Ukrainian War Developments

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Black Shark

Junior Member
Thanks to Putin's actions NATO is good for another 50 years and will almost certainly expand to include Finland and Sweden, as well as a re-armed Germany.
I have really bad news for people who are believing to much what the West says. There will be no more NATO within the next few years. Russia said it will restore the borders of 1997, it is of course unlikely that it will be exactly as this, but NATO will lose members within the next year or so. Russia will place missiles in Cuba and from that the de-escalation will go. US will have to get rid of their AEGIS and nukes or else they will be subject to military intervention.

This is a great time to be alive. We are seeing history being written. I enjoy this and the West will fall, it is inevitable :D


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So if they were allied with Britain Hitler wouldn't steamroll them? An alliance didn't help Poland.

America's strategy seems to be to sign alliances with as many countries as possible. China's is to develop strategic partnerships. I think China's is better in the long run.

Pakistan is a Chinese ally. If India invaded Pakistan unprovoked China would help. But if Pakistan provoked India into a conflict China wouldn't be obliged to help. That sort of arrangement is healthier because it doesn't give the smaller partner a carte blanche to start bigger conflicts.

Even after Ukraine if Putin doesn't continue provoking NATO, what happens if in 5-10 years Poland decides to elect a far right leader who wants war with Russia? He could quickly engineer a situation that allows him to trigger article 5. Is NATO going to go to war because of what Poland does?
In as much as Aliances are risky, I have to say America's approach is smarter and beneficial to Washington.

It locks countries to US led institutions, supply chains and ecosystems.


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Moderator - World Affairs
Neutrality doesn't make sense if the rabidly anti-Russian regime in Kiev is still alive. Basically, a half-crippled angry dog is still a threat despite whatever paper treaty may say otherwise. If I was Russia, I would take the entire nation and eliminate this threat once and for all. If NATO wants to share a border, atleast it is on Russia's terms along Polish border, not on NATO's terms along Donbass border.


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There is absolutely no figures mentioned in that source that twit linked at all.

Did you even bother reading it ?​


Western propaganda must really be getting desperate.

"Минобороны РФ опровергает информацию украинского Генштаба о якобы маштабных потерях ВС РФ на Украине. По данным Минобороны РФ, в ходе спецоперации на Украине ВС РФ потеряли убитыми 9861 человека, ранения получили 16153 человека.

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The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation refutes the information of the Ukrainian General Staff about the alleged large-scale losses of the RF Armed Forces in Ukraine. According to the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, during the special operation in Ukraine, the Russian Armed Forces lost 9861 people killed, 16153 people were injured.

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Junior Member
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Of course. You have replied with something unrelated. How is Russia dropping the Biolab claim related to anything American or Chinese? I mean it's well know that the Russian propaganda machine is working based on throwing as many claims as possible. What was said early in the war was dropped for the next thing and the cycle starts again.

Not that I care about Chinese feelings in a Ukraine War thread.

It was dropped from western msm propaganda cycle, they have their own busy schedule of FUD for your consumption.


Senior Member
Registered Member
Of course. You have replied with something unrelated. How is Russia dropping the Biolab claim related to anything American or Chinese? I mean it's well know that the Russian propaganda machine is working based on throwing as many claims as possible. What was said early in the war was dropped for the next thing and the cycle starts again.

Not that I care about Chinese feelings in a Ukraine War thread.
Who cares about FEELING in War??? LOL
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