Ukrainian War Developments

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Senior Member
There were some very strong words said throughout the speech. *MY* interpretation - worth as much as you pay for it - was very much that he doesn't think Ukraine should exist.
Nah, it's just for internal propaganda. The mythical "West" didn't comply with his demands (probably they miscalculated and thought it will be easier, like it used to be) so he's wielding the axe as was expected in his Plan B for this situation.


Registered Member
we all know you can pick up T-64s at the local market, @Laviduce . Come on...
They had enormous stockpile of soviet armored vehicule left in east ukraine with even repair factories. They just needed some technicians, fuel and ammunitions to build an army. Weapon stockpiles where all over the place too. Obama even tried to force and fund Ukraine to get rid of them before separatist take grab of it.

james smith esq

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Russia has been supplying weapons to the LNR and DNR since 2014.
Yes, they have; but by the Minsk Accords the types of weapons have been limited. I guess
I should have specified “heavy-weapons”, and even more specifically, heavy artillery, SP Artillery, and MRLS.


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Just listened to Putin's speech. Seemed quite reasonable to me. No declaration of war like some chickenhawks are claiming in twitter. Went into detail about past injustices against Russia by NATO, and how the current regime in Ukraine is Russophobic and sympathetic to Nazis (both true).

Basically he said if Ukraine wants to treat us as an enemy, we'll act like one. Recognition means the Minsk agreement is dead.

Recognition or not, it is up to Ukraine whether they want war. If they go ahead with the plan to retake Donbass, Russia gets involved.
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