Ukrainian War Developments

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Registered Member
"New: US & NATO allies are sending several surface-to-air missiles systems to Ukraine. A senior US official tells me these systems include Soviet-era SA-8, SA-10, SA-12 and SA-14 mobile air defense systems, w/range higher than Stingers, giving capability to hit cruise missiles."
LOL. I thought they were planning on sneaking in a patriot system or C-RAMs.

Have they already ran out of stingers or are they admitting these ancient soviet missiles are better?


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Some of your last few posts:

All you've been doing in this thread is post unsubstantiated Ukrainian rumours. You've not made a single insightful post. We get it, you want China to help fight scary Russia.

We don't need a twitter NATO bot here. If we wanted to read what the western narrative is we already know where to look for it, thank you very much. Assuming you are a real person and not some NATO contractor doing a social media influence campaign.
NATO/Anglo bots seem to think that if they win the war on Twitter then the ground war is irrelevant. You almost have to feel sorry for them because either these people live in a bubble and cannot see reality or they get paid enough to ignore reality.


Absolutely agree. Those who live to protect wealth have become money's servant instead of its master. They are nothing but putrid flesh inside a golden shell; they deserve to lose it all if for nothing but a chance to remember who they are and to become wholesome again. Those who are masters of their wealth always remember who they are, where they come from, and never lose sight that their money is a dispensible tool for bettering themselves and their nation, and thus their future. To lose/use their wealth for their nation is honor and glory. Those are the people worth protecting, never the mind-rotted greedy who can be turned against thier own government and people to preserve their personal wealth.


Registered Member
NATO/Anglo bots seem to think that if they win the war on Twitter then the ground war is irrelevant. You almost have to feel sorry for them because either these people live in a bubble and cannot see reality or they get paid enough to ignore reality.
This one seems to be on a paid mission to convince Chinese to turn on Russia or something. May be worth running an IP check.


Registered Member
Have they already ran out of stingers or are they admitting these ancient soviet missiles are better?

Probably has to do with training. Ukranians already know how to operate these systems and might have some spare parts for them.

Training them to operate Patriots or C-RAMs you might as well send nothing as they won't be ready in time; that's not talking about these systems' lackluster performance against anything that isn't a propelled barrel bomb.

That said, pretty sure these systems are the really old WARPAC left-overs with little improvements in the way of upgrades.
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