Ukrainian War Developments

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Junior Member
Russia was the one who violated not one, but two Minsk agreements due to their '''creative''' interpretations, were already interfering militarily long before Zelensky's time, and knew full well the NATO talk was hot air because no country has EVER entered the alliance while suffering from internal conflict. It's time to call a spade a spade, and this war an imperialistic conquest driven by opportunistic greed.

corruption in NATO is no different from corruption in Russia. Only reason corruption in Russia is getting more attention is due to NATO propaganda

Calm down the projection


Registered Member
Rethinking about the true objective of this war, and i got confused...
Like, the original objective was to overthrow the Zelensky government, denazify the military apparatus, etc and install a Pro-Kremlin lead government right?
Then the whole narrative change and now the true objective is actually liberating most of Donbass and Luhanks region now?
Putin hasn't said the objective was to overthrow Zelensky. He has specified that he isn't interested in "regime change". Of course he may change his mind and do just that, but we'll see.

As for if there's been a change in what his goal is, we'll have to wait and see. If it was to only liberate Donbass then it doesn't explain why Ukrainian cities outside the region are being switched over to the Russian language and currency.

To me, I don't see how he can claim to have achieved the objectives he has set out without taking over the whole of Ukraine.
For example this statue in Lvov:

It will need to be pulled down like the Saddam statues in Baghdad. The Ukrainians won't do it themselves so it is down to the Russians. He can withdraw once it's done but it will need to be occupied.


Senior Member
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Rethinking about the true objective of this war, and i got confused...
Like, the original objective was to overthrow the Zelensky government, denazify the military apparatus, etc and install a Pro-Kremlin lead government right?
Then the whole narrative change and now the true objective is actually liberating most of Donbass and Luhanks region now?
I’m also confused. When did Russia say they wanted to completely invade ukraine? or overthrow the entire govt? Or take kyiv? I remember denazification, demilitarization, recognize Donbass and crimea as separate from Ukraine.

Let’s also call a spade a spade, Ukraine goaded Russia to take military action. The Ukrainian president’s right hand man even said so in 2019. Ukraine played with fire, now they are getting burned, sadly.


Lieutenant General
Registered Member
Yeah… the state of the army caused by crippling corruption is the reason why 3/4 forces are ‚in reserve‘
Yeah. And because of corruption the Russians ran out of cruise missiles last week. Right? Oops.
Do you know Russian cruise missile engines used to be manufactured in Ukraine prior to 2014?
Well they haven't been for quite a while already. This is why Ukraine thought they knew how many cruise missiles the Russians had.
But, they don't know how many cruise missiles Russia manufactured since with their own engines.
Quite a lot it seems.
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Bill Blazo

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While there's a lot of attention on Mariupol for understandable reasons, there's actually a far more important battle happening around the Izium area right as we speak (has been going on for a few days now). There's a huge fog of war in this area precisely because the fighting is so ferocious and geographically extended. The Russians seem to have captured Izium itself and established pontoons over the Donets River, both of which are significant developments. If the Russians had the numbers here, one major blow would end the war in a few days. But they're only attacking with what looks like 4 or 5 BTGs. What's still unclear to me is the status of Sukha Kamyanka, the village to the south of Izium where heavy battles are raging. And another big unknown is the disposition and concentration of Russian forces on the right bank of the Donets. Anyone have any new details about this sector?

obj 705A

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Russia's objective is to take full control of Ukraine, from east to west and from north to south. some people talk about how Russia would leave western Ukraine for Poland, in reality Putin will not allow Poland to get even a single Ukrainian Village.
So while the "I stand with Ukraine" crowd would like to believe that Russia will make do with a tiny area in the east (as if Russia is lacking landmass) and leave Ukraine, the reality is that the war is only beginning, as the Russian MoD said all of that was just the first stage.

it's not like Putin just randomly decided to invade Ukraine and is now just making decisions on the fly.
obviously his generals presented him with every single possible scenario of how the war would go, so nothing that happens would surprise them (including the sanctions).
they studied all those scenarios extensively (possibly for several months) and definitely already studied and estimated all the timeframes and casualties in every single city.
Russia sent a relatively small force to Ukraine (only 150-200k, probably because they need the rest of Russian army to guard it's own border plus Belarus against any possible adventure from NATO against Russia/Belarus) so they cannot just blitz through all Ukrainian cities. instead they have to focus on one area after another, this tactic is very similar to the tactic used in Syria.
in Syria the SAA didn't have enough forces to attack all rebel areas simultaneously so they instead chose to encircle and infiltrate rebel areas one after the other while the majority of the rest of the army focusses on just defending and holding territory instead of advancing.
The peace talks will fail, in these kind of wars every body talks about how important it is to have a peace deal but in reality these wars are always decided militarily, the only use of peace talks is PR.
IMO the war will last much longer than some may believe, personally I wouldn't be surprised at all if it lasts till the end of this year.


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It looks like the Russians have accepted they can't win this war. Now they are going to make up a story, declare victory and leave.

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Nonsense, for anyone that has been following this conflict, the focus always has been the Donbass, it's even part of the negotiation points for ceasefire which is recognize the DPR and LPR, actually the most difficult part for Ukraine to swallow. It's either you recognize it or we force you out.

Demilitarization is going underway as the Ukrainians aren't even able to mount a proper counter-attack.

Denazification... I guess taking out Azov battalion? That will take much more than 120,000 troop tho.
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