Ukrainian War Developments

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General Keane claiming that Ukraine has a chance to win and crush the Russian army in Ukraine. Blames Biden for not having a spine, worrying too much about Putin's reactions and pushing Zelensky to make a deal. Instead, we should be giving them everything they want: tanks, planes, SAMs, you name it. And if Putin reacts, so be it.

Is the general under the opinion every Ukrainian is a rocket scientists. to learn new unfamiliar, tanks, planes etc in matter of days. And what is he under opinion Russia going to do in the meantime ? Christ, seriously what the fuck do they teach at west point ? No wonder American loose wars. Unless they are going against banana republics armed with actual bananas. Oh, or worse yet the Iraqis.

reservior dogs

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Is the general under the opinion every Ukrainian is a rocket scientists. to learn new unfamiliar, tanks, planes etc in matter of days. And what is he under opinion Russia going to do in the meantime ? Christ, seriously what the fuck do they teach at west point ? No wonder American loose wars. unless they are going against banana republics armed with actual bananas. Oh, or worse yet the Iraqis.
How do we planning on delivering these weapons? You can't exactly hide a tank under your back pocket. Poland already rule out flying Mics out of their airport. If Biden use the U.S. base in Germany, and Russia hits back, do we start WWIII?


Registered Member
How do we planning on delivering these weapons? You can't exactly hide a tank under your back pocket. Poland already rule out flying Mics out of their airport. If Biden use the U.S. base in Germany, and Russia hits back, do we start WWIII?
In any case, wanting to send stuff and the stuff arriving in trained Ukrainian troops, it will be months, multiple months. Russia will have all the East before that and will close his case if Ukraine say enough. Only thing that works his familiar weapons but nobody will risk to share if they are not replace with better right now. So in the end they will receive suv, manpads, atgm and farewells.

Jingle Bells

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General Keane claiming that Ukraine has a chance to win and crush the Russian army in Ukraine. Blames Biden for not having a spine, worrying too much about Putin's reactions and pushing Zelensky to make a deal. Instead, we should be giving them everything they want: tanks, planes, SAMs, you name it. And if Putin reacts, so be it.

He almost brakes into tears in the end at the thought that the war might be over too soon and we might lose the opportunity to crush Russian barbarism once and for all.

I don't know general. I just bought a house and would like to enjoy it for a while and not see the world burn.
Thou shalt naught deprive thy warmongers of their God given rights to war.


Registered Member
General Keane claiming that Ukraine has a chance to win and crush the Russian army in Ukraine. Blames Biden for not having a spine, worrying too much about Putin's reactions and pushing Zelensky to make a deal. Instead, we should be giving them everything they want: tanks, planes, SAMs, you name it. And if Putin reacts, so be it.

He almost brakes into tears in the end at the thought that the war might be over too soon and we might lose the opportunity to crush Russian barbarism once and for all.

I don't know general. I just bought a house and would like to enjoy it for a while and not see the world burn.
A lot of American generals are wannabe MacArthurs, all talk. He went into the Korean war planning to capture Korea and then go all the way into China, using nuclear weapons if necessary. In the end he lost without a nuke being used. That was when China had no nuclear weapons and the USSR had very few. Any nuclear war now would be the end of western civilisation.


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Russian is exposing the Western hypocrisy

and its good to see West getting taste of their own medicine

but Russia needs to be honest with themselves and know that Ukrainians have too many weapons ideal for guerrilla warfare and something has to change on the battle field

Ukraine has now re-taken Irpin and Russians are now on the back foot

they need to withdraw regroup reorganise and come back with infantry and no more armoured columns

around 1,000 Russians vehicles have been 15km from Kiev for almost 5 weeks and they cannot take Kiev

this means they need to try something different otherwise they will lose this war
How do you take Kiev without majorly damaging it?


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They got the commander posting videos on Azov's twitter channel over the last 2 weeks. The previous ones had already gone quiet. If the top Nazis are dropping off like this, there can't be too many soldiers left, maybe 25%.
I think there's still a couple thousand still operating in mariupol
In terms of K/D I think we're looking at between 10-100:1. In other words, Mariupol has been an utter massacre for the Nazis, and urban fighting isn't working well for the Ukrainians.
Doubtful of that ratio, if it was true Mariupol would be in good hands already. Urban warfare is the only viable strategy for Ukraine, and considering the fact that Azov and the rest are still deeply entrenched within vast swathes of the city, its an indication that urban assaults will continue to be an arduous task.
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