Ukrainian War Developments

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Not surprised:
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What a "coincidence"? heh?

Nordstream 2 was completed in September 2021, then immediately Ukrainian crisis begin, then Nordstream 2 is prevented to operate.

CAI was signed but immediately somebody in EU parlament brought up Xinjiang "ethnic cleansing", CAI is stalled.

If someone still think all these things are matters of sovereignty or human-right, they are too simple and too naive at best.

james smith esq

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$12.3 trillion.

Let's say you had a friend with an addiction problem. He's had that problem for a very long time and the situation seemed hopeless. But now your friend seems to finally acknowledge that he has a problem and is working diligently to clean his act up. Are you going to help him get himself clean or are you going to whine and berate him for being an addict?
Are you speaking of circumstances with which you have experience, or arguing out of your ass?

I’ve had friends that were, and some former friends that still are, addicts. One thing I’ve learned is that trying to “help” an addict can be just like trying to save a drowning person! Have you ever been trained in swimming by a professional program? That’s the the one thing they teach you never to try! The best thing for a person with anything to lose to do, when confronted with an addict, is to protect oneself from the destructive behaviors and patterns of addiction until those are completely resolved. I came this close to killing an addicted ex-friend who, because of his sickness, was impelled to break into my mother’s home looking to steal jewelry.

I see a similar pattern with Putin and would expect it to continue, and even escalate!


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The way I see it, if Ukraine does not take action and the US does not take action Russia would probably be happy to take the gain they have now and let things be for at least a few years. Yes what remains of Ukraine could still join NATO, unlikely though that may be but Russia have gained somewhat of a buffer zone already.

US getting involved directly in military action is nearly impossible. If it happens Xi would be laughing in his sleep.

Ukraine might decide to attempt some kind of military action, not because Zelenskyy wants to, but because at this point he probably has very little control over his underlings. They might attack not in the hope of beating Russia but force the US into action, because pro-US factions in Ukraine won't accept that they've been sold out by Uncle Sam without a fight.

So the thing to watch out for is Ukraine government and armed forces. Of all the party they're the one most likely to stir up further fighting.
Speaking of which, how much control does Zelensky really have over his government, especially the military?


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Then I don't see what the play is here, Putin cut off his own avenues for escalation and sacrificed the possibility of inserting those regions into the Ukrainian state as a Trojan horse. He could have just signed a piece of paper without putting 190,000 soldiers on the border. Either he's going to go with "Ukies keep shelling" to escalate or the Westoid analysts are right that he's lost his nerve and is looking for an exit. If it turns out to be the latter, then this has been a pretty pathetic showing.

By the way, how long can this deployment at the border remain in its present state of readiness?
I think you might have missed this article, the 3rd link in the post that you responded.

MOSCOW, February 22. /TASS/. The head of the self-proclaimed Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR), Denis Pushilin said on Tuesday that there is no need to skip ahead on the issue of returning the entire territory of Donbass: the issue of borders will be resolved later.

"I would not get too far ahead (on the issue of returning of the entire territory of Donbass - TASS) and would proceed in stages, but now we have something to initiate cooperation within the framework of recognition with the Russian Federation, and then the situation will be unfolding as tomorrow and the day after tomorrow will dictate," he said in an interview with Russia 24 TV news channel.

Pushilin noted that the issue of Donbass’ borders has not yet been discussed. "This issue is not an easy matter, and we will resolve it later. How and what may influence certain decisions, time will tell a little later and, of course, the stance of the Ukrainian side," the DPR’s leader added.

So what was said are:
  1. DPR and LPR's border would not go beyond the Donbass region including the parts that are under Ukrainian control.
  2. The final borders are not discussed and will be addressed in the future.
  3. Therefor, the territory under Ukrainian control will be taken into question some day as DPR/LPR/Russia see fit.
I see a perfect Trojan horse in Ukraine.


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I think economically, they are about the same size today. Currency Exchange does not measure the true economics. For example, the Chinese can make two type-55 destroyers for every Arleigh Burke class on currency exchange measurements. Does that mean the Arleigh Burke is worth twice the type 55?

It's the psychological aspect of China becoming a larger economy in exchange rate terms.

There are still lots of people (especially in the USA) who are in denial or who have only heard of USA No1.


Registered Member
Are you speaking of circumstances with which you have experience, or arguing out of your ass?

I’ve had friends that were, and some former friends that still are, addicts. One thing I’ve learned is that trying to “help” an addict can be just like trying to save a drowning person! Have you ever been trained in swimming by a professional program? That’s the the one thing they teach you never to try! The best thing for a person with anything to lose to do, when confronted with an addict, is to protect oneself from the destructive behaviors and patterns of addiction until those are completely resolved. I came this close to killing an addicted ex-friend who, because of his sickness, was impelled to break into my mother’s home looking to steal jewelry.

