Ukrainian War Developments

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MANPADS are against air targets and currently aren't suited(Not that you can't) to engage ground targets sensor wise (especially older MANPADS ) neither are they suited to engage tanks or anything remotely armored that can withstand 14,5 mm or more since their Directed-energy blast fragmentation warheads are fairly small and well fragmentation warheads....

However, MANPADS and ATGM fusion is on it's way.
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Evolution wise it makes sense. A lot of ATGM's can already be used to down slow and low-flying targets like heli's.
And if you're going to be adding optical seeker especially multichannel ones. Which is what said ATGM will likely have and pretty much all of them will have sooner or later. Might as well make those anti-tank guided missiles even more multipurpose then they already frankly are.
ADATS was such a weapon, albeit vehicle-launched. Starstreak (a MANPADS) has some anti-armor capability but definitely not tanks.

"A demonstration was conducted in September 1999 that showed the missile being used against an
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, showing the missile's effectiveness as a surface-to-surface weapon.
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Each sub-munition dart travelling at 4,500 kilometres per hour (2,800 mph) has comparable
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to a shell from a
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] However, it lacks the armour penetration capabilities of a purpose-built
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or of a dual purpose missile (such as the
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). "


Registered Member
ADATS was such a weapon, albeit vehicle-launched. Starstreak (a MANPADS) has some anti-armor capability but definitely not tanks.

"A demonstration was conducted in September 1999 that showed the missile being used against an
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, showing the missile's effectiveness as a surface-to-surface weapon.
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Each sub-munition dart travelling at 4,500 kilometres per hour (2,800 mph) has comparable
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to a shell from a
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] However, it lacks the armour penetration capabilities of a purpose-built
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or of a dual purpose missile (such as the
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). "
With Starstreak it's more interesting than just secondary capability: they are moving to add Martlet capability to starstreak launchers.


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Some are worried about an insurgency for Russia. but typically managing the insurgency is the easy part. British Empire did it all the time. there's Russian speakers in Ukraine. Make them a ruling class with privileges. Ukrainian speakers are made second class citizens. Arm the Russian Ukrainians while disarming Ukrainian speakers. Support the Russian speakers with Russian army units.

Now the Russian Ukrainians have the motivation to put down any insurgency. They'll be a hated collaborator class so they know if they don't put down the insurgents, they end like Rwanda. So they'll be motivated to use an iron fist and accept all Russian aid. That's the stick. The carrot part is that any Ukrainian who proves Russian ancestry and Russian language ability can be admitted to the ruling class.

Is this brutal? Yes. Does it work? Also yes.
That sounds too complicated. If it ever got that bad the whole of Ukraine would get a one way ticket to Siberia.

Just eliminate the establishment and key figures and create some denazification camps that all Ukrainian citizens need to go through. Demilitarise the whole region and Ukraine becomes a Belarus at worst.

Personally I think it'll be more like Chechnya, and the Ukrainian anger will be redirected west.


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With Starstreak it's more interesting than just secondary capability: they are moving to add Martlet capability to starstreak launchers.
That would be a different missile though.

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As in you could either fire a Martlet at an armored vehicle or a Starstreak at an aircraft.


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No, it's just blocking NATO's expansion Eastward.

NATO is not actually threatened by this, they are just pretending they are threatened, because it benefits Lockheed Martin.

This is Russia defending, not aggressing. NATO is still the aggressor.
An alliance is just an agreement made on paper. If Russia invades Latvia or a Baltic country and threatens a full nuclear response if anyone gets involved. Do you think Americans are all going to agree to die in a nuclear war for Latvia? They'll finally do what they've refused to do so far in this war and sit down with Putin and sort out a deal.

The only real alliance in the western world is the Anglo-US one, and maybe a Franco-German one.


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Here's a chance for China to play Mr Nice Guy. China can organize delivery of humanitarian materials to cities currently under siege. Before I'm accused of being a bleeding heart idealist, here's some cold rational analysis:

Any western/Ukrainian humanitarian effort will be rightfully met with suspicion by the Russian, and they don't have the time/manpower to check every cargo for weapons or munition, hence the Russian will not let them through for sure. And the Russians themselves already have their logistics stretched to the limit and having trouble supply their own troops, let alone delivering food/medicine to civilians.

China come to the rescue, they can simply send supplies through Poland border towards the eastern cities. Russia can trust China to not slip in weapons so it will work. China can loudly say for all the West's so called support, it is Chinese supplies that actually reach those that need it the most. Foster good will from both sides of the war, set up for a better position to play mediator sometime down the line.... and eyeing postwar reconstruction contracts as well.
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