, but it seems like every Russian who speaks English is a brainwashed drone staunchly against their own government and country.)
The general sentiment in Russia is still quite anti-West and China-friendly. Its the Western media who over represented the pro-West Russians. They made it look like Navalny is super popular in Russia after Putin. While the truth is, the Communist Party is the second to Putin in popularity. The Communists in Russia have said that they look up to China as a role model. Furthermore, Putin had already cleaned out the CIA-NED nests inside Russia. Color revolution is no longer a serious risk. So the future of Russian politics post Putin don't look that grim.

Many Russians are getting nostalgic for the Soviet Union. Because they see the rise of China, and the treachery of the West. The opportunity for the West to court Russia is over. When China was still a poor, 3rd world country in the 1990s and early 2000s, Russia was only looking to the West. But the West, instead of reciprocating with honesty, decided to try to colonize and break apart Russia, and the former Soviet states. Many Russians felt betrayed by the West.

Don't believe the hype in the Western media and certain anti-China circles in Russia. The general sentiment in Russia is not pro-West. They like traditional Western culture and trade, but they don't want the politics of the West. Same like the average Chinese in China. The Russians share some convergence in values with the American right wing, particularly in conservatism. But that is all. American conservatism is not the same as Russian ones. The Russians still love their own Russia much more than MAGA America. Some Russians still shit on Chinese technology and culture. But its more of an ignorant observer thing than full blown racist hatred on China. South Korea and Vietnam exceeds Russia in Sinophobic sentiments.

Russians are not a colonized people. They will never accept Western subjugation, no matter how much values they shared with the West.


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I think my hypothesis is holding up pretty well, wouldn't you say?

lolz, dude, your hypothesis was that Russia will 'smash' Ukraine in a full-blown invasion. And so far, Chicago has had more casualties than Ukraine:

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You were super convinced the invasion would happen last week. But all that happened so far is that Russia took the parts it already controlled, with a Russian majority. So, no... your hypothesis isn't correct yet.

You're focusing on Ukraine (which is exactly what the US media wants by the way), but that is not Russia's primary objective here. This is about cracking NATO. That's what Russia really wants, long-term security. Ukraine doesn't give it that by itself.
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