Ukrainian War Developments

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This (Glasgow) dude, Juan Sinmiedo, posted many videos on Mariupol, the fortunate local residents who survive the detentions as the Human Shields... as well as some torture videos of the civilians by various armed elements of Ukraine. This one is merely an intro of what are posted there.

Take a look there on your own... plenty!

His backup ID at Twitter just in case being nuked:
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No wonder there are many vids!

His Telegram Channel is more descriptive!

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Some one spotted this special account of "Juan Sinmiedo / Fearless John Ukraine VIDEOS of Human Right Abuses"... he wrote an informative article to put these works at the spotlight! Just happen to stumble across this article, merely by pure chance. Btw this blog has some other interesting pieces to read further... just check it if you have the reading interest... worth to take a look around there :rolleyes:

Shocking Footage From Ukraine Depicting Nazis Torturing Civilians and Prisoners of War


shocking footages of UKRAINE.jpg

Ukraine is NOT the country you see depicted by the mainstream media.

The Zelensky regime is a THUG REGIME and they’ve unleashed a wave of murderous and torturous criminals upon their own population.

Keep in mind that approximately half of Ukraine is ethnic Russian, and the Kiev regime persecuted, tortured, maimed and murdered ethnic Russians since 2014.


This is why Putin calls for the denazification of Ukraine.

He’s not crazy, but the controlled mainstream media will never show you these images.

Go watch it and spread the word while this is still up on Twitter.

Some of the footage is shocking.

To summarize it, random civilians, as well as the military and various neo nazi elements are currently declaring people who refuse to be conscripted or speak Russian in public as traitors, and they are torturing them and publicly humiliating them.

Juan Sinmiedo alias Fearless John Ukraine VIDEOS of Human Right Abuses March 2022 Collaged-1.jpg

Juan Sinmiedo alias Fearless John Ukraine VIDEOS of Human Right Abuses March 2022 Collaged-2.jpg

Juan Sinmiedo alias Fearless John Ukraine VIDEOS of Human Right Abuses March 2022 Collaged-3.jpg
Just screenshots of the posts for some idea... actual contents are VIDEOS!

So called looters are probably starving people stealing food.

Truth be told, this doesn’t really look like a healthy/open society, but hey, what do I know?
( . . . )

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Juan Sinmiedo at Twitter
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His backup account at Twitter just in case being nuked:
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No wonder there are many vids!

His Telegram Channel is more descriptive!

Juan Sinmiedo / Fearless John Ukraine VIDEOS of Human Right Abuses
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Lol, of course they would not come to china. They would go to Poland where they can keep resisting the Russians.

Welcoming some Ukrainian refugees is actually a good idea for Chinese government to appear neutral

Keep in mind that back in 90s and 2000s, china got a lot of help from Ukraine in military projects.
C'mon, needless to say... China is so populous... let the migrant issue be taken care by the followers of the "land of freedom and democracy"... the Anglo brotherhood of "The Land of Unlimited Opportunity", the Canuck Land, the ex-Penal Colony.... they are all extremely spacious, esp. the population of both CAN and AUS are just a fraction of China's. All CAN - CHN - USA have almost the same size of land area, just count how many head counts they have today! Hint: Worldometer

Btw if the Ukrainians are not choosy, I guess Russia may accept them to fill up her Far East region in controlled relocation. The Bear Land is also extremely spacious!
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Mainland is VERY VERY different from Hong Kong. Mainland is a post Cold War simple clean nouveau riche wonderland façade over a Cold-War Armageddon Total-People's-War (热核时代的人民战争) militaristic society. You guys have no idea what China was like even before late 1990s, especially what the rural communities.

It was people's war, in a manner even more militaristic than Imperial Japan, and much more deadly than NRA. It used to be that in体和coastal regions, village level “production team” (生产大队)are structured as militia units and their own rifles and bombs. They used to have armed conflict (武装械斗) with each other all the time. “Production team” (生产大队)was even able to make their artilleries and engage in armed conflicts with neighboring "Production team".

If you read Chinese, go and google "武装械斗", and read up all the stories you can find.

This one:
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talks about a 2003 such conflict in Guangxi where both side actually pull out home-made forged cannons. And the government mobilized as much as a whole regiment of PAP, in order to put down the conflict.

Hong Kong is pretty much a western style free society compare to Mainland, down to the inter-person level.
don't have to tell me about mainland being much more aggressive than HK at least in the past. I didn't know that situation still happened in the 2000's, I do know that it happened in the Cultural Revolution and even after the Cultural Revolution in the 80's there was a huge crime wave that resulted in 严打。

however today, China has become much more liberal and less militaristic. that is why I am concerned about fascist infiltration.


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Gen Patraeus on the prospects of Russian defeat in Ukraine. He gives the Ukranians a fighting chance to repel Russians in Kyviv due to in his opinion woefuly insufficient Russian troop numbers to take a city of that size. He hopes they continue fighting for as long as they can in Mariupol to wear down the Russian war machine. His ending note unfortunately cast doubt on the soundness of his judgement : "The people [in Iraq] welcomed us ... I cannot imagine a situation where everyone hates you and much of the adult population is trying to kill you". Talk about drinking your own Kool-Aid.

