Ukrainian War Developments

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Future relationship with Ukraine, does Ukraine have a future ?
In 1944-45, the USSR most likely could have invaded and conquered Finland if Stalin had decided that it was worth the cost in blood.
Instead, Stalin was satisfied with a permanently neutral and largely demilitarized Finland (its air force limited to 60 combat aircraft).

I don't expect that all Ukraine will become part of the new Russian Empire.


Lieutenant General
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Most of the action seems to be happening in the Donbass front and in Mariupol. It is basically a slug fest. Just yesterday there were reports of Russian Su-25 flying over the Donbass Ukrainian lines and blowing shit up. The Russians are also bombing the rail yards the Ukrainians are using to resupply their forces in the Donbass. So I expect the Ukrainian supply situation to get worse. The Russians also seem to be continuing to do attacks of opportunity with cruise missiles basically everywhere based on intelligence. Some small towns in Donetsk have also been captured.


Lieutenant General
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Anything that comes from pro-Ukraine related media should be taken with a grain of salt the size of Texas..

Really .. and anything comming from the pro-Ruussian side is nothing but the truth and facts!?

I think anyone with a decent rationale knows pretty sure that the truth is one of the first victim of any war but I find it - to put it mildly - that some here still think this is a justified war against a Nazi-regime, that only military targets are attacked and destroyed and that the Russian mission is progressing as planned.

We should take ANY claim if not substantiated by image proof with a huge grain of salt.


Lieutenant General
Registered Member
I am against the Russian invasion of Ukraine. But ignoring what is happening and putting faith in fantasies is not going to help.
Do you think if the Ukrainians had the control over the situation they claim to have the Russians could just waltz in on their capital like that?

Right now you have people saying stupid things like the Russians will run out of fuel and ammo in 3 days. Ludicrous.

Even when we have videos of Ukrainians attacking what are Russian armored formations poorly screened with infantry the Ukrainians do a damned poor job at attacking it.

And as for if the Russian mission is "progressing as planned" or not. I doubt the Russian plan is static. And it clearly does not have taking Kiev as the major initial objective like I hear some people talk about. The disposition of forces clearly shows their main objective is the Eastern and Southern part of the territory.

And you are the one who claimed the Ukrainian government had no neo-nazis in it. When they are officially integrated into their armed forces and have high positions in their government's defense apparatus. I called this out and you still refuse to believe it. Delusional.

Zelensky also banned all opposition parties in Ukraine just a day or two ago.
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Richard Santos

Registered Member
Really .. and anything comming from the pro-Ruussian side is nothing but the truth and facts!?

I think anyone with a decent rationale knows pretty sure that the truth is one of the first victim of any war but I find it - to put it mildly - that some here still think this is a justified war against a Nazi-regime, that only military targets are attacked and destroyed and that the Russian mission is progressing as planned.

We should take ANY claim if not substantiated by image proof with a huge grain of salt.

it’s not a justified war against a Nazi regime. It is a justified war to retain credibility of strategic deterrence and with it the ability to conduct independent foreign policy. For a nuclear power to Threaten another’s strategic deterrence and then blaming him for reacting violently would have been self serving cynicism of the most contemptible kind.

would have been, but not quite, because the same power manage to be even more disgusting by touting as a page of glory in its history and sign of its own greatness it’s own readiness to invade cuba for the very same reason in 1962.
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Registered Member
Really .. and anything comming from the pro-Ruussian side is nothing but the truth and facts!?

I think anyone with a decent rationale knows pretty sure that the truth is one of the first victim of any war but I find it - to put it mildly - that some here still think this is a justified war against a Nazi-regime, that only military targets are attacked and destroyed and that the Russian mission is progressing as planned.

We should take ANY claim if not substantiated by image proof with a huge grain of salt.
The difference is, Ukrainian propaganda is being amplified and validated by western governments and media and anything "pro-Russian" is being silenced. Not only is RT blocked and banned everywhere, Russian government sites are being actively DDoSed. The only way to get anything in the non Russian speaking world is a few small telegram channels and twitter pages which are quickly also being shut down. The viewship is in the thousands, as opposed to millions on the Ukrainian side.

I don't recall any previous western war that had this level of censorship. Putin has always controlled media in his country, just like China does. We're now living in a world where we are seeing the same behaviour from the west, if not worse.

Even things coming out of Ukrainian sources like the taliban style street whipping of their own citizens are being censored, something you yourself have done.

Given that your government is as we speak thinking about pushing the self destruct button by stopping gas imports from Russia at the behest of the Americans you'd think a few more Germans like yourself would want to hear what the opposing view was before making the decision. Apparently not it seems.
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