Ukrainian War Developments

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Both the Russians and Ukraines still use YMAM and YARM naval mines; it’s unclear which side they belong too and both the Ukrainians and the Russians blame each other for their employment.
The markings on the mines were identified as Ukrainian. So, either trying to provoke an incident or they don't know how to use the things.


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Germany would rather annex Austria like they did in 1938. One day they may try again.
In all the many years of history, Germany and Austria were together in one country for only seven years (1938-1945).
Can you name any significant political party in Germany today that advocates Germany's annexing Austria?


Registered Member
Stop putting words into my mouth. To put it more bluntly, stop LYING about what I write.
Can you QUOTE what you claim that I write?

As I recall, another writer recently complained about being apparently attacked for allegedly being 'anti-China'
(or whatever) simply because he does not swallow all the breathless pro-Russian propaganda that many here spew.

I suspect that I know more than you from personal experience and study about Russian history and culture, which has
many facets good, bad, and in between. When I was there, none of my Russian friends was as pathetically credulous
as many writers here in believing everything that Russia's government claimed.

You have shown that you are fanatically close-minded and deeply intellectually dishonest.
I am very different from the object of hate that you fantasize that I must be.
But I really could not care less about you think because I regard you with absolute disdain.

I would like to see a reunification, preferably peaceful, of China. But if it means that Taiwan's people must be dominated
by a people who proudly believe that 'Might makes right' and would employ every means to crush their resistance,
then I may reconsider. When, if ever, is a political abstraction more important than many human lives?

If Germany and Austria can co-exist as independent countries (both speaking German), then China and Taiwan can too.
Mind you, I would prefer a reunification, but if it does not happen, then it should not be the end of the world.

When paranoid nationalistic Chinese--if that's what you are--treat China's sympathizers in general as their enemies,
they deserve to have far fewer friends.
People living under illegal enemy occupation cannot give consent to a criminal regime. The regime must be removed, and the people reeducated.

That applies to Ukraine as much as it does to Taiwan.

Germany and Austria are independent countries that are free to do what they want.


Registered Member
Stop putting words into my mouth. To put it more bluntly, stop LYING about what I write.
Can you QUOTE what you claim that I write?

As I recall, another writer recently complained about being apparently attacked for allegedly being 'anti-China'
(or whatever) simply because he does not swallow all the breathless pro-Russian propaganda that many here spew.

I suspect that I know more than you from personal experience and study about Russian history and culture, which has
many facets good, bad, and in between. When I was there, none of my Russian friends was as pathetically credulous
as many writers here in believing everything that Russia's government claimed.

You have shown that you are fanatically close-minded and deeply intellectually dishonest.
I am very different from the object of hate that you fantasize that I must be.
But I really could not care less about you think because I regard you with absolute disdain.

I would like to see a reunification, preferably peaceful, of China. But if it means that Taiwan's people must be dominated
by a people who proudly believe that 'Might makes right' and would employ every means to crush their resistance,
then I may reconsider. When, if ever, is a political abstraction more important than many human lives?

If Germany and Austria can co-exist as independent countries (both speaking German), then China and Taiwan can too.
Mind you, I would prefer a reunification, but if it does not happen, then it should not be the end of the world.

When paranoid nationalistic Chinese--if that's what you are--treat China's sympathizers in general as their enemies,
they deserve to have far fewer friends.
I didn't put any words in your mouth, I referred to the author of the paper you linked.

As for the exact words why how I boiled it down the way I did, here they are, quoted straight from the author:

1. Putin dictator bad:
"A long, painful rebirth is the only way forward for Russia. And all these sanctions, the poverty, and the international outcasting
will not be the worst thing we encounter along the way. It will be more terrible when there is no inner rebirth for the Russian people.
Putin is a symptom, not the disease."
2. West democracy good:
"The modern world is separated from most Russians by a revolution, humankind’s most important: the transition from the
supremacy of the collective consciousness to the priority of the individual.
3. Russians are primitive but those who agree with me aren't:
This huge gap in civilisation has not yet been bridged. This is the drama of my homeland: a small number of my compatriots are
ready for life in a democratic society, but the overwhelming majority still bow before power and accept this patrimonial way of life.

I'm not going to talk about the certain island here as that would be off topic. All I am going to say is, a might makes right world isn't the world we chose, but one imposed on us. Having already been imposed, then the choice is to try and win.

Jingle Bells

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Sexist condescension noted, not for the first time by you.

You put words into my mouth--as I pointed out in detail--and you unfairly attacked me.
I did NOT write what you fantasized that I did. At best, you need to improve your reading comprehension in English.
You refuse to offer any apology.

Don't treat me like a child who's too stupid to understand what happened.
Okey, fine, I am sorry. Please don't be mad at me now.
I actually have great respect for you for posting extensively about stories of victims of atrocities like "Rape of Nanking". Although this is not the correct thread to continue that conversation.
BTW, I didn't technically put words in your mouth. I didn't presume your position. I just pointed out that blunt approaches might be more effective and less wordy, even thought they might sound politically incorrect.


