Ukrainian War Developments

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Is the general under the opinion every Ukrainian is a rocket scientists. to learn new unfamiliar, tanks, planes etc in matter of days. And what is he under opinion Russia going to do in the meantime ? Christ, seriously what the fuck do they teach at west point ? No wonder American loose wars. Unless they are going against banana republics armed with actual bananas. Oh, or worse yet the Iraqis.
What we have is a military that hasn’t fought a major conventional foe since the Korean War. As I mentioned before it’s a military that has four generations of combat vets who only fought counterinsurgencies. Boomer generation of which general Keane is a part of fought in Vietnam. Gen X fought in Desert Storm, Afghanistan and Iraq again in 2003. Millennials combat vets fought in Iraq and Afghanistan. And Gen Z fought in Afghanistan. So you have 4 generations of this. The US military reminds me
Also in America the officer class in West Point are not that bright. You have the officers who think American primacy means America can fight Russia,China, North Korea,Iran and Venezuela at the same time while fighting Islamic terrorism. Primacy doesn’t mean invincibility though. They are the neo con types. There are the few officers are actually who are smart and try hard to prevent the US from fighting a major war because we would be exposed. For example there is a reason why the Pentagon had told numerous president administrations that war with Iran is a terrible idea. General Mattis is the only one who is a realist general. He hated Iran but he respected their prowess. Same thing with China. The US military reminds me of the British military before WW1. Was used to fighting low level colonial wars that once the Great War started the British military brass did brain dead moves like Gallipoli. The brass was so used to fighting colonial wars that they didn’t have the experience in waging a conventional war. I expect the same thing to happen whenever hostilities ever arise between the US and China. Only there won’t be a US equivalent to bail them out.


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Some people on twitter speculated that they flew from Kharkov, and no. What good is it to do a false flag now on one of your important strategic resources. There was pro-Russian people in twitter thinking Russia let it happen so that they can escalate their attack (Sounds like cope to me but ok).

Uhhh... Putin, don't tell me this is your plan all along and its one of your stupid 4D chess moves.


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Ah yes, so Russia is essentially defeated at this point. Not even two months! Now we wait with baited breaths for the battle of Moscow
"If you're wondering how Yesterday went for Russian troops invading Ukraine...
Here's a map of the 40 (!) towns and settlements claimed recaptured by Ukrainian forces yesterday. Along 8 different axes of advance."
View attachment 86340

Also that Julian guy is an absolute stooge. Anything he says can be safely discarded into the trash.


Lieutenant General
"If you're wondering how Yesterday went for Russian troops invading Ukraine...
Here's a map of the 40 (!) towns and settlements claimed recaptured by Ukrainian forces yesterday. Along 8 different axes of advance."
View attachment 86340

I don’t think it counts as recapturing if the Russians just pulled out and let them have those.

I think the Russians are adjustment their strategy due to Mariupol, where they found fighting Azov in the city messy, time consuming and costly.

So now they are luring the Ukrainians out of the cities by withdrawing from forward positions so they can be pounded to dust with heavy weapons out in the (relative) open without needing to worry too much about collateral damage or human shields.

I would bet the Ukrainians find all those towns empty as the Russians should have evacuated all remaining civilians before they pulled out.

Once enough Ukrainian troops have filled those traps, expect Russian air power and artillery to flatten those towns, and systematically engage any elements trying to flee back to the cities on the road; with infantry moving in to mop up what’s left. Then the Russians will withdraw to let more Ukrainians come out to play and rinse and repeat until the Ukrainians wise up or run out of bodies to throw into the grinder.

It’s an obvious ploy, but the idiot Elensky is too obsessed with media war ‘victories’ to care and gladly throwing away the lives of his soldiers for worthless social media points. I do wonder if his latest purges of generals is related to this where the career military guys are telling him truths he doesn’t like to hear so he accuse them of treason and replace them with nodding yes men.


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Its simple, Russia needs AWACs.

You're assuming AWACS can easily detect gunships. They can't.

The most infamous example of this is the 1994 friendly-fire incident. USAF F-15s splashed their own Blackhawks over Iraq, when AWACS couldn't detect them. The F-15 pilots picked them up on their own radar but couldn't identify the bogeys. So they twice asked AWACS if they were friendly. AWACS controllers even knew there were supposed to be Blackhawks in the area, but couldn't detect them, so the pilots shot them down.

So the cause of this failure isn't that Russia lacked enough AWACS coverage here.

The question is, how many gunships does Ukraine still have operational?

Case in point:

They have used way less cruise missiles than that to destroy depots.

One of my frustrations with Russia is that they should have invested in a much higher inventory of CMs. Many of the targets which Russia is hitting on Day 30 could have been hit on Day 0, if they had sufficient inventory of CMs. Russia is forced to use a steady low volume CM attack rate. How many targets have been neglected so far because of a lack of CM inventory? This gunship attack might have been neutralized if its base of operations and logistical infrastructure was hit in the opening phase of the war.

The key for the attack helicopters would be to stay clear of SAMs and other air defences.

Well, they don't have to, since they're pretty good for SEAD/DEAD as well. The first shots fired in 1991 were by Apaches targeting a radar site, which created the corridor through which the USAF flooded through. And that mission was conducted in a flat desert.

In terrain, gunships can obliterate identified SAM sites, hovering behind hills/trees/buildings, popping up to take shots and then going back down for cover. They're only threatened by hidden SAM ambushes, but that applies to everything that flies.

With that said, I wouldn't dedicate gunships on SEAD/DEAD though, since drones and CMs are better options. I'd reserve gunships for CAS and flanking attacks on armored formations. That's what they're the best at.
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