Ukrainian War Developments

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Moderator - World Affairs
Then you have a war with NATO
The moment 5000 US troops crossed over the border into Ukraine is the moment NATO is at war with Russia. A Russian FOAB blowing up 5000 US troops is just icing at the cake at that point.

If NATO had the audacity to send 5000 US troops over the border, then it should have made preparations for an expanded war with Russia, but there is zero indications that NATO mass-mobilized for a potential escalation of conflict with Russia based on troop movements, supplies, preparations, etc...

Afterall, wasn't NATO screaming about potential Russian invasion non-stop for 3 months? Why didn't NATO prepare mass mobilization if it was planning to intervene in Ukraine during these 3 month period?


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They are mostly stuck there...they cannot do a full retreat. Yep they can go back slowly but Ukraine have mostly destroyed all bridges to cross the Dnieper River. They will all gonna die if they keep their vehicules because they will bottleneck at the few places they could cross and they don't have air cover. It's becoming old fashion city block per city block and trench warfare.

If Russia can bring the troops to engage them, desperate fighting can bring a lot of messy stuff.

Ukraine forces have the joyful choice of retreat and get carpet bombed or stay and get TOSed....
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