Ukrainian War Developments

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Informed or uninformed public opinion doesn't matter when you have nuclear bombs detonated on top of your house. And after that you also have radiation.

So, freedom/democracy/sovereignty doesn't matter if Putin says to them don't join NATO. They can either hold their noses and keep things the same, or get obliterated. See? Who said Putin is a dictator, he even gives them a choice:
"Choose between life or death"

Do you really believe Putin is suicidal?


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"Минобороны РФ опровергает информацию украинского Генштаба о якобы маштабных потерях ВС РФ на Украине. По данным Минобороны РФ, в ходе спецоперации на Украине ВС РФ потеряли убитыми 9861 человека, ранения получили 16153 человека.

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The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation refutes the information of the Ukrainian General Staff about the alleged large-scale losses of the RF Armed Forces in Ukraine. According to the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, during the special operation in Ukraine, the Russian Armed Forces lost 9861 people killed, 16153 people were injured.

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Yeah I read the link as well. No mention of the sentence you wrote from what I can see? Maybe they deleted it?


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Let's assume 9k deaths and 16k wounded is accurate; for such a high intensity war that had such a rough start and still is restricted by an ROE that no american commander would accept; it is surprisingly few in number.

Keep in mind this is a war where the enemy shoots back and even launches artillery and drone strikes against your troops, while you arent allowed to just flatten a town because of a single sniper taking potshots at you.

Generally, this is in line with Russian war experiences. Even in Syria they managed to lose valuable troops and not to mention Wagner mercenaries. As long as their units are still able to sustain the offensive due to replenishments, losses are irrelevant.


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China is not relevant if the topic is about Russia's propaganda. Some people in Moscow must be shocked how useless their Information war attempts are.
Russia can care less about the propaganda... the US/West may win the propaganda war yet Russia will win the battlefield in Ukrainian soil.

You may read about the immense propaganda resources here:

People Overestimate The US War Machine And Underestimate The US Propaganda Machine (2022-03-20)

Thus Kiev may look like to win the war in mainstream media circle while indeed it's Russia that comes out victoriously LOL

Btw if you watch
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as I am doing you will learn how the Financial Times is preparing its British readers to face reality that the Ukro force is losing in Donbass.... a gradual shift in narrative by one of the major propaganda tools favored by Washington D.C. and Pentagon circles. Also the London Times, the Daily Telegraph.
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Of course. You have replied with something unrelated.
It's related to what you said. Not related to the thread, thought you were confused.
How is Russia dropping the Biolab claim related to anything American or Chinese?
Did Russia drop that claim? I'm not aware. What was the source?
I mean it's well know that the Russian propaganda machine is working based on throwing as many claims as possible.
You've perfectly described American propaganda. Because of this, now, the word genocide gets thrown around to describe anytime more than 1 person is killed. China genocide; Myanmar genocide, Russia genicide, blah blah everybody who the US doesn't like genocide LOL
What was said early in the war was dropped for the next thing and the cycle starts again.
Right, that's how the US tries to make things stick with China. It might not be relevent to the conflict how the US behaves, but it sure is ironic that an American or American supporter would point out such a thing.

But, once again, did Russia drop the claim? They renounced it?
Not that I care about Chinese feelings in a Ukraine War thread.
Well, the US government seems to care a lot. Wayyy too much, as a matter of fact; it's really annoying.
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Jingle Bells

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"Минобороны РФ опровергает информацию украинского Генштаба о якобы маштабных потерях ВС РФ на Украине. По данным Минобороны РФ, в ходе спецоперации на Украине ВС РФ потеряли убитыми 9861 человека, ранения получили 16153 человека.

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The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation refutes the information of the Ukrainian General Staff about the alleged large-scale losses of the RF Armed Forces in Ukraine. According to the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, during the special operation in Ukraine, the Russian Armed Forces lost 9861 people killed, 16153 people were injured.

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You need to take a screen shot of that quoted sentence on the page. I don't see it either.
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