Ukrainian War Developments

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I don't know. Go and ask Turkey or Ukraine this question. Plus TB2 is not a consumable, single-use drone if you care to do some reading. It carries and releases munitions. And yes, those munitions need to be replenished by Turkey.
As far as I know the agreement between ukraine and turkey does not cover munitions. Most probably they are used as recon assets, being much more suitable for this role.

Delicate handling of civilian population and infrastructure garnered a lot of popular support here and i suppose also in ukraine. A few months later, after the dust of misinformation settled down people in ukraine will be thankful for the restraint shown by russians despite losses and provocations. This will prevent the area from turning into a septic pit spewing forth disese and destruction in the long run.

Bill Blazo

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Apologies again if it's already been reported, but numerous videos and photos are coming out showing that Slavutych has fallen to the Russians. It's a small town of 25,000 in the north, just west of Chernihiv. Holding it allows the Russians to secure the western road towards Chernihiv, thus reinforcing the siege of the city and making Russian forces less susceptible to those devastating Ukrainian ambushes and counterattacks, which have wreaked havoc throughout the north.


Senior Member
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Apologies again if it's already been reported, but numerous videos and photos are coming out showing that Slavutych has fallen to the Russians. It's a small town of 25,000 in the north, just west of Chernihiv. Holding it allows the Russians to secure the western road towards Chernihiv, thus reinforcing the siege of the city and making Russian forces less susceptible to those devastating Ukrainian ambushes and counterattacks, which have wreaked havoc throughout the north.
There are reports coming in that the civilian population has complained en masse of the Russian presence there. It shouldn't be surprising, that is predominantly Ukrainian speaking and ethnic Ukrainian in that Oblast.


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l like how liveuamap will automatically update the map when an Ukrainian counterattack and recapturing of a village happen but whenever the Russian forces shown some of their success (for example; capturing the town of Slavutych), it took them hours or even days to update it!
What a double standard....
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