Ukrainian War Developments

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Xi Yazhou did an episode talking about this too:

Basically the example BTGs we saw in action in Syria and Donbass around 2014 were adhoc formations themselves built out of the most elite units of an combined arms army (their infantry units were often VDV or naval infantry for example) and given much higher level of C3I gear than normal for Russia. By Xi's estimate Russia can only put together no more than 10 BTGs to this standard.

The current scale of war has what? Equivalent of at least 30 BTGs in the fight (by some estimates by Ukraine prior to they war they are claiming 60-100 BTGs). That means if you want to have your 10 elite BTGs the rest would be trash tier. So Russia didn't do that and they reshuffled the decks and spread out all their technical assets back into their traditional larger formations. Once you dilute out all the elite units and equipment across a much larger force you will of course no longer be getting your 2014 standard elite BTGs.

Jingle Bells

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As if he cares what a bunch of non-Anglo inferiors responses to him are?
You’re beneath him! Which is why he comes here with his glib, one-line, Anglo-foolishness and gets y’all all riled-up! He’s proving his Anglo superiority and y’all accommodate!

What’s more telling, to me, is that he’s also got the moderators snowed. They’ll ban folks that post refutations of his, American-supremacist, behaviors, but let him slide, simply because he limits his provocations to one-liners, like a typical Vaudevillian (observe the reference) educated ‘Murican. I’m guessin’ that they missed the benefits of a (much derided, here) Liberal Arts education, which goes beyond bean-counting and seeking causal reactions and, instead, emphasizes investigations of (among other subjects) behavior, intentions, and communication.

But these are simply artifacts of the early-days of this site when the majority of the Senior voices, here, were Christian proselytizing, Conservative Republican, ultimately Drumpf worshiping, American apologists that all finally quit on the same day when one Moderator would no longer accommodate their supremacy-seeking behaviors.

Guess it’s back to the ban-box for me!
I don't think he's Anglo. He is trying way too hard. Most white people are much less confrontational because they have pretty high self-confident, and don't think it's necessary to get agitated.

To me, I think he has a huge inferiority complex, and he is trying very hard to prove himself (and whatever larger collective identity he images to represent him). He reeks of Nietzschean "Ressentiment".

Most white people are very imposing and direct, less wordy, less agitated and very haughty. Kinda like in this Boondocks scene:

He is trying to hide vulnerabilities and weaknesses. Only weaklings do that. The strong will never find it necessary to hide his own sorrows, doubts, weaknesses, vulnerabilities. The strong knows to face their own demons, tragedy and fear. The super strong will even share their sorrows and vulnerabilities.

This is the same kind of deep tragedy of Ukraine. The same kind of spirit behind almost all Ukrainian Media.

However, I beg to differ from most of people who seems to share the same sentiment and position in this war as I. Although I do believe Azov and Aidar are organizations that needs to be eliminated, I don't believe in those over-simplified conspiracy theories that is essentially standing on the same old Left-vs-Right rhetoric.

There are REASONs why the Eastern Slavic (Former USSR/WP) people grabs onto something as silly as neo-nazism. It's because they have LOST their faith and confidence in that once great Identity embodied in the Russian/Eastern-Slavic Orthodox Christian tradition. That tradition is not some superficial church, language, food and attires, art forms, etc. It is most prevalent in the physical and material Power commanded by this great collective identity. Because Eastern Slavs are the closest to the Steppes and Asia, where hordes and hordes of POWERFUL Asiatic Nomads clashes onto them. For them, the most sort after virtue in their collective mindset, will be the virtue that can overcome and withstand the Clash of the Hordes.

For them now, neo-nazi-ism is the only greater "unified" collective identity that is above their own ethnic/culture/national identity. They need friends, because they perceived their own weakness and vulnerability in solitude. This is something we Chinese don't really understand. Because we are NOT a nation-state, we are a civilizations state. We are pretty much an analogy of an All-the-White-People-Living-in-One-Country kind of model, except for Chinese. We don't feel lonely because China is a duality of "one single civilizational identity and a multitude of different local identities". A Chinese person already invoke both a sense of "Foreignness" and "Familiarity" to another Chinese person. We Chinese are already in a plethora of same-kind-ed diversity. This complex feeling greatly reduces our own urge or trying to find kindred comfort in something as silly as "a neo-Nazism with Chinese characteristics". But for Ukrainians, they need something stronger and greater above them, to fend off that sense of Otherness (exasperated by their country being in a poor and corrupt state).