I see a similar pattern with Putin and would expect it to continue, and even escalate!
It's unfortunate your personal experience was so poor. I suppose it's my good fortunate that I haven't befriended many people who were drug addicts; I can only think of one case and he was more an extended acquaintance than a friend.

But you've helped put my finger on what's bothering me with the political discussion in this thread: people are just too emotional. Some people can't let go of Russia's past crimes against China, when the rational position to take is to distinguish between Russia's crimes - which are historical, and America's crimes - which are ongoing.

You feel slighted because Russia ignored China when it was an economic minnow and instead focused on Europe. That's a rather strange thing to take umbrage with. Personally, I don't really care that Russia didn't build more gas pipelines to China decades ago when it "should" have foreseen China's growth. If you feel upset with Russia because of this, perhaps the difficulties Russia faces today as a result of its Eurocentric policies are sufficient consolation.

I don't care about yesterday and no rational government would either. I care about today and I most certainly care about tomorrow. Today, Russia seems very willing to work with China on a wide range of energy, military, technology, space, etc. projects. Russia's head is in the right place now; that's what I care about.


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Fox News and Mike Pompeo are pissed that Biden was not tough enough on Putin. He proposes shutting down Nord Stream 2, more sanctions, and putting more NATO troops on Russia's borders. He lumps Putin into the same group of 'bad guys' like Xi and Kim. If there are fears that a Republican-led USA could successfully recruit Russia against China, here is your answer.

The rightwing Republican mob are not concerned about Russia being bullied by China. They are concerned that Russia is not their dog. Right now, Russia did something that they didn't like, so they talk about getting tough on Russia. Good luck trying to recruit Russia to become your dog. Russia won't accept being lorded over by anyone. Not even by so-called 'pro-Russia' MAGA imperialists.
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Hopefully Scholz will keep NS2 suspended. This is an excellent time for Chinese Industry to grab market share from its German competitors.

Infact this is very good because now Russia will be pressured to sign other gas deals. And then China will get an even bigger gas discount from Russia

German Industry expensive gas + Chinese Industry cheap gas = Blitzkrieg on the world market from China.

All thanks to Scholz and US. I hope that Scholz will be strong enough to withstand German business pressure to open NS2. To make it clearer, an operating NS2 is NOT in China's Industry interest
NS2 is not only to serve Germany but part of EU around Germany. If this part of EU has problem to pay their electricity bill for basic heating and cocking let alone factories to make some money, how are they going to pay for Chinese import? Wishing to crash competitors in this manner is like "killing the hen for the egg".

Also a down-falling Germany will only benefit the American puppets in Europe, such as UK. It is the worst thing for China. Basically the US and UK etc. are actively pursuit the fall of any big powers who want to be independent or neutral, like Germany and France etc.

james smith esq

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It's unfortunate your personal experience was so poor. I suppose it's my good fortunate that I haven't befriended many people who were drug addicts; I can only think of one case and he was more an extended acquaintance than a friend.

But you've helped put my finger on what's bothering me with the political discussion in this thread: people are just too emotional. Some people can't let go of Russia's past crimes against China, when the rational position to take is to distinguish between Russia's crimes - which are historical, and America's crimes - which are ongoing.

You feel slighted because Russia ignored China when it was an economic minnow and instead focused on Europe. That's a rather strange thing to take umbrage with. Personally, I don't really care that Russia didn't build more gas pipelines to China decades ago when it "should" have foreseen China's growth. If you feel upset with Russia because of this, perhaps the difficulties Russia faces today as a result of its Europhilic policies are sufficient consolation.

I don't care about yesterday and no rational government would either. I care about today and I most certainly care about tomorrow. Today, Russia seems very willing to work with China on a wide range of energy, military, technology, space, etc. projects. Russia's head is in the right place now; that's what I care about.
I have no feelings about any of this!

A black dude from the southern US feels slighted by Putin’s negligence of China? Really???

I just think the dude is politically insecure and not too, geo-strategically, smart!

As I clearly stated in my response, and even provided an example of in support, I observe patterns, or trends, of occurrences. The fact that Putin, the junky, has, for now, grasped at the most convenient and, coincidentally, most stable support system, doesn’t instill any confidence in his long-term behavior pattern. He may one day, in the future try to come through China’s bedroom window in the dead of night!

If the past didn’t matter, you wouldn’t have referenced China’s past GDP. But, you did; because that past metric, when compared, graphically, with the current GDP indicates a pattern and trend of behavior. China’s exploitation of Russia’s current circumstances is good realpolitik, for the time being. However, as many commentators, here, agree, any relationship other than that of a limited, transactional relationship aren’t, at this time, in China’s best interest.
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