Ukrainian War Developments

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reservior dogs

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What does this have to do with Tibet or Taiwan?

Most countries started off as separatist states at some point. Should China stop recognising them? You look at each case individually. This conflict is a mess and is poorly understood by people outside the region. It's better to not get involved than to pick sides.
Phead128 is plugged into the inner working of the Chinese government and knows what what China will and will not stand for. In fact, he is the "self appointed" spokesperson for Chinese policies.


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China should offer to secretly cooperate with western sanctions in a limited way (like how China enforces sanctions on North Korea selectively) in exchange for lifting the sanctions on Huawei and other tech companies. The west won't accept of course, but it would remind them that losing China's friendship has a cost


Registered Member
It would but this time the breach of sovereignty is more obvious than Crimea.

China's biggest diplomatic principle is respect for sovereignty and UN rights. China has used a lot of this rhetoric as part of its international image (1st and 3rd world).

What's happening now might be too blatant for China to play the double game it played in Crimea's UN vote. Ofc it all depends on how the West drafts the UN Security Council resolution. If they are smart they would include a lot of "sovereignty" "UN rights" etc

In any case, China is a world power so it should be expected by the international community that sometimes it will bend the rules if necessary. In this case, as you said, Russia is far too important for China to score an own goal in order to please the West.

This is what I think will happen:
1% to vote yes with the West
95% abstain
4% to tote no
China can just repeat the principle of "self determination" and "people's will" that were used by the west in breaking up Serbia, and using it on China about Tibet, Xinjiang and Taiwan. I'd be glad to see how the west play against their own principles.

There are many principles and China don't have to stick to only one of them to keep the west happy. For the non-western people such as the you-know-whos, it is necessary for them to remember that China can be a little "evil" if necessary.


Junior Member
How long did Zelensky domestic address last? 10 min?

Russia will establish FOB's in both regions but I think Mariupol is next since Ukraine will collapse once landlocked and that Crimea needs a more stable water supply.


Registered Member
China should offer to secretly cooperate with western sanctions in a limited way (like how China enforces sanctions on North Korea selectively) in exchange for lifting the sanctions on Huawei and other tech companies. The west won't accept of course, but it would remind them that losing China's friendship has a cost
no way. What a back stabbing suggestion?! You trade your ally that you just said having unlimited friendship for a company? If you want to sell out China's reputation, at least ask for a better price. It does't matter if the west accept or not, it is China's reputation and future at stake. It is nothing for trade or play with.

China agreed to sanction on NK because China object NK being nuclear armed. China disagree with the US only because US is the trigger.

In Ukraine, China has determined that NATO and US bears full responsibility.
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