Ukrainian War Developments

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james smith esq

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Hilter shouldnt have gotten too greedy and backstabbed Russia... American Empire is the 21st century Nazis
I’ve always interpreted the western theatre of WWII as a war to decide between which version of white-supremacy would go forth, premodern-European, anti-semitism, or enlightenment-European, skin based, racism. Either way, white-supremacy would prevail.
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Unfortunately true. Putin was too obsessed with the West and neglected China early on. And what did that got him? Full blown sanctions in 2014 which devastated the Russian economy

Even then, he kept playing games with his Eurasian Union economic block bs instead of closely integrating with China in order to accelerate Russia's growth.

His early hesitancy towards China and later hedging against China (EEU vs BRI among others) are now going to cost him dearly
To be fair though, China was far from being ready for prime time during that era. Even now China is still lacking somewhat, for example semiconductor industry. But it seems the Ukraine crisis is the final straw that broke his hesitancy. Dude is all in on China now.

james smith esq

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To be fair though, China was far from being ready for prime time during that era. Even now China is still lacking somewhat, for example semiconductor industry. But it seems the Ukraine crisis is the final straw that broke his hesitancy. Dude is all in on China now.
What choice does he have???


Registered Member
Do it quickly please. Its time to accelerate the collapse of the financial dollar empire

"Senior Biden administration official on call with reporters says SWIFT-related punishment, like kicking Russia out of the international banking system, is still an option: "We are not taking SWIFT off the table, it will remain an option that we can deploy.""


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Fox News and Mike Pompeo are pissed that Biden was not tough enough on Putin. He proposes shutting down Nord Stream 2, more sanctions, and putting more NATO troops on Russia's borders. He lumps Putin into the same group of 'bad guys' like Xi and Kim. If there are fears that a Republican-led USA could successfully recruit Russia against China, here is your answer.

The rightwing Republican mob are not concerned about Russia being bullied by China. They are concerned that Russia is not their dog. Right now, Russia did something that they didn't like, so they talk about getting tough on Russia. Good luck trying to recruit Russia to become your dog. Russia won't accept being lorded over by anyone. Not even by so-called 'pro-Russia' MAGA imperialists.
I sure hope these excellent folks maintain their dominance over the other wing in the right, the religious/white supremacist one, because that group will want to buddy up with Russia no matter how many wars it launches or "human rights abuses" it commits, for obvious reasons.

I mean, for now at least even if that group wrested control of US policy I doubt the feeling would be reciprocated with Putin in control, but I'm concerned about him being overthrown in a colour revolution. I feel like the percentage of Russians who are brainwashed westoids are even higher than Chinese nowadays. (Maybe it's an unrepresentative sample and domestic opinions are nothing like that, but it seems like every Russian who speaks English is a brainwashed drone staunchly against their own government and country.)


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Strange. I, a person living in Northeastern China, have never heard about people in my region insisting the central government need to start a nuclear war for the retaking of eastern Russia. Find me a northeastern people on the internet hoping the government to retake eastern Russia, I can find you 5 non-northeastern people moaning on the internet about the lost land of the great empire, particularly the Han chauvinists who don't have any regard for the wellfare of the people, especially the people who will be actually impacted in a war of territorial dispute.

Also interesting that you mingle the rather reactionary claims of Northeastern China being the eldest son of the republic and have contributed greatly to the country with starting a nuclear war for territory, when in reality, either in real life or on the internet, I have never heard people link those things together even in the heat of the debate. I would also say the reactionary claim of northeastern China contributed greatly to the country is rather justified when ,on the other side is some bigots shitting on northeastern China for not progressing fast enough economically when it wasn't even designed and supported by the country to make fast advancement after the reform and opening up era. The bigots' unhinged disdain for northeastern China spreads so far-reaching to the extent that everything done by Northeastern China is hyper-analyzed through the lens of incompetence, even the Shenyang Aircraft Corporation is targeted for their alleged incompetence and bureaucracy, all based off of rumors from some losers' imagination.

As for the topic of transfer payment, in 2019, only 9 provinces have positive net transfer payment, Liaoning province is one of them, and it has been one of them for 70 years. Heilongjiang and Jilin provinces were only starting to have net negative transfer payment in the most recent 10 years. So much for "Northeastern rentier class" "insist" "the rest of China owes them hundreds of billions of RMB in transfer payment". You got 17 more provinces to shit on other than 2 of the 3 provinces in Northeastern China.

Whenever Northeastern economic decline is discussed, the most ubiquitous defense for its poor economic performance is always that the Northeast doesn't have access to Sea of Japan. It's fair to assume most people defending the Northeast are Northeasterners, no?

Also it's a fact that the Northeast is losing young people because of the lack of opportunities there meanwhile it has a highly zombified SOE sector that runs on nepotism within a rentier class. It's not bigoted to mock the rentier class. I'm from Beijing and I hate the Beijing rentier class too.
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I have no feelings about any of this!

A black dude from the southern US feels slighted by Putin’s negligence of China? Really???

I just think the dude is politically insecure and not too, geo-strategically, smart!

As I clearly stated in my response, and even provided an example of in support, I observe patterns, or trends, of occurrences. The fact that Putin, the junky, has, for now, grasped at the most convenient and, coincidentally, most stable support system, doesn’t instill any confidence in his long-term behavior pattern. He may one day, in the future try to come through China’s bedroom window in the dead of night!

If the past didn’t matter, you wouldn’t have referenced China’s past GDP. But, you did; because that past metric, when compared, graphically, with the current GDP indicates a pattern and trend of behavior. China’s exploitation of Russia’s current circumstances is good realpolitik, for the time being. However, as many commentators, here, agree, any relationship other than that of a limited, transactional relationship aren’t, at this time, in China’s best interest.
Just out of curiosity, how did you come to be so interested in China/the PLA? Sounds like you served in the US Army too?

From your other posts on here I definitely would've thought your background was very different haha.


How come that's the case, and what do they have against Dongbei and Henan?

There were some who showed disdain for the southerners and those who fled China throughout the 20th century. These people should just STFU for the sake of UNITY, and read up the history of the southern Chinese were not as advanced as the northern, why the people fled and try to understand why it was not wrong to flee.
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