Ukrainian War Developments

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Lieutenant General
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  • Russian forces continue to go over to the defensive, conducting restricted and localized ground attacks that make little progress.
After pushing forward in the initial stage they are clearing the units trapped in the rear areas before moving forward again. Examples being Mariupol and Izium. The Russians do not have enough troops to continue pushing forward while leaving those places surrounded in their back.

  • Ukrainian forces are conducting limited and successful counterattacks around Kyiv to disrupt Russian operations to encircle the city (which has now become extremely unlikely) and relieve the pressure on the capital.
Nice of the Ukrainians to leave the city and come out in the open where Russian aviation can hit them.

  • The Battle of Mariupol continues as a block-by-block struggle with fierce Ukrainian resistance and limited Russian gains.
"Limited" compared with what? Mariupol had twice the population of Fallujah and had like 3.5 times the combatants in it.
Seems to be going pretty fast to me.

  • Russia is likely struggling to obtain fresh combat power from Syria and elsewhere rapidly.
Russia is rejecting some volunteers. That should be telling you something.
I think Russia will get all the mercenaries and volunteers they need.

  • The continued involvement of the Black Sea Fleet in the Battle of Mariupol reduces the likelihood of an amphibious landing near Odesa, Russian naval shelling of Odesa in recent days notwithstanding.
No shit Sherlock. They unloaded a large part of the Marines and their equipment in Berdyansk days ago.

Local Ukrainian officials claimed on March 23 that Ukrainian forces have encircled Russian troops in Irpin, Bucha, and Hostomel.[4]
So the Russian Paratroopers have set themselves up as bait. I do not know how well they will be able to do their task. But if the Ukrainian Army's past "successes" at Hostomel are any indication I remain highly skeptical the Ukrainians will have much success now that the VDV reinforced and dug in. Even with their light equipment.

The mayor of Kyiv claimed that Ukrainian troops have almost pushed Russian forces out of Irpin.[5] The mayor of Irpin claimed that Ukrainian forces controlled 80% of the city as of March 23 but noted that the Russians continue to fire mortars and Grad rockets at the town and that Russian saboteurs and looters are pervasive.[6]
The Russians are not using mortars. They are using artillery. This includes howitzers and MRLS. So far I have not seen them use unguided long range fires into urban centers. Outside sure.

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Yeah. Zelensky is winning but wants more tanks and missiles. He seems to want more anti-tank missiles a day than Russian committed tanks to this operation total. This is quite interesting considering Ukraine has more operational tanks than, say, Poland has. The only NATO members with more tanks are the US and Turkey. And Ukraine upgraded a lot of those tanks with 3rd generation thermals, and improved integrated digitized battlespace communications suites courtesy of NATO. None of which the Russians have even in the T-72B3M which still uses 2nd generation thermal. In fact the Ukrainians have more of these tanks than the Russians committed to this operation total I think. So how come they can't seem to make a single successful combined mechanized operation?

It's just the northern theater that has been catastrophic.
I agree. And if the damaged tanks we saw there when the operation started are any indication that is where the Russians have sent their best armored units. The second line troops seem to be doing better than them so far. Then again they might have been in a holding pattern until the forces near Mariupol broke through.

Appeasement is never the smart way to treat a bully. If Putin wants to open Pandora's Box maybe Sevastopol gets glassed for his trouble. Hell, by what we're seeing in Ukraine the West wouldn't even need nukes. The West, and US in particular, has one weakness and it's the fact that the Democrats are in power for now.
Sure. And then Putin can glass Miami or some place like that. Perhaps he can do a real live demonstration of Poseidon on the Florida coast so we can see its effects live instead of on a crappy computer rendered animation. Do you even know Russian official nuclear doctrine? It is published. Attacking Russian territory, and the Russians consider Crimea to be their territory, with nukes is cause for them using nukes too.

Fresh assistance station opened by Russians to help the civilian. I think from this you can get an idea on the progress of fighting around Mariupol, how much of the ground is under Russian control and how much of of the city is lift in Ukrainian hands that they can be bothered to do this at this time.
Yeah if you believe the Ukrainian NED funded press the Russians cannot supply their own troops. Yet here they are handing out food to the civilian population. They did the same to Kherson. A city with 283 thousand people. Makes perfect sense I guess.
Right. I forgot. Russian supply sucks.

