Ukrainian War Developments

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The harder and more decisive Russia wins in Ukraine the more likely they will both find it nessesary to join NATO.

Russia needs to make a strong statement that any attempts to further enlarge NATO, which includes bringing in Sweden and Finland will leave Russia with no other choice but to increase its number of active nuke warheads to 1990 level and continuously build up its arsenal to reach a minimum of 100,000 active warheads. Essentially just turn the entire world into a powder keg and periodically blackmail NATzO with nuclear annihilation. Also, add a clause in the Russian constitution that a USSR like breakup will require the Russian military to launch all their nukes on NATzO targets. Problem solved.


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Perhaps Russians should depose Putin, put the CIA lackey Navalny in charge and join NATO .Russias security interests would be taken care of
If CIA-controlled Russia attempts to joins NATO, then China should go to war with Russia to prevent NATO on it's doorsteps. An shared NATO border along China's northern border would be the biggest existential threat to China since the Mongol Empire and Xiongnu Confederation. China should go nuclear WW3 to prevent NATO on it's doorsteps.


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There was, though not openly in Finland for obviously reasons with their Soviet overlords watching them closely.
Finland couldn't join then and Sweden didn't need to and didn't want to with neutrality serving them very well through two world wars.
Why "couldn't" Finland join then but can now? The biggest threat during the cold war was nuclear war, that's not changed.

The only argument seems to be killing Ukrainians is worse than killing other eastern Euros.


The Capitalist
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I keep hearing the word "shelling" applied to everything Russia's doing, so I decided to write a Journalist's Guide To Russian Shelling:
500kg ODAB fuel-air bomb: shelling.
Iskander SRBM: shelling.
Kalibr cruise missile: shelling.
Kinzhal aeroballistic missile: shelling.
152mm artillery shell: bombing.
Feel free to add to the guide.
Well what do you expect, these are the people that post a picture of a slightly armored car and call it a tank!

Jingle Bells

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I think my post was misunderstood. I am not advocating for the country/government, or even people of Ukraine. China bought some tech/hardware from Ukrainian companies. Those were bought and paid for. I am advocating for the Ukrainian individuals who have chosen to study/work/live in China. China is responsible to the Ukrainian expats for their Chineseness as they are a part of our country.
Well, the thing is, we would have helped Ukraine since many years ago, with their military and civilian technology. But they were quite snobbish and think little very little of Chinese technology and products. 052D, 039A, J10 and a whole range of drones would have first prevented Ukraine to ever even have to worry about their security (thus don't feel as big of an urge to join EU/NATO, just to "counter" Russia).
And with security taken care of, they could certainly benefit from better and larger volume trade. Ukrainians could have been in a much better place right now.

Now that their leaders are accusing China for not providing arms and weapons. Well, they could have asked for Chinese weapons long long long before the war. But they never did. Why should we give them anything now? Beside all the other reason to not give them weapons.


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Here's a chance for China to play Mr Nice Guy. China can organize delivery of humanitarian materials to cities currently under siege. Before I'm accused of being a bleeding heart idealist, here's some cold rational analysis:

Any western/Ukrainian humanitarian effort will be rightfully met with suspicion by the Russian, and they don't have the time/manpower to check every cargo for weapons or munition, hence the Russian will not let them through for sure. And the Russians themselves already have their logistics stretched to the limit and having trouble supply their own troops, let alone delivering food/medicine to civilians.

China come to the rescue, they can simply send supplies through Poland border towards the eastern cities. Russia can trust China to not slip in weapons so it will work. China can loudly say for all the West's so called support, it is Chinese supplies that actually reach those that need it the most. Foster good will from both sides of the war, set up for a better position to play mediator sometime down the line.... and eyeing postwar reconstruction contracts as well.

Didn't the Ukrainian vice president say that they needed guns and not bed sheets?

Jingle Bells

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Concerning Mariupol. Of course, full-fledged humanitarian corridors will not work there. People will go out en masse where the Russian military and the military of the DPR can provide it.

The proposal of the option with "brown buses" and the surrender of weapons was rejected, so that the further development of the assault on the city will continue.

The task of the Nazis, according to Zelensky's gang, is to die in Mariupol, after killing as many civilians as possible and causing the largest possible destruction.

21 March 2022:
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That's typical "killing two birds with one stone" tactic. Zelensky sure is a sneaky tactician, destroying those disobedient far-right militias and smearing and damaging Russian forces at the same time.

He does have the black cold heart to be the next dictator of Ukraine.
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