Ukrainian War Developments

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There has been some discussion here for what is the minimum for Russia to get in order to come out of this strategically , at the very least, neutral.

For me, anything else than Russia getting (annex/puppet/vassal) Eastern Ukraine and South Ukraine is a failure

The costs that Russia has paid are too big for only getting some little territory
This war has been a unmitigated disaster for Russia politically, economically, diplomatically and militarily. But I don't think they at this point have much of a choice. They simply don't have the military and economic resources to win this war and domestically the war is also unpopular. Better to cut their losses now. At least that's my view of the announcement.


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Rethinking about the true objective of this war, and i got confused...
Like, the original objective was to overthrow the Zelensky government, denazify the military apparatus, etc and install a Pro-Kremlin lead government right?
Then the whole narrative change and now the true objective is actually liberating most of Donbass and Luhanks region now?


Registered Member
Rethinking about the true objective of this war, and i got confused...
Like, the original objective was to overthrow the Zelensky government, denazify the military apparatus, etc and install a Pro-Kremlin lead government right?
Then the whole narrative change and now the true objective is actually liberating most of Donbass and Luhanks region now?

The true objective has never changed. Its the media that had the false idea what this original objective is. As a result the UKR digged down a large portion of their forces at the north and around Kiev while the real attack was east and south.


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Everyone seems to have their own definition of what success for Russia is. Some go as far as the annexation of all of Ukraine into Russia.
There has been some discussion here for what is the minimum for Russia to get in order to come out of this strategically , at the very least, neutral.

For me, anything else than Russia getting (annex/puppet/vassal) Eastern Ukraine and South Ukraine is a failure

The costs that Russia has paid are too big for only getting some little territory


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Kiev made that decision because the neo nazis ultranationalist made a threat to Zelensky any retreat or withdrawal will lead to them turning their guns on him. So the Ukrainian forces will be encircled and bombed to pieces. Seems the Russian strategy was to encircle the major cities to prevent reinforcements. And likely when the Donbass pocket collapses they will go through every major city in the east one by one. Odessa will likely be the last battle.


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Kiev made that decision because the neo nazis ultranationalist made a threat to Zelensky any retreat or withdrawal will lead to them turning their guns on him. So the Ukrainian forces will be encircled and bombed to pieces. Seems the Russian strategy was to encircle the major cities to prevent reinforcements. And likely when the Donbass pocket collapses they will go through every major city in the east one by one. Odessa will likely be the last battle.
I can't believe they are really letting their troops die for reddit points. Is the info war really that important? These people are bloody insane.


Senior Member
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Rethinking about the true objective of this war, and i got confused...
Like, the original objective was to overthrow the Zelensky government, denazify the military apparatus, etc and install a Pro-Kremlin lead government right?
Then the whole narrative change and now the true objective is actually liberating most of Donbass and Luhanks region now?
What is the true objective? I thought that we couldn't trust any of Russia's proclamations because they always lie and change... After all he did say that he was not going to invade Ukraine, but then he did. So Putin might have been lying about denazifying and demilitarizing the country.
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