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Did they not give Samsung an exemption so they could sell smartphones to Russia. Which Samsung then decided not to sell in Russia anyway because they thought it would be better press? How come China cannot sell consumer grade electronics to Russia? Oh right. Huawei is also supposed not to buy SoCs for smartphones unless they are Qualcomm 4G SoCs. Nice free market you have there. Shame if we broke it.

German buyers are going to pay premium to secure the gas and German customers are going to see their bills up to the roof.
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Well it is not like a Soviet built refinery connected to a Russian oil pipeline supply would be easy to change. You would need to reverse pipeline flows from that Polish port in the map to it. Maybe. Does it support reverse flow even? You would also need to change its configuration to the new oil they got for it whatever that would be. I am sure the Poles are already doing that to their oil refinery. Maybe. The Russians and the Poles have had a beef with regards to this for quite some time. The Poles wanted to nationalize their oil pipeline to Belarus. The Russians then decided to do "maintenance" on their side of the pipeline and closed oil supply for a couple of months. Oops. I think there is a Russian oil pipeline doing maintenance right now as well.

India is third in line to be destroy by the west, maybe they sorta just realized that with Russia being economically brought to its knee in 72 hours.
If they do not mind becoming a Western colony again then India can break ties to Russia in a snap.


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The full video has dropped for the prank against Ben Wallace.

He shits on France/Germany for being part of the Minsk agreements, in reality they were the only reason they were signed.
Mentions that the UK will be providing some sort of anti ship missile to be used against Russians in the Black sea.
The UK will try to enter the Black Sea to provoke the Russians - not sure how he'll manage this as the Turks have closed off the Black Sea to everyone.
UK was a strong proponent for Ukraine to join NATO, I'm not sure this was a secret.
NATO is having trouble supplying Ukraine as they are currently only using one of two possible supply routes. Not sure if he means countries or individual routes.
100 UK troops were deployed to Ukraine prior to the war, and possibly still are? He uses both past and present tense.
He thinks Russians shouldn't be able to demand anything from negotiations, and should just withdraw.

Two parts were edited out as apparently they could affect UK national security.

Incredibly incompetent of the defence minister to fall for a prank like this. They were trolling from the first question, asking to form a union with the United Kingdom, LOL. In a normal world he would be expected to resign for this, but it looks like it will just be covered up. No mention of it on the BBC.

If he really is saying these things to Ukraine then they really will be punished by Russia, and there's every chance the conflict will move to the next country.
The gift just keeps on giving -



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Russia is a resource rich state but has no manufacturing to utilize it. Corruption is their biggest and greatest enemy. It is why they are not a superpower. Their elites benefits from this corruption and then are lured to western capitals to hide their wealth and enjoy their lifestyle and women. You can say the soviet union fell because Gorbachev sold the decaying empire for some Mcburgers and some fries.

But that world is ending.

For over 30 years, the west has done a fantastic job in keeping Russia weak. They lure the corrupt elites to their lands, thereby tacitly encouraging their corruption and then on the other hand, sell the promises of globalization to them and they tell Russia to play the role of the commodity supplier. Russia supplies the resource and they get the goods and access to western superior tech and even societies for the few elites.
[China was the cheap goods manufacturer and India, the software experts]

Things will change now. A new order is happening and Russia must first gain some self respects and stop selling themselves to the west. Putin's biggest task should be ending the corruption.


Lieutenant General
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It was hubristic for the Russians to believe, if they ever truly believed it, that Ukraine would be an easy fight. The assumption that they should have made, which was actually very evident, is that because Ukraine was well equipped with anti armour weapons, MANPADS, artillery, and drones, that the Ukrainians would be determined to fight, and they'd at least be the equal of the Chechen Rebels of the 90s and 2000s, but even better equipped, even though Russia has much greater fire power and would be able to exert aerial domination.
What makes you think the insurgents in Syria don't have decent anti-tank weapons and MANPADS? The Russians have been fighting a similar insurgency there for quite some time already. They have seen that crap before. They also fought the Turkish drones in Libya. Or at least their mercenaries did. The fact the Ukrainians seems to have collapsed as an organized army is, I think, way more telling.

