Ukrainian War Developments

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Images from the liberated village of Bucha, north of Kiev by advancing Ukrainian Ground Forces; several dozen bodies have been discovered by Ukrainian troops, predominantly able-bodied male civilians, similar behaviors have been previously observed in Chechnya by Russian Forces.

Several mass graves of at-least a hundred people were discovered on the outskirts of the city; it is unknown if these were civilians or executed soldiers.

This is the first substantial supported evidence of Russian war crimes against Ukrainian civilians thus far in the ongoing conflict.
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Images from the liberated village of Bucha, north of Kiev by advancing Ukrainian Ground Forces; reportedly several dozen bodies have been discovered by Ukrainian troops, predominantly able-bodied male civilians, similar behaviors have been previously observed in Chechnya by Russian Forces.

This is the first substantial supported evidence of Russian war crimes against Ukrainian civilians thus far in the ongoing conflict.

While I think it's good that the reality of war is shown and warcrimes on both sides are exposed. I should warn you the mods have made warnings on this thread about not posting this type of content and have already permabanned some members.


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While I think it's good that the reality of war is shown and warcrimes on both sides are exposed. I should warn you the mods have made warnings on this thread about not posting this type of content and have already permabanned some members.
Thank you for the heads up, I’ll make sure to censor any future images; it is however like you said important to show such things.


Junior Member
I suspect Russia wants to drive a good percentage of Ukraine’s population out of ukraine as refugees. This is why they have not and will not close the western border of ukraine.

Russia’s conduct around built up areas of ukraine suggest to me they are not so much there to attempt to take the cities, but to simply fight over them so as to make them unfit for civilian occupation. This will dislocate the most highly educated and productive of ukraine’s population, turn them into a homeless population of refugees. the destruction of these built up areas will also destroy the postwar economic foundation of ukraine, giving these tefugees nothing to return to comparable to their prewar standard of living.

Yes, a fraction of the dispossessed will turn into a hardened insurgents or join what is left of ukraine’s armed forces to make the russians pay for this. but a much larger percentage will likely simply seek to escape ukraine by emigrating as refugees because they can see the destruction the dispossessed them would also leave few economic opportunities for them to look forward to after the war. very small percentage of these refugee emigres, once they settle in europe or elsewhere, would ever return. So the result is any post war ukraine will be deprived of much of its educated and skilled classes.

So basically russia, having failed to quickly topple the government of ukraine in a cou de main and thus convert an intact ukraine into a client state, seems now settled on the strategy of essentially destroying the infrastructure and demographic fabric of ukraine to prevent it from being able to survive or revive as an effective independent state that has the wherewithal to threaten russia’s interests through collaboration with russia’s enemies.

If i am right, then This is no longer a relatively clean war of shadow boxing between armies. It is turned into a war of ethnic cleansing by a different name, similar to how WWII was fought on the eastern front, and how the european wars of the age of reformation between 16-17th centuries were fought. the purpose of the war is no longer to achieve a narrow political objective, but to fundamentally alter the demographics to achieve long term geopolitical objectives.
Those Ukrainian would become a large voting block in EU and will make EU hostile towards Russia for a long time. West's economy is a much bigger threat to Russia compared to some fictional invasion through Ukraine.


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Earlier this week a man was detained by the Ukrainian police in Kiev’a metro after entering an unknown metro station with a bag that contained an F1 hand grenade and [76] rifle cartridges.

It is unknown what his motivation; and or affiliation.


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Registered Member
Images from the liberated village of Bucha, north of Kiev by advancing Ukrainian Ground Forces; several dozen bodies have been discovered by Ukrainian troops, predominantly able-bodied male civilians, similar behaviors have been previously observed in Chechnya by Russian Forces.

Several mass graves of at-least a hundred people were discovered on the outskirts of the city; it is unknown if these were civilians or executed soldiers.

This is the first substantial supported evidence of Russian war crimes against Ukrainian civilians thus far in the ongoing conflict.
These cities were hit by Ukrainians grads as the Russians withdrew. I guess this is the aftermath.


Junior Member
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These cities were hit by Ukrainians grads as the Russians withdrew. I guess this is the aftermath.

Definitely not, you can tell these bodies have been deliberately tied up and shot in many instances; not to mention that Russian forces would not have the time nor the incentive to move them in some cases into mass graves if Ukrainian shelling was the culprit.

It is not hard to except the fact that the Russians are fully capable of committing war crimes; wouldn’t be the first time they’ve done it, especially this century.
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