Ukrainian War Developments

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so far there is no video of ukraine using medium range SAMs operationally in multi shot engagement.
i dont think slow moving UCAV can identity manpads. unless UCAV has JSTAR type equipment with size and power of airliner.
fundamentally it is still Ka-52/Su-25 with rockets/ machine guns at low altitude fast passes.
I think the purpose of drones wouldn't be to target MANPADs, but artillery, grad launchers, transport, supply trucks. If anything you'd rather let the drone soak up manpad fire because it's better to lose a drone than a helicopter.

You can do the same with Ka-52, or even Su-25 but compare the running costs, flight endurance times, and scalability. Two squadrons of WL-2 would mean you could be continuously harassing Ukrainian lines 24/7.


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Ukraine is winning so much they want to instigate a larger conflict

Doesn't this changes nothing? I read from pro-Russian twitter accounts that Russia is only using 10% of their military assets and troops in Ukraine. If what they said is true, Russia could have prepared for this scenario and would have the ability to rapidly deploy troops there to maintain peace.


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"NATO's gameplan is to win WW3."

No, US imperialism hopes to dominate the world without fighting a Third World War.
But I think that it's too late for the USA to achieve world domination.

“For to win one hundred victories in one hundred battles is not the acme of skill.
To subdue the enemy without fighting is the acme of skill.”
--Sun Tzu

I know they want to keep the world together without fighting and just dominate it but that is not feasible

Other powers are growing and also desire such stages where they REwrite the world into their own image and shape the world after their own image. This is what they seek deep down. Because imagine like Country X will keep growing economically and technologically becoming the leading tech designers in the world do you think they will just settle for second fiddle and finding themselves in US dominated world the answer is no way.

The more powerful someone grows the more desires they will develope and right now it has already happened there is no world order nor a unipolar world anymore but mutlipolar world this is official.

In order to stop that is impossible because they would have to keep the entire world militarily weak and that is not feasible especially with 8-billion population where the world is experiencing a explosion of technology like never before in our history where the pace is ridicolous we are now making 100 years of tech advancement in only 10 years example just 50-60 years ago the pace was not this ridicoulous like now where it was going at 30-40 years advancement compared to the last 100 years


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My twopence - People wondering what Russia's next step will look like, the biggest clue has already been staring at us all along, in what Putin said about his intention to "demilitarise and de-nazify Ukraine", and there's our answer.

How did Germany get demilitarised and de-nazified? Guess what happens once the eastern front is overrun and there's nothing to stop the Russians from west of Dnieper all the way to the Polish border? Only now there's no allied armies rolling in from the west flank to meet the Russians halfway, incidentally where Kiev is situated.

By that point why would Putin still settle for East Ukraine and Maybe-South-Ukraine? Why would he want a repeat of yet another East-West divide and decades of tension and unrest that come with it, when he could federalise the entire Ukraine like how Germany was federalised?

Even if Zelenskyy's govnt negotiated a surrender like Donitz did, then what? Look what happened to the Flensburg administration that attempted to preserve a continuity of government after the German surrender.

With that in mind, who honestly thinks the existing Ukrainian administration would still be allowed to govern by then, and a "Kiev Declaration" won't be made by the Russians?


Registered Member
NATO's gameplan is to win WW3. That is why they were arming Ukraine because otherwise there wouldn't be a reason for that. Winning WW3 goes right thru Russia then onto China, North Korea if they were to achieve that then WW3 is won by the US and NATO giving them the opportunity to re-ethablish a new world order with another 100 years of US world hegemony followed by a long peace where China and Russia defanged and North Korea annexed by South Korea.

But all this is easier said then done. The US has easily trying to manuver itself carefully to winnaable positions such as SK and Japan armaments etc etc everything they do is to setup an environment where the US comes out victorious in the endgame showdown.

Hence why Russia understands this long term game the US is playing which is putting the Americans constantly into winnable playing hands and that is what Russia is attempting to disrupt here.

This is like a poker-table where the US constantly is seeking to encircle it's foes in order to seek winnable playing hands all the time.

Why do you think they have 100.000 forces in Japan and South Korea? Or another 100.000 around the Russian borders. This is someone who is planning meticulously and doesn't want to lose WW3 and his obsessed with it because he is the only one who understands the amount of glory, wealth and prestige that comes with winning a World war hence they wanna make sure the US wins again in order to launch another 100 years of US world hegemony..

