Ukrainian War Developments

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The look on FoxBusiness host's face when Colonel Macgregor called Zelensky a puppet putting huge numbers of his population at risk:

The guy is certainly over the top in his media appearances. I am yet to find any criticism on his side of Russia's performance in the war, other than being too gentle on Ukraine and not using its full capability. Kind of in agreement with some people on this forum, no?

Yet, he has produced influential ideas for the modernization of US armed forces. One of his books is recommended reading for high-level officers in Israeli Defense Forces.

He gained quite a bit of notoriety for his Islamophobic outbursts and calls for martial law on the US-Mexican border. Also, some badly worded critiques of German war crime repentance:
> Yet, he has produced influential ideas for the modernization of US armed forces. One of his books is recommended reading for high-level officers in Israeli Defense Forces.

I think we should take his assessment of Ukraine seriously if he's influential in the modernization of USAF and a recommended material for IDF officers


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People don't realize that the first Farmer tractor pulling a Russian tank or vehicle had a Z painted on it. It was a Russian pulling their own vehicle. That tractor was chased down by some Ukrainians and then those idiots failed to lob a Molotov at it in that infamous video.
Do you have the video?


Registered Member
People don't realize that the first Farmer tractor pulling a Russian tank or vehicle had a Z painted on it. It was a Russian pulling their own vehicle. That tractor was chased down by some Ukrainians and then those idiots failed to lob a Molotov at it in that infamous video.
That actually makes more sense they were helping the Russian tow away their gear then the Russians just allowing Ukrainian farmers pull away their gear unpunished.


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In Ukraine the Russian Army is pressing now even the prototype vehicle in combat for this unique T80UM2 star of the defence shows it didn't go well

No, said tank during Zapad-2021 guts of APS long taken out and rest of mounted equipment left on a tank.



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I understand that Binkov isn't the most popular fella around here for pointed reasons. I was however intrigued enough to watch his prognostications, assessment on then potential Russian invasion/special operations that has yet to take place when the video was made back in January.

I foind his analysis right on the mark when it comes to the casualties incurred on the Russian side, the logistical scenario, and even the difficulties Russian forces are now grappling with.

I am curious as to what most of you think of his pre-war analysis in light of the current Russia vs Ukraine war that is currently unfolding for the world to see.



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Petraeus: “Mariupol has not fallen. Ukrainians are out of everything except heart. They continue to fight.”

That is what he said on CNN.

Those are words of a cheerleader and not a dispassionate analyst. When one has no ammunitions and supplies and the enemy has, no matter how much heart one has, one will lose.

CNN and most Western channels have hired military analysts that play the role of cheerleader instead of roles of realist... With regards to Mariupol, most of their viewers in the West, the audience that they especially cater to and one which is highly sympathetic to the Ukrainians, must be made to cope with the loss of a city that they have been told is highly strategic and symbolic (that is true).

However, I have seen a shift in their narrative from Ukrainians will win, to one in which they begrudgingly state that there will be a stalemate.
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