As such, the Russians should have launched themselves into battle very cautiously, combining probing attacks, with slow advanced of armour, fanning out of infantry to protect armour from ambushes but also more likely prevent ambushes, while never making advances of large combat formations for ahead of logistics, while delivering heavy aerial and artillery attacks on any moderately sized concentrations of Ukrainian forces as they advanced...
But there weren't any such Ukrainian concentrations? Except for those in the static formations near the Donbass.

Using these high tech planes to drop dumb bombs is a bit of a waste... they are still pretty tho.
The Russians probably have enough of those bombs to do WW2 twice or thrice over. Better use them before they spoil. Leave the rest for NATO if they get uppity.

But in some ways the dependency is so deeply embedded in the *infrastructure itself* that replacing the Russian imports is far harder than just deciding to buy stuff elsewhere.
Yeah it is not as easy as they think. You could like replace half the Russian energy imports in 5 years. Maybe two thirds in a decade. but I kind of doubt it. At least it won't happen if they keep dragging their feet about alternatives. They are still banking on Iran saving their ass or something like that. Well Iran won't help with the gas situation and no one can. People are doing the wrong math since it is not just Europe who will be dropping Russian gas and oil but South Korea, Japan, Taiwan too. There will be a huge crunch and massive sucking sound as their economies get into a massive recession.

The context is Hitler's decision not to use chemical weapons in the Second World War.
What's relevant is what Hitler believed, not what some other Germans might have assumed.
"He didn't have any problem using chemical warfare against his own civilians if they were Jews."

That shows (at best) a major misunderstanding of context.

Chemical warfare refers to the usage of chemical weapons in the context of a battlefield.
It does not refer to a method of execution (even mass execution) of incarcerated people.
When some US states execute prisoners in gas chambers, should the USA be criticized for using chemical warfare?
You do not use toxic nerve agent to do that. They probably use carbon monoxide or something like that.

During the First World War, Hitler was temporarily blinded by a mustard gas attack.
I suspect that his personal experience resulted in some aversion toward chemical warfare.
Yes. He had eye problems until he died. This is the reason he did not want to use chemical weapons in combat. They are also a mess to use in actual practice. He wanted to avoid the static warfare of WWI. In mobile combat chemical weapons make no sense really. They have really limited narrow use cases.

Notice the word "NOW" in that statement. How nice of them.


Junior Member
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After pushing forward in the initial stage they are clearing the units trapped in the rear areas before moving forward again. Examples being Mariupol and Izium. The Russians do not have enough troops to continue pushing forward while leaving those places surrounded in their back.

Nice of the Ukrainians to leave the city and come out in the open where Russian aviation can hit them.

"Limited" compared with what? Mariupol had twice the population of Fallujah and had like 3.5 times the combatants in it.
Seems to be going pretty fast to me.

Russia is rejecting some volunteers. That should be telling you something.
I think Russia will get all the mercenaries and volunteers they need.

No shit Sherlock. They unloaded a large part of the Marines and their equipment in Berdyansk days ago.

So the Russian Paratroopers have set themselves up as bait. I do not know how well they will be able to do their task. But if the Ukrainian Army's past "successes" at Hostomel are any indication I remain highly skeptical the Ukrainians will have much success now that the VDV reinforced and dug in. Even with their light equipment.

The Russians are not using mortars. They are using artillery. This includes howitzers and MRLS. So far I have not seen them use unguided long range fires into urban centers. Outside sure.
Just so you know, I don't write the ISW assessments so can't really answer for them :)


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Official Russian casualties.
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The Russian military said 1,351 service members have now been killed in Ukraine, with 3,825 wounded. It was Russia’s first update on combat casualties in more than three weeks.
I believe that they are significantly higher, but no where near as high as Western or Ukrainian figures either...
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