Ukrainian War Developments

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I watched this video twice....

China will likely be lukewarm and tepid support to Russia from now on. Anti-NATO/US in the conventional military sphere is all cool, but once you start talking about nuclear WW3, that's when China is going to peace out. If Putin crosses that line, it's all by itself. Not even China can save you.
That is why China should actually be trying to work a settlement of the issue and a compromise - and no, it doesn't have to be of the kind that America wants it to do...


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But will China be able to save itself once NATO is finished with destroying Russia? I'm sure China has a better chance of winning its struggle against NATO with Russia still around, trying to appease the west wouldn't change their intentions to destroy China.
Why would China need to save itself after NATO finishes destroying Russia? Phead is talking about nuclear war. NATO assuming they somehow aren’t dead will be the least of everyone worries over a global nuclear winter.


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The Axis of Liars. When will the Japanese media join?

On March 16, the Italian newspaper liespaper La Stampa put up a cover page photo showing dead bodies in debris, with a bold title "La carneficina" ("The carnage", translated by Google) across the top of the photo.

La Stampa then superimposed a text box in the left bottom corner of the photo, beginning with "I Traumi Dei Bimbi In Fuga A Leopoli ..." (translation by Google: "The Traumas of Children fleeing to Lviv"), and another text box in the right bottom corner, beginning with "Cosi Kiev Affronta L'assalto Finale, Kiev sotto bombardamenti ..." (translation "Kiev facing the final assult, Kiev under bombardment...").


But La Stampa did not say that the photo was taken in Donetsk after the city was hit by a Ukrainian "Tochka" ballistic missle carrying cluster munitions on March 14. 20 were killed and 28 wound by that missle.

The next day, on March 17, the German news lies outlet Bild made one more lie about Sergei Lavrov, the Russian FM. Bild said that the Lavrov, on his way to China, had to make a 180 turn above the city of Novosibirsk and return to Moscow on the order by Putin.

Maria Zakharova, the Russian FM spokesperson, debunked the lie the same day. In her Telegram post, she said that Lavrov arrived at his office early to prepare for meeting with his middle east counterparts. He worked all the day in the office until late.


In Beijing, someone working for Bloomberg asked Zhao Lijian, the Chinese FM spokesperson, if China had invited Lavrov and if the story by Bild is accurate. Zhao replied "You should check with Bild for their source of information."

Guancha's investigation in Chinese:

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Russia's nuclear arsenal is not as credible as the US's nuclear arsenal. They have a lot of warheads but have limited ways of delivering them to their targets. China has the same issue, which is why the US establishment does not fear nuclear war with either country. They know that in the end, they will win.
I can't remember the last time the Americans adopted a new nuclear missile. The Russian have inducted several. Russia also frequently tests ICBMs, America doesn't nearly as much.
American rocket development is stagnant, hence why they need the Russians to supply the ISS.
What about the many nuclear isotopes needed for warheads? If the Americans have no problems there, why do they need to buy elements like polonium and tritium from Russia?

Not saying America's nuclear threat doesn't exist, but between the two I'd bet Russia to have the upper hand.


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I find it quite perplexing that, while Russia first adopted, then rejected, the Brigade as the primary infantry formation (as the majority of the larger militaries have), that they would, then, go one step further in formation minimization, and move down to the battalion, and a small battalion, at that!

I’m all for downsizing with the intention of punching above your weight. But two of the things this requires are
1) a complete re-think of the dependence of frontline action units upon higher echelons for fire-support AND logistic support, and
2) a re-emphasis on the dismounted-infantry platoon as the basis of offensive fire.

As for this operation, Russia should have gone with BOGs, Brigade Operational Groups!


I've wondered why the Russians went with Battalion Tactical Groups whereas China/US/Taiwan have settled on the Brigade


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A funny fact is that, in case of Sino-Vietnamese war, most western countries were "Neutral" like China today by calling both China to withdraw from Vietnam and Vietnam to withdraw from Cambodia. The Soviet block only called on China to withdraw from Vietnam. History just repeat itself but swapping actors and changing stage.

Most Western countries were not really "Neutral"

They leaned towards China because it was an attack on Vietnam/USSR.


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Looks like the possibility of a peace treaty may actually happen. IDK the original source but the Zelensky Aide said they would only meet when a peace treaty is signed and also said they could meet in the coming weeks. It sounds like to me that there is progress being made in the negotiations.

The other interesting the article mentions is that FinancialTimes 15-point draft plan article was denied by both Moscow and Kiev. Article says that Zelesky Aide said it simply reflects Russia demands. Which probably means it’s was the starting point for negotiations.
The two presidents would meet only when a “peace treaty” is signed, Volodymyr Zelensky’s aide has said

Zelenskyy: Just spare me and my nation from reduced to ashes, and I will grant you the honor and privilege of me gracing you with my majestic presence to sign an humiliating Unequal Treaty and territorial concessions. Don't you want to see my pretty face in person, Vlad?
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