Ukrainian War Developments

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Why only think about America? Europe don't look at indo Pacific situation the same way as America, but they have been scared by Russian aggression. Why give up your relationship with Europe so you can sell weapons to Russia. It's beyond silly. All china has to do is not provide military assistance to Russia.
It's very simple, because Europe's (and America's) relationship with China will remain no matter what China does, whether anybody likes it or not. The West doesn't trade with China because it wants to, but because it has to.
Why is it so hard to say we won't do this as long as conflict is going on?
To put it very bluntly, that's a bitch move. China doesn't do bitch moves. China is going to provide whatever it wants to whomever it wants. China just does whatever it wants and the West is going to have to get used to it.


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Russian forces have begun to field civilian pick-up trucks as technicals in a limited capacity; armed with 9M113 Kornet-B missiles and other light infantry support weapons.

Additionally a large influx civilian oriented vehicles have been seen being transported by rail to the frontline for use by advancing Russian forces.
Probably for the Syrians, platforms they are familiar with


Lieutenant General
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China offered so many olive branches to Europe, and it always turned out the same way.

Even the dumbest oxen realizes there's a wall after butting its head against it enough times.
China has benefited tremendously from its relationship with Europe. China does not do things for free. If it "offered olive branches", it's because China gained from those efforts. And China continued to gain through those efforts for much of the Trump presidency. of course, COVID torpedoed all of that.

Now with Russia becoming the new villain, China does not need to sacrifice much. It just needs to not sell weapons to Russia.

So far, the only responses I got are basically all pride related.

To put it very bluntly, that's a bitch move. China doesn't do bitch moves. China is going to provide whatever it wants to whomever it wants. China just does whatever it wants and the West is going to have to get used to it.
Go listen to Shilao's podcast on J-10 export. China did not export J-7s to North Korea in the 2000s due to not wanting to hurt its relationship with South Korea. Do you really think China does not care about its relationship with other countries when it sells weapons?

China does not need to abandon Russia. It just needs to not sell Russia weapon during this conflict that will hopefully end soon.


China has benefited tremendously from its relationship with Europe. China does not do things for free. If it "offered olive branches", it's because China gained from those efforts. And China continued to gain through those efforts for much of the Trump presidency. of course, COVID torpedoed all of that.

Now with Russia becoming the new villain, China does not need to sacrifice much. It just needs to not sell weapons to Russia.

So far, the only responses I got are basically all pride related.

China benefited from its relationship with Europe in the same manner it benefited from its relationship with the US.

Those days are over. It's beyond naive to think countries that accused China of genocide in Xinjiang can be worked with.

james smith esq

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China does not need to abandon Russia. It just needs to not sell Russia weapon during this conflict that will hopefully end soon.
I agree, 100%! However, I disagree that China needs to do so in response to either western requests or demands, or that western requests or demands require any response, at all!

Should China also respond to US requests or demands for Hong Kong freedom of speech or Taiwanese independence?

Additionally, what Xi is doing is enforcing China’s preference for bi-lateral relations. He told Biden, in effect, you have an issue with Russia, you go talk to Russia; but, don’t involve yourself in our relations with Russia!

You call it pride, I think it’s called Sovereignty!
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Lieutenant General
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China benefited from its relationship with Europe in the same manner it benefited from its relationship with the US.

Those days are over. It's beyond naive to think countries that accused China of genocide in Xinjiang can be worked with.
Yet, they cooperate with Europeans on very high amount of trading that helps with the Chinese economy. You may want to tell millions of Chinese workers that depend on European export that the days of trading with Europe is over and see how that goes.
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