For them, collective identities itself has very different meaning (thus different importance) than Westerners. Westerners has NEVER experience desperation and Fear for Annihilation in their collective memory: they are Germanic Invaders (of Rome) that simply adopted (WEST) Roman Culture (both of which are proud, confident, happy, and never experienced Civilizational level Desperation).

Therefore, in a similar Nietzsche/Platonic spirit, I would say that Russia military's inaptness in this war, will actually further increase the nihilistic outlook in the collective mindset of Ukrainians. The fact that Russian can neither win decisively and triumphant, nor lose in total fiasco, will ONLY further erode the sanctity of the Ukrainian Identity.

Any effort to prolong this war will ONLY be a act of murder committed on the Ukrainian Spirit.

This is one reason I don't want to contribute to that whole "racial war"/"Nazi-ism-vs-Communism" rhetoric. I don't want to steer our conversations to that.

This might sound a little off topic. I will stop here.
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james smith esq

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I can't remember the last time the Americans adopted a new nuclear missile. The Russian have inducted several. Russia also frequently tests ICBMs, America doesn't nearly as much.
American rocket development is stagnant, hence why they need the Russians to supply the ISS.
What about the many nuclear isotopes needed for warheads? If the Americans have no problems there, why do they need to buy elements like polonium and tritium from Russia?

Not saying America's nuclear threat doesn't exist, but between the two I'd bet Russia to have the upper hand.
If I’m not mistaken, the newest US strategic missiles is the Trident D-5. US focuses more on its SLBMs as they’re MIRVed.


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Before the Rome meeting, there had been a fluid debate within the administration over whether to use the crisis in Ukraine to try to drive a wedge between China and Russia, who together declared shortly before the invasion that there were “no forbidden areas” in their friendship.

China’s role in spreading the Russian disinformation on Ukrainian biolabs, plus unspecified intelligence that Beijing is weighing Moscow’s request for arms, has helped tilt the internal administration debate toward the position of officials at Sullivan’s National Security Council, who have favored a more hawkish approach toward Beijing.

Officials at the State Department had previously seen more opportunity to split Beijing and Moscow over the war, arguing that Beijing’s equivocal statements on the crisis pointed to discomfort at Moscow’s actions. Sullivan publicly speculated in a CNN interview on Sunday that Putin “lied” to China’s leaders and they may not have understood the full extent of his plans in Ukraine.


Registered Member
Because NATO wouldn't stop at Russia, China is the next on their list to exterminate. Lets not pretend that the West has no malicious intentions towards China and any other nation that pose as an obstacle to their aspirations for full spectrum dominance
@PhSt Dude are you really going to cut out the other half of my comment and frame it in a way that I said why would china need to save itself.

My original comment

Why would China need to save itself after NATO finishes destroying Russia? Phead is talking about nuclear war. NATO assuming they somehow aren’t dead will be the least of everyone worries over a global nuclear winter.

This is a dick move. No better than the assholes in the media. Cutting out the other half to push a completely different narrative then what the original comment says.

Nuclear War = No NATO = China doesn’t need to save itself from NATO = Nuclear Winter more important.

james smith esq

Senior Member
Registered Member
@PhSt Dude are you really going to cut out the other half of my comment and frame it in a way that I said why would china need to save itself.

My original comment

This is a dick move. No better than the assholes in the media. Cutting out the other half to push a completely different narrative then what the original comment says.

Nuclear War = No NATO = China doesn’t need to save itself from NATO = Nuclear Winter more important.
C’mon, man!!! You’ve been here from the start! We’re all in the information war, now; and, we’re all considered enemy combatants! Put your helmet on!!!
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