Ukrainian War Developments

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Actually, poles and Ukraine have a history of mutual hatred, with long list of pogroms and lethal ethnic cleansing against each other in territory that both occupied. Their mutural hatred runs every bit as deep as their respective hatred of the Russians. In fact, a good deal of the antagonism towards the Russians comes from the fact that Russians were perceived to be the face of communist oppression. All of polish hatred for the Ukrainians comes from the fact that Ukrainians were perceived to be the face of Ukrainians.

This kind of ukraian-polish ethnic cleansing last manifested itself in strength under Stefan Bandera’s somewhat unruly Ukrainian puppet regime during Nazi occupation. Unruly because Stefan Bandera didn’t alway do what the Germans wanted. So the Gestapo incarcerated him. Remarkably from inside Sachsenhausen concentration camp he still managed to issue more instructions to his followers concerning the killing and driving out of poles from Ukrainian lands. The genocide of poles perpetrated by the Ukrainian under German rule in every respect matched the genocide of Jews also perpetrated by the Ukrainians under German rule, as well as the genocide of Jews prepetrated by the Nazis themselves.

After WWII, Stefan Bandera set up shop in west Germany, because he was considered a valuable anti-communism asset, until he was assassinated by the KGB.

Today Stefan Bandera is widely considered a great national hero in Ukraine. One might imagine how the poles see this to be similar to how the Jews might see a people amongst whom Hitler is still regarded as a national hero.

The Polish bad history with Russia / USSR runs much further back than that though.

It has been partitioned three times and annexed two times (1795-1918 & 1939-1945) and was finally relocated with a substantial part of current Poland in past German territory.
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Has there been any Russian planes in the last few days. The only thing I have been mostly seeing or hearing from post is missiles and rockets flying around.
Do you mean in terms of planes shot down? Because the reported hypersonic missiles was fired by a military plane, though it is not know whether it was fired from Ukrainian territory or not...


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Disturbing news :
Russian POW's are treated by the champions of humanity in exactly the same manner what sick minded terrorists did in guantanamo, abu ghraib or jalalabad prison. Starving people accused of robbers, saboteurs, Russian sympathizer or spies & Russian speakers or unwilling to fight are treated just like those helpless muslim, sikh or other minorities who are used as a pinata in the Covid infested ugly land. Men, women, underaged girls and even kids are not spared.

Follow is one of the example, in other clips people are cheering, honking & participating in the crime. Shit looks similar to those rental chumps forced exported to Syria called "Daesh".


Black Shark

Junior Member
When did the US attack Russia? Or right, they didn't. But you're mad that Putin isn't allowed to attack anybody he wants without consequences?
I understand that westerners have a hard time using analytical abilities especially in politics since your school systems purposely creates drones and workers rather than teach you healthy skepticism and the development of logical hemisphere of your brain.

The US can not attack Russia directly, everyone who is not blessed with western education knows that. Logistical-wise, Russia could annex the entire eastern European countries and NATO couldn't do anything about it without resorting to nuclear weapons. For the time being, Ukraine has proven to have not only a better military but also vastly superior AIDS and military equipment compared to the rest of european NATO countries also known as PONOS-spearhead, well that was the case on 24th of February.

The US has indirectly attacked Russia for years and created situations for Russia that required military intervention. Let us be real here for once, the US as a highly aggressive country with a mafia of military satellites would already have invaded Ukraine in 2014 when the coup de 'etat, which was created by the US and their European special forces.

I understand that westerners who are consumerists of exclusively one-sided media can not understand that anything said by non-westerners could be in the slightest correct. The superiority complex, exceptionalism and right out indoctrination to which you have been subject to, prevents you from even understanding the situation or security concerns of others.

Let me phrase it this way, which you will certainly remember by historical repeating events. Do you believe Russia has the right to use any central American country as a military base for nuclear weapons without US feeling a security concern for itself? I give you a hint since geography tends to be cryptonite to Americans - (Cuba crisis)

You really do not need to answer this question, because the current political situation will have only two outcomings.
1. Option A- The US is stubborn and will force build up of a de-facto "no-fly zone" with Patriot SAMs in Ukraine or close to the border and will get a visit from Mr. Iskandr and Mr. Kinzhal.

There are only two reactions to this - Article 5 and actually let us see if PONOS countries have the balls to go against Russia, because US most definitely will not go against Russia. ;) I personally believe, that we will see PONOS countries backing off and NATO will collapse as a result - since its entire purpose is Article 5. Or they will go full retard mode and actually try to fight Russia until the very last European.:D

2. Option B- The entire shit show of western pseudo-morality and values about carrying for little fascist Ukraine will be quickly de-escalated by Russia deciding to place nuclear weapons on Cuba, Venezuela and Nicaragua.

Little hint to you - these are countries very close the US with already established contracts for military placements from Russia. :D

I have refrained of being active on this forum for more than 3 years now for a very good reason, but comments like yours do tend to make my little fingers itch to respond.


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America fears that the role of the dollar in the world will be significantly weakened due to the new China-Russia-Saudi Arabia oil axis. Russia and Saudi Arabia are the world's largest oil exporters. China is the largest oil importer in the world.
Russia and China want to supplant the dollar and have already completed more than half of their energy deals in other currencies. Recently it became known that Saudi Arabia plans to supply oil to China in yuan.
The rejection of the dollar by these countries could destroy the US economic model.



Junior Member
Registered Member
Disturbing news :
Russian POW's are treated by the champions of humanity in exactly the same manner what sick minded terrorists did in guantanamo, abu ghraib or jalalabad prison. Starving people accused of robbers, saboteurs, Russian sympathizer or spies & Russian speakers or unwilling to fight are treated just like those helpless muslim, sikh or other minorities who are used as a pinata in the Covid infested ugly land. Men, women, underaged girls and even kids are not spared.

Of course Western Media will never report this.


Registered Member
Disturbing news :
Russian POW's are treated by the champions of humanity in exactly the same manner what sick minded terrorists did in guantanamo, abu ghraib or jalalabad prison. Starving people accused of robbers, saboteurs, Russian sympathizer or spies & Russian speakers or unwilling to fight are treated just like those helpless muslim, sikh or other minorities who are used as a pinata in the Covid infested ugly land. Men, women, underaged girls and even kids are not spared.

Follow is one of the example, in other clips people are cheering, honking & participating in the crime. Shit looks similar to those rental chumps forced exported to Syria called "Daesh".

I'm surprised twitter have kept it up for so long. Anything that is anti-Ukrainian regime is deleted instantly, while corpses of Russian soldiers are apparently fine. Videos like these have been posted since the start by Ukrainians but have been deliberately suppressed by western media.

Ukrainian civil order has completely broken down, and the MSM are do anything they can to hide that fact.


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Russian Drones :

Mass surrender :
There is a mass surrender of the Ukrainian military in the area of the settlement. Kopylov, Kiev region. This is a village west of Kyiv on the E40 Kyiv-Zhytomyr highway. According to those who surrendered, the command of the 14th brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine is demoralized and confused, the military personnel leave their positions and by all means look for an exit to the Russian troops, decide to surrender and cooperate with the RF



Junior Member
Registered Member
Has there been any Russian planes in the last few days. The only thing I have been mostly seeing or hearing from post is missiles and rockets flying around.
Russian aviation perform CAS sorties heavy in frontline. It is just that there were no recent casualties, so they do not get into the news.
Like in this recent Russian CGTN you can hear aviation work in frontline.

Missiles hit big targets(like Nikolaev strike that that got around 200 Ukrainian troops, or recent in Ovruch Zhitomir region), so they get more coverage.
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