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If Germany and Austria can co-exist as independent countries (both speaking German), then China and Taiwan can too.
Mind you, I would prefer a reunification, but if it does not happen, then it should not be the end of the world.

Poor comparison. Germany (as it exists since the German unification) and Austria (as it exists since the Austro-Hungarian Empire) were never the same country. Neither belonged to one another in the first place.


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"Ukraine is better than this, it used to be a little brother to Russia before 2014."

You don't realize how condescending that sounds to Ukrainians.
Do Japanese like to tell Koreans that Korea used to be Japan's 'little brother'?
In Korea's case it's more like Japan abducted Korea and forced Korea to be its domestic slave for 35 years.


Senior Member
Registered Member
Stop putting words into my mouth. To put it more bluntly, stop LYING about what I write.
Can you QUOTE what you claim that I write?

As I recall, another writer recently complained about being apparently attacked for allegedly being 'anti-China'
(or whatever) simply because he does not swallow all the breathless pro-Russian propaganda that many here spew.

I suspect that I know more than you from personal experience and study about Russian history and culture, which has
many facets good, bad, and in between. When I was there, none of my Russian friends was as pathetically credulous
as many writers here in believing everything that Russia's government claimed.

You have shown that you are fanatically close-minded and deeply intellectually dishonest.
I am very different from the object of hate that you fantasize that I must be.
But I really could not care less about you think because I regard you with absolute disdain.

I would like to see a reunification, preferably peaceful, of China. But if it means that Taiwan's people must be dominated
by a people who proudly believe that 'Might makes right' and would employ every means to crush their resistance,
then I may reconsider. When, if ever, is a political abstraction more important than many human lives?

If Germany and Austria can co-exist as independent countries (both speaking German), then China and Taiwan can too.
Mind you, I would prefer a reunification, but if it does not happen, then it should not be the end of the world.

When paranoid nationalistic Chinese--if that's what you are--treat China's sympathizers in general as their enemies,
they deserve to have far fewer friends.
I'm starting to paint a picture of what you are as person, and I commend you as a good person for sticking to your principles and morals. However I don't think scolding people here about being unethical or immoral is going to change the situation on the ground, and the reason why these wars happen in the first place. For this case, US have been openly shown to be aggressive against Russia, forming alliances and plotting to bring down Russia. Ukraine just seems like the final straw for Putin, and for him it has turned into an existential struggle to keep his country's sovereignty and security. His goals for Ukraine, is only one part of the battle, remember before the war, he kept asking for NATO to revert their expansion, and to create a new security framework with EU. When he became the president of Russia, he at first were very cordial and diplomatic with the west, willing to give concessions and such to foster a cooperative environment. But after a decade of trying, it seems like the West just outright wants to destroy Russia, harvest their resources, and subjugate their people.

As for the Taiwan situation, it only became more of a problem for the CPC lately, because of the US wanting to use it as a leverage and maybe a future staging ground for their operation. This is compounded by the current administration in Taiwan, becoming more open about their intention for independence than their predecessor. I'm sure the CPC prefers the status quo from before, and would want reunification based on a modified version of "two systems, one country" used on HK. But now seeing how things have changed, those options might not seem available to them now. Its not even in China's best interest to rule over a population of Taiwan, who would be rabidly hostile to their rule, so military reunification is the last thing they want.

I personally want a peaceful reunification, and I have thought about how to do a "technical reunification" with respect to their autonomy and still be able to satisfy China's security and political needs. I will get around writing it down some day, and post it in the Taiwan strategy thread.


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People living under illegal enemy occupation cannot give consent to a criminal regime. The regime must be removed, and the people reeducated.

That applies to Ukraine as much as it does to Taiwan.

Germany and Austria are independent countries that are free to do what they want.
Amazing! I did not expect such an absurd rationalization.

First of all, you act as if Ukraine were not a sovereign country, but even prewar Russia recognized its independence.
How is Ukraine allegedly under 'illegal enemy occupation'? I think that it's true (though Western media prefer not
to concede it) that Ukraine's elected government was overthrown in an unconstitutional coup d'état in 2014.
But Ukraine's government now seems to have the support of most Ukrainians.

"The regime must be removed, and the people reeducated."

'Reeducated' like in China's Cultural Revolution? I met some of its victims, patriotic Chinese intellectuals.
If that's the fate that you envisage for Taiwan, it will only encourage its people to resist to the bitter end.

Rettam Stacf

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Again, sweetie, you are too wordy. I have no ill intensions towards you. I have just replied to you in a Conversation instead, because I think our conversation could be getting off topic here. Don't want to get us both banned. :cool:
I would not use the word "sweetie" when addressing another forum member. It is disrespectful. And this is not the first time your use it. Call Lapin a troll, a hypocrite, a jerk if you like, I will not care. But please not "sweetie". It reflects badly on you, whom I respect and value many of your comments.
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