Ukrainian War Developments

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Registered Member
Why calm?

The political objective of Russia is not related to Ukraine, but to make free of easter europe of USA weapons and military.
Calm on the military side, they will need to rebuild a lot of military stuff and also a good part of Ukraine, the part that they will keep. So no time for major conflict for a while.


Registered Member
but isn't Russia winning?

but isn't Russia winning?

So why should China supply military aid to the Ukrainian war if Russia is already winning?
It was a hypothetical scenario.

We actually don't know if Putin is actually asking for military aid other then from America. The same country that's claiming Putin is planning a chemical AND biological attack in Ukraine, so take that with a pinch of salt. We do know that Chinese officials (Zhao) has refused to rule it out when asked by western media.

Anyway unless we see Putin asking for something or some other developments, there's not much more to say.


Staff member
Moderator - World Affairs
The irony is US has been fighting China in tech war/trade war for years, selling weapons to enemies (Taiwan) for decades, and shit-stirring in TB/XJ/HK/TW for decades...

Suddenly, it's China's choice to be part of the "cool club" (that already hates you) or part of the "loser club" (that is essential to offset Western hegemony). It's appropriate for China to give US a big 'fk off' with it's double standard hypocrisy.


Registered Member
Calm on the military side, they will need to rebuild a lot of military stuff and also a good part of Ukraine, the part that they will keep. So no time for major conflict for a while.
If they wait too much then they give time to the NATO to prepare.

It is not a static thing, to stay calm they have to perceive that in say 2 years time they will have the same relaitve strength.

And anyway, at the moment they have the gas and oil as a weapon, this year ,this advantage will disapear in few year time.

This year they can make cut off the gas supply, and switch off big part of Europe without shooting a gun .


New Member
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The million dollar question is whether Russia made the request or not. Yes, China care about geopolitical relationships. If Russia made the request, which relationship matter more to China? Sino-Russian one or Sino-Euro one? What will happen if Russia failed? Pissing off the Europeans means losing some businesses. Losing Russia may very well mean enemies at the gates. What do you think the Chinese leadership will do?
Recalled some report for request for food rations. Is that for Macdonalds, kfc, coke?

Again request for military support of drones & tractors???

Russia is a food supplier & weapons supplier. There are no need for these little tidbits.

One last one, sending 150 Syrians into Ukraine??
Is Russia short of 150 fighters?

In my opinion, Above are misinformations.
Fake Am News, Fan in short.

Be calm & rational.

Jingle Bells

Junior Member
Registered Member
Alright, it's too hard to reply to everyone that replies to me. So, let's just go through some basic points.

1) China is next, West will go after China.

Guess what, Trump and the China hawks in America tried their hardest to beat China for 4 years. Has that worked? At worst, you get a couple of small sanctions on China and complain that China is violating human rights or copying their products. Is that going to be really a problem for China? China is not that weak. It doesn't need Russia to stand up to the west. It needs to have its own supply chain so that it can have power over the west.

2) Russia will remember China helping them
Remember how quickly Northern Vietnam forgot China helping them? If you listen to Shilao's podcast, vietnam communists wants China to take over some of Xisha islands. As soon as they took over all of Vietnam and got Russians on their side, they turned their back on all of that. Do you really want to bet that Russia will always be under Putin's control and remember China standing by them?

3) So that Russia emerges this as a big threat to the West
That actually is a legitimate reason to dive in completely to help Russia. However, Russia is having trouble right now to even beat a rag tag bunch of Ukrainians. As Western weapons keep flooding in, Russia will just sink into a bigger quagmire. We've got another Afghanistan on hand.

The best thing for China is if Russia can negotiate a quick ceasefire where they retain Donbas and Crimea and Ukraine is demilitarized. Then, the west will be forced to ante up money to rebuild Ukraine. Otherwise, I don't see how all the Ukrainian refugees can go home. Russia will continue to be heavily sanctioned and motivated to work with China to build a competing finance/trade system that other countries can use. And as long as Russia hates the West, NATO cannot solely focus on China.

None of this requires China to provide military assistance to Russia during this conflict. China can help Russia by just keep trading with Russia and doing all the other things it has been doing.
This biggest problem for these "Western people unite together" type of rhetoric is that if we look at the money and strategic interest side of things, we will see that this war is pretty much the USA mauling and tearing apart EU economy to suck those global capital back to the US. Euro is plummeting.

Of course, at the media and public perception level, the West seems ever more united on this matter, but when it comes to strategic interest, the West is a horror story: husband (US) pulls the knife from behind his back to murdering the wife (EU) in order to plunder her inherited wealth, right after helping her having a fight with her brother (Russia) to split her father's inheritance.


Lieutenant General
Registered Member
Any news on the reinforcement from Ossetia and from elsewhere ? Russian will need some troops and material to replace exhausted ones.
I am sure they could use more troops in several fronts. But at least in Mariupol the talk is the Russians have troop rotation and each shift only fights for 8 hours at a time. While the Ukrainian defenders have no relief force.

I don't think it will fail. It will be way more costly and probably will calm down any Russian ambitions for at least 20 years. No more American cars sold in Russia and American goods (not a lot athat China cannot sell) ... for the rest the economic shift will go elsewhere. Russia will still sell gaz and oil west until China eat all what Russia can offer.
US car companies left Russia a long time ago. There are few economic interactions between the US and Russia. Russia is, however, highly dependent on European industry in terms of machine tools and other things like that. But then again the most relevant part of Russian industry for war effort is still mostly stuck with Soviet era gear. Do you think Kalashnikov is using European tools to make machine guns? Or bullets? I heard a US general claim on TV just the other day the Russians would run out of bullets. Effin idiots. Probably more Soviet era ammo spoiling than they use in this conflict.


Grumpy Old Man
Staff member
Moderator - World Affairs
Let's see the reasons why US lied about Russia requesting aid:

All this smells like an attempt to pour dirty water on China as a baddie accomplice. Russia's request for military equipment likely predates the invasion since China has been making leaps/bounds in drone technology. It's deeply suspicious that Russia suddenly needs weapons/equipment from China when it's already winning the war in Ukraine. US is a liar. It stretches a grain of truth to lump China with Russia in a baddie group, it's so desperate to rope China into everything "bad".
Although the “request” is most likely fake news, it theoretically possible for Russia wishing to get the air-to-ground munitions for the Su-30MKK sold to China. 施佬 said China bought a lot more Russian PGM than Russia did.
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