Ukrainian War Developments

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Do you really believe that Sweden/Finland are suicidal?
People still don't get the full gravity of this current conflict. Similar to what the west has grasped the full gravity of Taiwan with China.

First of all, all of us arm-chair generals must understand that US/China/Russia are brutally rational countries. Otherwise, Cold War would have been ended with nukes, somewhere some scale. The fact that the Cold War 1.0 was ended peacefully speaks volumes on a megaton scale.

With that, the development of NATO vis-a-vis former Soviet republics is viewed as an existential threat to Russia (the nation). But the same cannot be said to NATO, particularly US, which is just icing on the cake.

I am not sure if any of you have engaged in a real street fight of life-or-death. I fully believe Putin will use tactical nukes in those buffer countries, if he believes the his current engagement is failing. And I can bet my house that NATO would not declare war overtly against Russia, even that worst case scenario actually happens. The calculation is as simple as I said above.

Taiwan issue is even more existential to China than Ukraine to Russia. Hence the readout of the latest Xi-Biden meeting. Mind you that this is the first time in my lifetime that I see the China readout starts with Biden's words, instead of Chinese leader's words. And please re-read what Biden said to Xi at the beginning of the meeting. So that is abundantly clear that Biden admin has been mis-judging China's bottom line as well as China's strategic aim. I will guarantee you, as someone grew up in China, that China would do WHAT-EVER-IT-TAKES when the war over the Taiwan Street finally breaks out (God forbidden). And US would absolutely not escalate to the levels that China would be willing.

So please, put some sanity into a real war. Emotion destroys money in stock markets but destroys lives in real wars.

Yes, if Sweden or Finland finally joins NATO, that would be suicidal in my books. And mark my words, those 3 little Baltic states will somewhat move toward neutral in the future, in essence if not on face.


Registered Member
Here's a jem from David Frum a staff writer at The Atlantic.

This Canadian is a real piece of work.


Exactly. They didn't force them to join. The baltic states ASKED to. Why?

I know, I know, you don't like the answer. You like to pretend that America's so lovable and Russia's naturally hated, but continuously asking the same question ignoring the answer you don't like isn't going to help you or to de-clutter the forum.

Black Shark

Junior Member
Of course. You have replied with something unrelated. How is Russia dropping the Biolab claim related to anything American or Chinese? I mean it's well know that the Russian propaganda machine is working based on throwing as many claims as possible. What was said early in the war was dropped for the next thing and the cycle starts again.

Not that I care about Chinese feelings in a Ukraine War thread.
So Russian "propaganda" lied about biolaps from the US in the Ukraine?

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Jingle Bells

Junior Member
Registered Member
It's been deleted now....

EDIT: here's a screenshot

Are there also other type of screenshots like webpages screenshot on computer instead of an Iphone to prove it authenticity? And, what is the source? Why was it posted and deleted later?
Are hackers capable of hacking into website and making it?

These are all question that needs to be asked in order to increase the believability and authenticity of this piece of information.

We are serious about authenticity and reliability of information on this forum.
If you are willing, please follow up on this. We would love to see more evidences and details about this media incident.

Black Shark

Junior Member
Kinda funny how that video doesn't say what you think it does. No surprise Russia dropped that claim.
"We fear that the Russians might get their hands on these substences" Yeah this is directly admission that the shit is there. You haven't either watched what was posted or being student to western school system prevents you from understanding, I guess the second is the sad case.
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