You can basically rewrite the whole world on your image if someone wins that is what is at stage here which is significiant
@Arnies bro to win WW3 against Russia is a wet dream cause IF they truly believed in their conviction then we all perished. What I know is that Western Elite had use Globalization to create a pyramid economic caste system where They dictate policy. Like China as the world factory, Russia a resource provider, India to serve tea and answer their call and the Gulf State their petrol station. Each country had given a set of criteria to perform and IF they deviate they will be punished. BUT they don't understand that the victim also hold a bigger gun and they're willing to used it.


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Just by sitting on DNR/LNR indefinitely with Russian peacekeepers, you can defacto prevent NATO membership without seeking a dejure legally-binding treaty to cement neutrality.
Was NATO's potential future expansion into Ukraine a *proximate* cause or justification of Russia's invasion?
No, because any potential threat to Russia was too far removed and could have been addressed first without war.
One should not kill a child, for instance, simply because one's afraid that he will grow up into a terrorist.
Ukraine wanting to become a NATO member was not the reason for the Russian invasion. It is because the far-right have been weaponized as a tool to terrorize the Luhansk and Donetsk republics and have been doing it for years. That isn't something that can be ignored, and inserting a peacekeeping force isn't going to deter the neonazi looneytunes with nothing to live for to stop. No country worth its salt is going to tolerate that, period.


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@Arnies bro to win WW3 against Russia is a wet dream cause IF they truly believed in their conviction then we all perished. What I know is that Western Elite had use Globalization to create a pyramid economic caste system where They dictate policy. Like China as the world factory, Russia a resource provider, India to serve tea and answer their call and the Gulf State their petrol station. Each country had given a set of criteria to perform and IF they deviate they will be punished. BUT they don't understand that the victim also hold a bigger gun and they're willing to used it.

If you study the US military manuvers and the way they move around then you will know that they believe in WW3 eventually happening down the road and it is not merely a fiction but they plan for it and do alot of stragetic positioning for it.

Like the Russian encirclement or the Chinese backyard deployments all of this are not a coincidence but it came via planning and someone whos counting on an endgame.

It is not your words that reveals who you are but your stragetic movements because they speak louder then any words. Russia fully understands what the US endgame manuvering is all about and they have zero doubts about the US.

Will the US win I don't think so personally but all I know is they have been doing movements that suggest a long term preparations for it and it is crystal clear.


My twopence - People wondering what Russia's next step will look like, the biggest clue has already been staring at us all along, in what Putin said about his intention to "demilitarise and de-nazify Ukraine", and there's our answer.

How did Germany get demilitarised and de-nazified? Guess what happens once the eastern front is overrun and there's nothing to stop the Russians from west of Dnieper all the way to the Polish border? Only now there's no allied armies rolling in from the west flank to meet the Russians halfway, incidentally where Kiev is situated.

The analogy with the eastern front in WW2 illustrates precisely how absurd the current invasion is. Operation Barbarossa saw Germany and its allies commit over 4 million men to the invasion of the Soviet Union, while by war's end the Red Army numbered over 11 million drawn from a population not much larger than Russia's today. Even accounting for changes in warfare that shift the relationship between manpower and capability, Russia's invasion force of 200,000 men is woefully inadequate for the task of conquering Ukraine, let alone maintaining control over it. It's clear that Moscow planned to emulate the western "war on terror", i.e. to wage war without major transformation of the home front. The rosy assumptions underpinning this strategy lead directly to the present quagmire.


Registered Member
Doesn't this changes nothing? I read from pro-Russian twitter accounts that Russia is only using 10% of their military assets and troops in Ukraine. If what they said is true, Russia could have prepared for this scenario and would have the ability to rapidly deploy troops there to maintain peace.
If Azerbaijan launches a full scale attack on Karabakh it will be difficult for Russia to defend it. The 2020 was short but very bloody, however civilians were mostly spared. Azerbaijan taking Stepankert would be a humanitarian disaster. This is definitely not something Russia wanted to see. Worst case scenario it finds itself fighting a two front war with Azerbaijan and possibly Turkey.

Western attitudes were largely pro-Armenian in that conflict, I wonder how they will see the situation now.
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