It does make me wonder what to what extent these people really care about the Ukraninans ... In the words of colenel Douglas Macgregor: "The Ukranians are almost incidental to the operation" and that "they are there to impale themselves on the Russian army and die in great numbers" for the ultimate goal of destroying the Russian state and Vladimir Putin.
Can anyone here tell me just what's so great about General Horn dog Petraeus? What did he exactly do that has gained him so much pseudo expertise on conventional war when his supposed non-existent expertise was based off on his vaunted COIN tactics which was essentially BRIBING SUNNI Fighters in AL-Anbar and surrounding areas of Baghdad. The dude was wounded by his own soldier that was conducting training under his command (freak accident) and the former head of the Army who now runs the Institute for Study of War (ISW) was his commanding officer that literally held on the dying Petraeus, got operated by then Sen. Bill Frist? who was a surgeon at the time of the accident.

Other than that, Gen. Petraeus was not some battlefield commander with towering battlefield success, and besides fighting against the overwhelmingly weak, decrepit Iraqi forces ain't something to brag about.


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Belarus has started building up its military units on the border with Ukraine

VIDEO - ASB Military News - 21 March 2022
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RUSSIA SHOULD START PRINT LEAFLETS and distribute it to Mariupol, the besieged armed men lost their communications and they are not aware of the latest development. I wish the betrayed cannon fodders in Mariupol will settle with the Kiev regime directly as some observers have said about the Kiev regime concerns to have these people return safely to Kiev! Check Alex Christoforou, Alexander Mercouris among others on why Kiev does not accept the Russian offer to have the Ukro resistance force in Mariupol imcl the Azov Battalion to surrender to save their lives.

Check this interesting segment of Alexander Mercouris 2022.03.19:

- Why Kiev does not accept Russian offer for the surrender of Ukro force in besieged Mariupol
- The sign of future confrontation between US - China

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Russia: "We call on Ukrainian army, territorial defense battalions, foreign mercenaries to stop hostilities, surrender arms and leave Mariupol via humanitarian corridors agreed with the Ukrainian side to Kiev-controlled territories. Safe exit is guaranteed to all who surrender arms," he said.

"In case Kiev official once again betray you and order to die as martyrs, we call on those who care about their own lives: you can do it (surrender arms and leave the city - TASS) by your own in groups," - TASS

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Can anyone here tell me just what's so great about General Horn dog Petraeus? What did he exactly do that has gained him so much pseudo expertise on conventional war when his supposed non-existent expertise was based off on his vaunted COIN tactics which was essentially BRIBING SUNNI Fighters in AL-Anbar and surrounding areas of Baghdad. The dude was wounded by his own soldier that was conducting training under his command (freak accident) and the former head of the Army who now runs the Institute for Study of War (ISW) was his commanding officer that literally held on the dying Petraeus, got operated by then Sen. Bill Frist? who was a surgeon at the time of the accident.

Other than that, Gen. Petraeus was not some battlefield commander with towering battlefield success, and besides fighting against the overwhelmingly weak, decrepit Iraqi forces ain't something to brag about.
Well, there are a lot 'Rent-A-General' on TV now days, and he is not the first one that being worshiped by media or general public. Douglas McArthur would be the most "famous" one that the only accomplishment was ordering fire on protest WWI veteran in DC.
Lost Philippine to 30K IJP, ran to Australia and left his command to rot in Japanese's POW camp. Got beaten by PVA in Korea, screaming wants to use nukes on China, Truman fired him, got a triumph parade back home, being quoted to death by idiots.

Jingle Bells

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don't have to tell me about mainland being much more aggressive than HK at least in the past. I didn't know that situation still happened in the 2000's, I do know that it happened in the Cultural Revolution and even after the Cultural Revolution in the 80's there was a huge crime wave that resulted in 严打。

however today, China has become much more liberal and less militaristic. that is why I am concerned about fascist infiltration.
The society structure of China is essentially a fully organized society. It's not an open society like the West. "严打" or the Cultural Revolution has little to do with this structure. China is always going to be a fully organized society. It's already a very close-knit society.

Regardless of whether Cultural Revolution will happen or not, 械斗 will always be a reality in the vast rural area (even in cities). Cultural Revolution is simply a period with heightened level of turmoil as a result of an exploding population as an aftermath of end of civil (and external invasion) war and rapidly increasing average life expectancy. This is exasperated with China's bad external environment: bad relations with west, plus worsening relations with USSR and her allies. This vastly limited our country's ability to grow economy, create jobs and develop/acquire technology to deal with the many problems rising from an fast booming population growth.

And since we were during the cold war in which we don't have the techno-industrial capacity to stop the USSR or USA beyond our borders, the only possible way to survive is People's War: fight them in our own homeland, mobilize the entire population against them. This is why such structure of organization is set up from the bottom up. And since we have such structural organization, it is inevitable that turf conflict between the lowest level units will occur here and there.

