Ukrainian War Developments

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Russia is currently withdrawing (otherwise known as tactical repositioning depending on who you support) from the North.

Expect to see a lot of "Ukrainian Army recaptured/breakthrough" posts in the coming day/s

Yes most people are familiar.

Leaving a lot of kit behind though


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How do you take Kiev without majorly damaging it?
Easy. Surround the city, cut off power and supplies and wait for a surrender from the garrison. If you wanted to be compassionate, you could open a corridor for civilians to escape & humanitarian supplies to enter. They might not use civilians as human shields as they don't consider them Russian like they did in Mariupol, but with Nazis you never know. That'll take longer but it'll have the same effect.

Either way the defenders will be forced either to starve to death or attempt a breakout (and die). There won't be a relief force coming to save them. Assaulting the city will also speed things up but will result in more friendly casualties and destroy the city.

It's the way cities were captured since human civilisation started and works just as well today.
I think there's still a couple thousand still operating in mariupol

Doubtful of that ratio, if it was true Mariupol would be in good hands already. Urban warfare is the only viable strategy for Ukraine, and considering the fact that Azov and the rest are still deeply entrenched within vast swathes of the city, its an indication that urban assaults will continue to be an arduous task.
So far, the capture of Mariupol has been the fastest I've seen a city that size being captured with urban warfare in modern military history. The speed the city is taken doesn't mean much when it comes to K/D. All it means is that defenders are retreating rather than standing and fighting. The capture of Fallujah took 1 month and the Americans had a 100+:1 K/D ratio.

What's more important is the manner the enemy is killed. Most of the Ukrainians seem to have died from traumatic injuries rather than gunfire. I.e. from was a mortar fire and buildings they were hiding in collapsed. Not as many deaths from close quarter battles. We're only getting a small data sample, what's posted by Russians on telegram, so it could be totally wrong.


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Easy. Surround the city, cut off power and supplies and wait for a surrender from the garrison. If you wanted to be compassionate, you could open a corridor for civilians to escape & humanitarian supplies to enter. They might not use civilians as human shields as they don't consider them Russian like they did in Mariupol, but with Nazis you never know. That'll take longer but it'll have the same effect.

Either way the defenders will be forced either to starve to death or attempt a breakout (and die). There won't be a relief force coming to save them. Assaulting the city will also speed things up but will result in more friendly casualties and destroy the city.

It's the way cities were captured since human civilisation started and works just as well today.

So far, the capture of Mariupol has been the fastest I've seen a city that size being captured with urban warfare in modern military history. The speed the city is taken doesn't mean much when it comes to K/D. All it means is that defenders are retreating rather than standing and fighting. The capture of Fallujah took 1 month and the Americans had a 100+:1 K/D ratio.

What's more important is the manner the enemy is killed. Most of the Ukrainians seem to have died from traumatic injuries rather than gunfire. I.e. from was a mortar fire and buildings they were hiding in collapsed. Not as many deaths from close quarter battles. We're only getting a small data sample, what's posted by Russians on telegram, so it could be totally wrong.
The Russians never surrounded Kiev. It is debatable as to whether they ever even aimed to do so. I don't believe that they did. Quite frankly, the Russians have not been anywhere as ruthless as they can be with regards to the fire power that they can unleash.


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So far, the capture of Mariupol has been the fastest I've seen a city that size being captured with urban warfare in modern military history. The speed the city is taken doesn't mean much when it comes to K:D. All it means is that defenders are retreating rather than standing and fighting. The capture of Fallujah took 1 month and the Americans had a 100+:1 K/D ratio.
Its misleading to conflate the siege of Fallujah with this one tbh. The UA Army elements and Azov companies there are much better equipped than a bunch of sunni insurgents. And I would caution to declare a success so soon especially since there's still fierce fighting and large parts of the city to be taken.
What's more important is the manner the enemy is killed. Most of the Ukrainians seem to have died from traumatic injuries rather than gunfire. I.e. from was a mortar fire and buildings they were hiding in collapsed. Not as many deaths from close quarter battles. We're only getting a small data sample, what's posted by Russians on telegram, so it could be totally wrong.
Hmmm...I have been seeing a lot of videos of firefights coming out from Mariupol.


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There are many photos of very recently destroyed vehicles attributed to Kyiv and Chernihiv oblasts that are said to be Russian vehicles. It looks like a number of vehicles have been destroyed as the Russians have withdrawn. In these locations the Russians obviously did not fan out infantry and air cover well enough to cover their withdrawal.


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Its misleading to conflate the siege of Fallujah with this one tbh. The UA Army elements and Azov companies there are much better equipped than a bunch of sunni insurgents. And I would caution to declare a success so soon especially since there's still fierce fighting and large parts of the city to be taken.

Hmmm...I have been seeing a lot of videos of firefights coming out from Mariupol.
You think that the Ukrainians truly have a chance in Mariupol? The city is totally surrounded. It is in the Southeast. There is no relief force. Even if they have a blackhole's mass worth of ammunition, do they have the same amount in food? The Ukrainians themselves have admitted that there is no relief that will come their way soon. There have been videos and photos that have shown slow and steady overall progress of Russians forces in the city, appearing at locations where they were not previously present.


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One conclusion I think we can draw from this conflict is that recent modern technologies have changed the face and fortune of warfare almost overnight .

The proliferation of thousands of cheap drones have revolutionised battlefield awareness, strategy, targeting and engagement of enemy forces.

This conflict would have looked very different 20 years ago, all other things being equal.


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Hmm Putin seems to move rapid in the chessboard withdrawing from the west and swiching to the new ruble. Eastern Ukraine secured, decoupling and rearranging economic through a global The economic part is so Marxist haha What would be the future of Odessa? Maybe the capital of eastern Ukraine? lol

Poor people suffering although even armed or unarmed. I hope this b@stard to respect the christian easter
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