Ukrainian War Developments

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Scott Ritter, Andrei Martyanov. Also some US general I can't remember the name. The Russian Army also made an official announcement on losses recently which claims an even more disproportionate ratio.
First one is a sex offender and frequently posts RT op-eds. Second one is a clear anti-US partisan that claimed "Russia had caught up with the US". Anonymous US general lol. Yes, because the Russian Army has no reason to push their narrative.

This is as silly as the 15 to 1 kill ratio the Ukrainians have been pushing


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And, now, the Senile One calls for regime change:

Biden says Putin ‘cannot remain in power’ as he assures Ukraine: ‘We stand with you’​

'For God’s sake, this man cannot remain in power,' Biden said during a speech from Warsaw, Poland

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You’ve heard of Idocracy, well, this is an Idiodyssey, and we’re all (except for China and North Korea, Lol) sailing on ships Captained by fools!

You don't think North Korea is run by fools? Maybe you'd like to move there? No? I didn't think so.



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First one is a sex offender and frequently posts RT op-eds. Second one is a clear anti-US partisan that claimed "Russia had caught up with the US". Anonymous US general lol. Yes, because the Russian Army has no reason to push their narrative.

This is as silly as the 15 to 1 kill ratio the Ukrainians have been pushing
"First one [Scott Ritter] is a sex offender and frequently posts RT op-eds ..."

Argumentum ad hominem. Yes, Scott Ritter was convicted of sexual offenses in the USA.
How is that supposedly relevant to his military or political analysis?
Should WikiLeaks be completely ignored or censored because Julian Assange was accused of rape?

Scott Ritter regularly wrote (past tense) for RT. So did more than a few other Westerners.
Since Russia invaded Ukraine, however, he has written nothing (as far as I know) for RT.
Indeed, almost all Westerners who used to write for RT have fallen silent, either by choice or because they are no longer welcome.

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, who became close to Ritter in the 1990s and appeared as a character witness at his April 2011 trial, said that
Ritter "understands the Arab world in a way that few Westerners I know do. You have no idea how smart he is"."

Jingle Bells

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You don't think North Korea is run by fools? Maybe you'd like to move there? No? I didn't think so.

View attachment 86018
Oh, well, I don't think Fatty III is as foolish as you wish he is. He is playing his game quite well. At least he DIDN'T blindly trust his "Big Brother Overlord" (either China or Russia) as much as Ukrainian leadership did with the US and EU.


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"First one [Scott Ritter] is a sex offender and frequently posts RT op-eds ..."

Argumentum ad hominem. Yes, Scott Ritter was convicted of sexual offenses in the USA.
How is that supposedly relevant to his military or political analysis?
Should WikiLeaks be completely ignored or censored because Julian Assange was accused of rape?
Accused is different from convicted, yet Assange has actually contributed things of value instead of repeating wild statistics to curry favor with the Kremlin.
Scott Ritter regularly wrote (past tense) for RT. So did more than a few other Westerners.
Since Russia invaded Ukraine, however, he has written nothing (as far as I know) for RT.
Indeed, almost all Westerners who used to write for RT have fallen silent, either by choice or because they are no longer welcome.
Understandably due to the fervent Russophobia.
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, who became close to Ritter in the 1990s and appeared as a character witness at his April 2011 trial, said that
Ritter "understands the Arab world in a way that few Westerners I know do. You have no idea how smart he is"."
Doesn't make his takes any better


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Moderators will need to do some kind of clean-up... it's just turning into a mud fest in the past few days.
I recall being personally attacked (though I have not bothered to reply so far) by someone upon the basis of what
he presumed about my nationality (which I never mentioned). Not everyone here is a narrow-minded tribal nationalist.

Laßt das Licht des Friedens scheinen, daß nie eine Mutter mehr ihren Sohn beweint.


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That phallocentric rhetoric is gratuitous and sexist.
Unfortunately, that's too common and accepted in male-dominated spaces.

Here are some comments by Melissa Chan (criticizing John Mearsheimer's views on Ukraine):

"Mearsheimer’s argument is basically the “she wore a short skirt” justification."

"As a woman covering foreign policy, and simply as a woman in society who sees regular justification of male violence, in this case it’s
Putin’s toxic masculinity against Ukraine — but Mearsheimer’s position isn’t just a “take,” it is morally deplorable and based on misogyny."

I don't necessarily agree with Melissa Chan on many issues, but I concur that there's regular condescension (at best)
toward women who dare to think independently and express their views in male-dominated spaces.

I often have heard that women are too soft and too emotional to think objectively about war or military history.
So it's better to stick to having babies.
I think Melissa Chan here is missing the point about realism. Realism cares not for your feelings or morality or toxic masculinity or any of that, realism looks at historical patterns and nature of people and use it to predict the future. Historical pattern says when a small nation next door to a large nation gets uppity and start causing trouble, sooner or later it will be slapped down. It happened to Cuba, it happened to Vietnam and now it's happening to Ukraine. Is it fair? Maybe not? But realism is not concerned with fairness or niceties. You can say Mearsheimer’s argument is basically the “she wore a short skirt” justification, but guess what? He predicted there will be a war in Ukraine decades ago and he was right on the money. Can you say his theory is wrong? Just because it hurts your feel feels?


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I think Melissa Chan here is missing the point about realism. Realism cares not for your feelings or morality or toxic masculinity or any of that, realism looks at historical patterns and nature of people and use it to predict the future. Historical pattern says when a small nation next door to a large nation gets uppity and start causing trouble, sooner or later it will be slapped down. It happened to Cuba, it happened to Vietnam and now it's happening to Ukraine. Is it fair? Maybe not? But realism is not concerned with fairness or niceties. You can say Mearsheimer’s argument is basically the “she wore a short skirt” justification, but guess what? He predicted there will be a war in Ukraine decades ago and he was right on the money. Can you say his theory is wrong? Just because it hurts your feel feels?
Bet she didn't even listen to the whole speech


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You don't think North Korea is run by fools? Maybe you'd like to move there? No? I didn't think so.

View attachment 86018
Surely, flag-waving Americans have no reason to worry about the DPRK's development of ICBMs, right?
(From whom do Americans imagine that the North Koreans must have 'stolen' their ICBM technology?)

Kim Jong-un was a dealt a hand of cards that's very different from that given to Donald Trump or Joe Biden.
Within the rules of *his game*, however, Kim Jong-un seems to have done fairly well, staying in power.
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