Even to this day, such structure is still in place. The reason we are not aware of its nature is because we are no longer in the Cold War and no longer anticipating a total People's War, fighting the US or USSR on our homeland; And we are in a very good globalized network of trade, which provide ample room for economic growth, technological development and job opportunities; And our population growth are actually pretty much grinding to a halt. This is why we are not aware of any of these.

This is why, I am not that surprise and appalled by the Neo-nazi, Azov in Ukraine. I think they are stupid, silly and wrong. But I also think they are quite sad: they don't even know why they are adhering to such idiocy.

And this is also why the Chinese diplomats, politicians are unusually calm, nice, peaceful and non-aggressive, given China's capabilities for violence. It's not because Chinese people are just nice. It's because once that redline is passed, this country will turn into a violent chauvinistic militaristic monstrosity, revert back to that Cold-War era reflexes and collective impulses. The only difference, is that now, this country has the technological and industrial capabilities to exert violence and destruction far beyond its borders.
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although I strongly support China staying out of the Ukrainian war mess except helping broker peace and settlement, I am deeply sympathetic to Ukrainians that are on their way or already part of China (through either immigration or marriage). I seriously hope Beijing will be generous in letting the families of Ukrainian expats China settle in China.
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Definitely. Anything to remotely improve the chances of the Chinese men's football team. Even a 1/4 Shevchenko would help!
All jokes aside, it is the right thing to do. Before Ukraine got infiltrated by the West, they certainly contributed greatly to China's technological development. I know we paid for it with $$$ but they were willing to help so its only good karma to lend a hand when it is the humanitarian thing to do.
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People Overestimate The US War Machine And Underestimate The US Propaganda Machine (2022-03-20)

By CAITLIN JOHNSTONE - March 20, 2022

US War Propaganda Machine.jpg

Twitter's algorithm has promoted a Ukrainian news channel called the "The Kyiv Independent", which has allowed it to gain two million followers since it was formed in November 2021 by the European Endowment for Democracy, a spin-off of a CIA-front organization called the National Endowment for Democracy.

The Kyiv “Independent” and European Endowment for Democracy, a spinoff of the US government-fu...png

The co-founder of NED, Allen Weinstein, famously said, "A lot of what we do today was done covertly 25 years ago by the CIA".

Allen Weinstein, the co-founder of NED, the CIA-front organization called the National Endowme...png

The channel promotes highly biased content in favor of Zelensky and the western powers that want to escalate the war between Russia and Ukraine to include NATO and U.S. forces.

The outlet is being so loudly amplified by Twitter that one of its reporters (who calls the neo-Nazi Azov Battalion his “brothers in arms“) has gained a million followers since the start of the Russian invasion.

Do you see how sophisticated just that one tiny component of the US-centralized empire‘s propaganda campaign is?

How many seemingly disparate and unrelated elements it has?

Multiple countries, NGOs, an ostensibly independent social media platform, an ostensibly independent news outlet.

Truly, one of the most under-appreciated and overwhelmingly powerful forces on this earth is the US propaganda machine.

The ability to manipulate public thought, not just within the United States but across vast swaths of nations, has allowed it to manufacture international consensus for whatever agendas it wishes to advance in a way that eclipses the collective organizing power of official international bodies like the United Nations.

( ... )
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People Overestimate The US War Machine And Underestimate The US Propaganda Machine (2022-03-20)
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By Pedro L. Gonzalez | March 15, 2022

The Western intelligence apparatus has been busy in Ukraine. With financing and collaboration through various non-governmental organizations, it won the information war with the help of Ukrainian media before Russia ever fired a shot in February. Even the country’s newest publications, like the Kyiv Independent, have received support and funding from institutions associated with the Central Intelligence Agency.

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'CIA sidekick' gives £2.6m to UK media groups

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| DECLASSIFIED UK - 2022-01-17

A US government-funded agency that claims to promote democracy but which helps undermine governments independent of Washington has moved decisively into Britain’s media space since 2016.

National Endowment for Democracy (NED) has funded groups such as Bellingcat, Index on Censorship, Article 19, Finance Uncovered, and the Thomson Reuters Foundation

Former CIA officer tells Declassified the NED is a “vehicle” for US government “propaganda”

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Trojan Horse: The National Endowment for Democracy – William Blum

How many Americans could identify the National Endowment for Democracy? An organization which often does exactly the opposite of what its name implies. The NED was set up in the early 1980s under President Reagan in the wake of all the negative revelations about the CIA in the second half of the 1970s. The latter was a remarkable period. Spurred by Watergate – the Church committee of the Senate, the Pike committee of the House, and the Rockefeller Commission, created by the president, were all busy investigating the CIA. Seemingly every other day there was a new headline about the discovery of some awful thing, even criminal conduct, the CIA had been mixed up in for years. The Agency was getting an exceedingly bad name, and it was causing the powers-that-be much embarrassment.

Something had to be done. What was done was not to stop doing these awful things. Of course not. What was done was to shift many of these awful things to a new organization, with a nice sounding nameThe National Endowment for Democracy. The idea was that the NED would do somewhat overtly what the CIA had been doing covertly for decades, and thus, hopefully, eliminate the stigma associated with CIA covert activities.

It was a masterpiece. Of politics, of public relations, and of cynicism.

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