Ukrainian War Developments

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Lieutenant General
I love how the West thinks since China has the power to stop Russia in Ukraine, that somehow China is supposed to exercise it. Yeah and the West has the power to stop hunger around the world. Does the West do it? By their logic, who's the one that's on the evil side of history?

james smith esq

Senior Member
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Why would selling weapons to Russia be any worse than west selling weapons to Saudi Arabia when they attack Yemen? US is such hypocrites and should be ignored.
Yeah, but, we’re too stupid to know that!

Or, selling no weapons to Taiwan???
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james smith esq

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There is a difference between bending to western pressure and digging a bigger hole for yourself by being associated with an international pariah. I don't think it's too much to ask for china to not send military support to Russia during the conflict and to not export stuff with us parts to Russia. Just do those two things and nobody outside of china hawks can really give you a hard time.
The whole point is that China does not answer to the US.
The sooner that Anglo-supremacy habit is checked, the better for China, and everyone (not white) else!


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Those special forces are "special" indeed... special in the mental capacity, Darwin award for everyone in that base, the Brazilian guy can get a honorary award for his effort.
This Brazilian is a shooting instructor here in Brazil in the state of Paraná. His embarrassment is being widely publicized here, a few days ago he only had him on the trending topics in Brazil. The worst thing is that some sources claim that Brazilians who are going to Ukraine are taking a lot of photos and sharing them on the internet, this may have made it possible to identify the place where the Foreign Legion was.

Some memes about him:

This is him running to Poland running away from the Russian missile.

This is the Brazilian soldier crying with the following message: "My God, I thought it was a joke". In a satire with Tiago Rossi imagining that the war was not what he had imagined, thinking that he would kill Russians and receive their glory.

This is Tiago Rossi's instagram:
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Junior Member
First there's no evidence Russia actually wants anything. At one point they were claiming Putin called up Xi to ask him for a shipment of MRE meals. Do leaders have time to talk about things like that? I think a squadron or two of WL-2s would make the Russian job easier, but he seems content fighting this war Soviet style, even it'll take longer.

Secondly, say if China agrees to American demands and Xi publically/privately announces that it won't sell military equipment to Putin, do you think they will stop there? They certainly won't. Next they will ask China to put pressure on Putin not to target certain bases, or use certain munitions for example. Or they'll ask China to pressure Russia to cede on some points in negotiations. The phone calls won't end. They'll use the same arguments and threats as have been with this.

The only correct position is the current one. China is neutral in this conflict, but it is none of America's business who China buys or sells things to. America will try and threaten China to either openly pick a side (Russia), or try to use China to attack Russia indirectly. This isn't colonial times anymore, and America is in no position to demand anything from China. This is a European mess America created, it's their job to clean it up.

If Biden wants Putin to do something he should pick up a phone and ask him, not beg or threaten China like a jealous ex girlfriend.

IMO people are reading into this too much, Russia never asked China for military equipment and it was a fabrication created by the U.S. to smear China. This war has nothing to do with China and China is strictly natural. It comes around in a full circle to paint the picture of how Russia is losing the war, losing so much equipment that they need help from China? Russia has more than enough industrial capacity to handle this war.

What the U.S. is trying to do is put pressure on China to denounce Russia, and thereby putting more pressure on Russia. China is doing the right thing by simply continuing to remain neutral, and tell the U.S. it does what it wants, including continue to trade with Russia under normal circumstances.


Why only think about America? Europe don't look at indo Pacific situation the same way as America, but they have been scared by Russian aggression. Why give up your relationship with Europe so you can sell weapons to Russia. It's beyond silly. All china has to do is not provide military assistance to Russia. Why is it so hard to say we won't do this as long as conflict is going on?

China offered so many olive branches to Europe, and it always turned out the same way.

Even the dumbest oxen realizes there's a wall after butting its head against it enough times.
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