Ukrainian War Developments

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If he takes all of Ukraine, de-militarized the arm forces and only allow the pro-Russian side to be armed and in charge of the country, there will certainly still be rage, but over time, especially if he still has control of the media, people will go about their daily lives. The Russian arm forces, with all the heavy equipment, will still need to be there for quite some time. You will be amazed at how effective 10% of the population can control a country if the other 90% are not armed, even if 30% are still angry at you. Just look at how long South Africa lasted under Apartheid. This is especially true if the most capable troops in East Ukraine are destroyed and most of the able bodied young people move out of the country to Poland and elsewhere. It removes a big part of the ant-Russian elements.

Don't get me wrong, this is not going to be cakewalk for Russia, but I think they have a good shot.
This is a totally different day and age than the apartheid era. Hard to imagine how they can deal with street protester that will be a regular if not continuous occurrence paralyzing both countries. Ubiquitious cameras, social media and globalization of information mean they can barely crack down at all on civil disobedience without causing greater problems for themselves.


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There is a difference between bending to western pressure and digging a bigger hole for yourself by being associated with an international pariah. I don't think it's too much to ask for china to not send military support to Russia during the conflict and to not export stuff with us parts to Russia. Just do those two things and nobody outside of china hawks can really give you a hard time.
This is rather dangerous. You take military sales off the table, the wedge is driven in by NATO/Anglo between China and Russia. Divide and conquer.

The CPC sent their carrier through the Taiwan Strait precisely to send a message that they're not abiding by this "ruled-based order" that dictates that all nations on earth must follow the orders of NATO/Anglo. I believe the CPC knows much better than you or anyone else on this forum and easily foretells this.


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Just who isn't a "China hawk" in US politics these days?
Why only think about America? Europe don't look at indo Pacific situation the same way as America, but they have been scared by Russian aggression. Why give up your relationship with Europe so you can sell weapons to Russia. It's beyond silly. All china has to do is not provide military assistance to Russia. Why is it so hard to say we won't do this as long as conflict is going on?


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There is a difference between bending to western pressure and digging a bigger hole for yourself by being associated with an international pariah. I don't think it's too much to ask for china to not send military support to Russia during the conflict and to not export stuff with us parts to Russia. Just do those two things and nobody outside of china hawks can really give you a hard time.

Just who isn't a "China hawk" in US politics these days?

This is rather dangerous. You take military sales off the table, the wedge is driven in by NATO/Anglo between China and Russia. Divide and conquer.

The CPC sent their carrier through the Taiwan Strait precisely to send a message that they're not abiding by this "ruled-based order" that dictates that all nations on earth must follow the orders of NATO/Anglo. I believe the CPC knows much better than you or anyone else on this forum and easily foretells this.

Why only think about America? Europe don't look at indo Pacific situation the same way as America, but they have been scared by Russian aggression. Why give up your relationship with Europe so you can sell weapons to Russia. It's beyond silly. All china has to do is not provide military assistance to Russia. Why is it so hard to say we won't do this as long as conflict is going on?
Please stay clear of that discussion. A similar argument happened before and literally derailed the thread since it’s a contentious political topic in which everyone thinks they are right.


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"You guys don't understand what it's like to have a jet shoot a missile at you."
So war isn't a movie or a video game.
Brazilian describes what happened when Russians missiles hit the base [Combat Training Center - Yavoriv] where the foreign legion was deployed. Thanks to @BrianMteleSUR for translation.

Those special forces are "special" indeed... special in the mental capacity, Darwin award for everyone in that base, the Brazilian guy can get a honorary award for his effort.

Jingle Bells

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There is a difference between bending to western pressure and digging a bigger hole for yourself by being associated with an international pariah. I don't think it's too much to ask for china to not send military support to Russia during the conflict and to not export stuff with us parts to Russia. Just do those two things and nobody outside of china hawks can really give you a hard time.
China is NOT sending weapon to Russia for totally different reasons of NATO/USA's reasonings and mindsets.


Lieutenant General
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This is rather dangerous. You take military sales off the table, the wedge is driven in by NATO/Anglo between China and Russia. Divide and conquer.

The CPC sent their carrier through the Taiwan Strait precisely to send a message that they're not abiding by this "ruled-based order" that dictates that all nations on earth must follow the orders of NATO/Anglo. I believe the CPC knows much better than you or anyone else on this forum and easily foretells this.
Where else is Russia going to go? You can maintain your trade relationship with Russia without selling them weapons. Just don't sell Russia weapons during the conflict. It will not only look bad to western countries but also all the African countries that china has courtesy for years.

Keep up your tough words and millions of people in china will suffer for this.


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Idiots! Think of winning?

there are no winners in nuclear wars. Major destruction to air, water, food, without electricity …

Nuclear war is destructive but so was conventional war in the 20th century. Cities and countries rebuild. They always do.

There is certainly going to be a winner. The winner is the country that at the end of the nuclear exchange still has nuclear bombs left over to force the other side into submission. They can keep lobbing a missile every year or however long it takes until the other side gives up unconditionally. That's called winning. The winning country gets to determine the new national boundaries, the new rules, reparations and the new world order.
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