Ukrainian War Developments

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I need a credible source for that last statement. Otherwise is both hyperbole and ludicrous to believe that Russia could survive an all-out nuclear attack. Some rural Russians might but that's about it. But Russia as a functional entity ceases to exist. Add to that, that if either the US or Russia is about to be annihilated, it pretty probable that they'll take the rest of us with them.

No evidence that this will happen if you're talking about the hypothetical civilization-ending nuclear winter (in fact very unlikely), unless you mean that both Russia and America will being targeting random cities all around the world just for funsies? Utterly moronic, why would you waste nukes on random innocent people and innocent countries instead of your adversary who is trying to make you extinct? Silly. Not to mention they simply don't have enough warheads to cause the end of the world through targeting all cities.

Go check up on the yields of the vast majority of bombs then actually plot them:
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So the only way for a nuclear exchange to cause the end of the world is through the hyped up nuclear winter theory which as many smart non-political people have shown is very improbable. You can red some snippets on the controversy of the hyping up of the supposed end of the world through global thermonuclear war (perhaps its good liberal academics are lying this time) here:
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Denmark is a surprise. I don't think they realise what they're signing up for. I don't think the other countries are bluffing. They really do want to start a war.
Not really surprising, no.
Denmark was a founding member of NATO after all.
Basically tied to the hip with the U.S. on all military matters nowadays controlling the entrance to the Baltic Sea and that juicy real estate called Greenland. Used to joint task forces with NATO or the U.S. Took part in Iraq and Afghanistan too (much critizied domestically I might add). And not forgetting one of the main instigators for getting the Baltic states fast tracked into NATO (that pesky Nordic bond again).
Not anti-Russian as such but definitely camp U.S. (or Germany in all things economic).
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Registered Member
Denmark is a surprise. I don't think they realise what they're signing up for. I don't think the other countries are bluffing. They really do want to start a war.

Biden won't allow it, so it'll just lead to more disunity in NATO. They really need to do this stuff behind closed doors.
The Danes were the one helping the Americans to spy on the Germans. They are the front line lemmings.


Junior Member
You understand after this, Europeans and the Eurocrats will be on a victory high from a crippled Russia, regardless if Russia 'wins' or not.
They'll be threatening to sanction countries for working with Russian companies in a whole range of industries.

No arms deals even if the war ends, no more technology collaboration, no more aviation collaboration.
No use of Russian technology allowed in Chinese commercial aircraft.
Chinese oil majors will be sanctioned for investing in Russia gas projects.
Selling fully domestic semiconductors to Russia? Sanctioned.
Selling Chinese software in Russia? Sanctioned.

Why would the Europeans allow China to sell drones and military equipment to Russia without paying the price?

This is going to be the NATO demand towards China.

you forgot the 27 countries block has a smaller economy than China's, if China just goes ahead with military and economic aids to Russia they can only fuck themselves. after Ukraine then bomb targets within Baltic and Poland. beg for mercy boy!


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A symbol of hardened Russian power.

The Russian Air Force drew this very long design over Crimea.
Female observers seemed quite entertained by Russian firmness.

I thought this would be a quite fitting 200th post. Here's a screenshot from the video, using non-BBC filter.

SDF 3-19.png


Registered Member
hmm, China did not sell J-7s to North Korea due to South Korean concerns. Has South Korea been wiping the soles of its shoes on China?

Uh yes they have. Why were the kimchi and hanbok incidents escalated from social media trolling to a foreign ministry level incident?

Why did they now put THAAD in South Korea?

Why are they building SSBs and threatening to build carriers?

Why is the new presidential candidate a hardcore anti Chinese racist and neocon?

Because China failed. Appeasement of South Korea failed to elicit the desired behavior and has now resulted in a deadly existential threat less than 500 km from Tianjin.


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Why would they need to do that?
I read in the media that the Russians are inept and their advance has stalled. The shear will of the Ukrainian people armed with all the weapons NATO has been sending them are destroying the Russian columns left right and center with their counter strikes against the demoralised Russian forces

Most youtube pundits are predicting Ukraine is going to win so why do they need Nato Troops '-)


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You understand after this, Europeans and the Eurocrats will be on a victory high from a crippled Russia, regardless if Russia 'wins' or not.
They'll be threatening to sanction countries for working with Russian companies in a whole range of industries.

No arms deals even if the war ends, no more technology collaboration, no more aviation collaboration.
No use of Russian technology allowed in Chinese commercial aircraft.
Chinese oil majors will be sanctioned for investing in Russia gas projects.
Selling fully domestic semiconductors to Russia? Sanctioned.
Selling Chinese software in Russia? Sanctioned.

Why would the Europeans allow China to sell drones and military equipment to Russia without paying the price?

This is going to be the NATO demand towards China.

Europe doesn't have the necessary financial wherewithal to actually followup on any meaningful threats, real of imaginary; even US doesn't have it. China can perfectly hit the collective west's financial jugular that will make 08 sub prime crisis look like a coffee spill on a lunch room table. Nobody has the kind of trillions of dollars to clean all the ensuing mess up. Granted Russia doesn't have the financial heft to inflict the substantial damage yet, but still ISDA has their work cut out for them for a few years to come. There is a reason Putin, and soon China too eventually, drew up a list of unfriendly nations.


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If China sends weapons to Russia, it actually interferes directly in European matters and it would definitely be seen by the EU as choosing sides. Crossing the red line so to speak. And that is all that matters really.
The already rocky relationship between the EU and China would sour really fast with more sanctions, trade disruptions and other stupid MAD stuff. Any argument that PRC and ROC should be considered an internal Chinese matter would disappear just as quickly too. Bascially a lose-lose situation for both parties.
I consider China too smart for such a stunt. Still, I also thought that Putin was too smart to go all-in against Ukraine.
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