Ukrainian War Developments

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" because some people in the US administration do not do what you and I agreed, they do not do according to your "positive" expression."

Basically Xi calling out Brandon as untrustworthy. Senile at best.

No wonder the whitehouse readout was so short and short on specific and details,

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China is next after Russia.
This is a simple fact, borne out by the sanctions and demonisation of China led by the USA.
Europe will simply follow whatever the USA tell them to do.

Anybody who tries to pretend this won't happen is being dishonest.

Divide and conquer.

China needs to continue to tell the USA to take a hike.


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China has benefited tremendously from its relationship with Europe. China does not do things for free. If it "offered olive branches", it's because China gained from those efforts. And China continued to gain through those efforts for much of the Trump presidency. of course, COVID torpedoed all of that.

Now with Russia becoming the new villain, China does not need to sacrifice much. It just needs to not sell weapons to Russia.

So far, the only responses I got are basically all pride related.

Go listen to Shilao's podcast on J-10 export. China did not export J-7s to North Korea in the 2000s due to not wanting to hurt its relationship with South Korea. Do you really think China does not care about its relationship with other countries when it sells weapons?

China does not need to abandon Russia. It just needs to not sell Russia weapon during this conflict that will hopefully end soon.
Russia does not need Chinese weapons.
They do need China's support.

China has been, and will continue to be in the crosshairs of the USA and Europes sights. The demonisation of China in the political class and media mirrors exactly the demonisation of Russia.

Any attempt to pretend otherwise is either naive or dishonest.

If you observe carefully, almost no countries outside the Anglosphere (USA, Canada, Australia) and the EU have sanctioned Russia. Yet those entities talk about the "international community" acting in the same way they talk about and threaten China.
It's rather obvious.


Translated text regarding the video meeting between XJP and Biden:-

Biden said that 50 years ago, the United States and China made important choices and issued the "Shanghai Communiqué." Today, 50 years later, U.S.-China relations are once again at a critical juncture, and how U.S.-China relations develop will shape the world pattern in the 21st century. I would like to reiterate that the United States does not seek to fight a "new Cold War" with China, does not seek to change the Chinese system, does not seek to oppose China through strengthening alliances, does not support "Taiwan independence," and has no intention of clashing with China. The US side is willing to have frank dialogue with The Chinese side, strengthen cooperation, adhere to the one-China policy, effectively control competition and differences, and promote the stable development of US-China relations. I am willing to maintain close communication with President Xi Jinping and orient the rudder for U.S.-China relations.

Xi Jinping pointed out that since our first "cloud meeting" in November last year, the international situation has undergone new major changes. The theme of the times of peace and development faces severe challenges, and the world is neither peaceful nor peaceful. As permanent members of the UN Security Council and the world's top two economies, we must not only lead China-US relations forward on the right track, but also shoulder our due international responsibilities and make efforts for world peace and tranquility.

Xi Jinping stressed that mr. President and I both agreed that China and the United States should respect each other, coexist peacefully and avoid confrontation, and agreed that the two sides should strengthen communication and dialogue at all levels and in all fields. Mr. President just reiterated that the US side does not seek to fight a "new Cold War," does not seek to change the Chinese system, does not seek to oppose China through strengthening alliances, does not support "Taiwan independence," and has no intention of clashing with China. I attach great importance to your remarks.

Xi Jinping pointed out that at present, Sino-US relations have not yet come out of the predicament created by the previous US administration, but have encountered more and more challenges. In particular, some people in the United States have sent the wrong signal to the "Taiwan independence" forces, which is very dangerous. If the Taiwan issue is not handled well, it will have a subversive impact on bilateral relations. It is hoped that the US side will pay enough attention to it. The direct reason for the current situation in Sino-US relations is that some people in the United States have not implemented the important consensus reached by the two of us, nor have they implemented mr. President's positive remarks. The US side misread and misjudged China's strategic intentions.

Xi Jinping stressed that China and the United States have had differences in the past and are now, and there will be differences in the future. The key is to manage differences. A stable and developing Sino-US relationship is beneficial to both sides.

The two sides exchanged views on the current situation in Ukraine.

Biden introduced the position of the US side and expressed his willingness to communicate with the Chinese side to prevent the escalation of the situation.

Xi Jinping pointed out that the development of the situation in Ukraine to this point is something that China does not want to see. China has always advocated peace and opposed war, which is a Chinese historical and cultural tradition. We have always proceeded from the merits of the matter itself, made judgments independently and autonomously, advocated upholding international law and universally recognized basic norms governing international relations, adhered to the UN Charter, and advocated the concept of common, comprehensive, cooperative and sustainable security. These principles are China's foothold in handling the Ukraine crisis. China has put forward a six-point initiative on the humanitarian situation in Ukraine and is willing to provide further humanitarian assistance to Ukraine and other affected countries. All parties should jointly support the Russian-Ukrainian dialogue and negotiations, and talk about results and peace. The United States and NATO should also engage in dialogue with Russia to unravel the crux of the Crisis in Ukraine and resolve the security concerns of both Russia and Ukraine.

Xi Jinping stressed that at present, countries around the world have been very difficult, not only to cope with the C0vid-19 epidemic, but also to protect the economy and people's livelihood. As the leaders of major countries, we must consider properly resolving global hotspot issues, and we must also consider global stability and the production and life of billions of people. In the implementation of all-round and indiscriminate sanctions, it is the people who are still suffering. If it is further deteriorated, it will also trigger a serious crisis in the global economy and trade, finance, energy, food, industrial chain supply chain, etc., making the already difficult world economy worse and causing irreparable losses. The more complex the situation, the more calm and rational it is needed. In all circumstances, political courage must be exercised to create space for peace and leave room for a political solution. There are two old Chinese sayings, one is "a slap does not sound" and the other is "to untie the bell, you must tie the bell.". The key is for the parties to demonstrate political will, to focus on the present, to look to the future and to find appropriate solutions, for which conditions can and should be created by others. It is imperative to continue dialogue and negotiation to avoid civilian casualties, prevent humanitarian crises and an early ceasefire and end the war. The long-term approach lies in the fact that major powers respect each other, abandon the Cold War mentality, refrain from camp confrontation, and gradually build a balanced, effective and sustainable global and regional security architecture. China has been doing its best for peace and will continue to play a constructive role.

The two heads of state believe that the video call was constructive and instructed the working teams of the two countries to follow up in a timely manner, take practical actions, strive to return Sino-US relations to the track of stable development, and make their own efforts to properly resolve the Ukrainian crisis.


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The full text of the interview:
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Guancha did a recount and translation:
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Guancha is so mindful that it provides those Nazi symbols in its article, save myself from looking around :p first time for me to see such Nazi symbols in one neat image, and comes with clear captions too -- good reference!

Something that Media Matters for America should have done so readers have clear idea what kind of the Nazi SS symbols that Lara Logan (Fox Nation Host) referred to! Passing along this to friends

Ukraine - Azov Battalion's Nazi Symbols - Emblem & Insignia 20220318.png
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