Ukrainian War Developments

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Dude, I have worked with Quebecois that looks almost exactly like him LMAO. Definitely has that countryside Quebec look to him.
No. Been there. Yea there are peoples who "almost exactly" look like same. Like Latin peoples and Northern Africans. But there are some distinct features. The facial structure isn't of any European or American or any mixed of those two.
Either NA or ME genes i would say. :p


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I live in French Canada. I can tell you the usual Québécois looks like Wali. Just look at Jose Théodore (Goalie), Maurice Richard (Hockey legend), Richard Séguin (singer)

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No. taking a first look ,without reading who he is, i can tell he is European. May be not specific country.
ME region people has distinct features compared to South asians despite almost looking like same, NA people look like latin peoples but there are some distinct features. Btw thats my opinion. :p
Btw only people who can pass for other race are indian girls in my experience, with some degree of makeover.
That's different topic.


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If Russia outrightly fails, the West, the United States will then come for China. China should actually try to persuade Moscow to obtain a face saving way out. For example, capture Mariupol, surround Kharkiv, then demand the neutrality of Ukraine. It is obvious that Russia does not have the ability to take Ukraine without destroying it. Russia doesn't want that... I see that so many people commenting hype and speak of the ridiculous notion of conquering Ukraine. Even capturing Kiev will be extremely long and bloody...

The Russians in the first week of the war undertook careless cavalry charges, especially in the north, and were mowed down in large numbers by anti-armour weapons and drones. Their hubris in having absolutely no respect for Ukraine, despite evidently knowing of Ukraine's possession of such formidable weaponry, made them completely forget about the tactics and strategy of a largely urban combat campaign that they undertook in Chechnya in 99/00, in which they did probing attacks, launched artillery an air strikes against the enemy's known and suspected military facilities, while slowly advancing to surround Grozny from different locations, while all the while fanning out infantry to prevent interdiction of their logistics, as they moved their logistics just behind the combat forces, and they build a number of highly fortified forward operating bases before attempting to launch a full scale combined arms assault on Grozny. It took over four months from the start of the second Chechnya War, for Grozny to be taken, beginning with the first airstrikes in October, though it was in December that the full scale combined arms onslaught actually began.

More than anyone in recent history, the Russians should know the precautions and methodologies necessary to fight a determined, well armed, competent enemy (albeit one that has much less firepower than oneself) in a largely urban setting. Chechnya taught them those lessons. In the hubris at totally disrespecting the enemy, and not working under the the principle of overestimating the enemy's capabilities, the Russians suffered such heavy casualties in the first week of the war. It was as if they had never fought the Chechen War...


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The reason the Russians are not making a big push on Kyiv is because they are learning their lessons from Mariupol.

The Ukrainians are far more fanatical and ruthless than the Russians initially expected, and are wilfully throwing their own civilians in the way of incoming Russian ordinance as human shields and media props.

Russia is having to reduce that city to rubble Grozny style now that they are too deeply committed to change course. And that is proving costly and damaging both militarily and in terms of PR.

So rather than repeat the same mistake only on a much larger scale with Kyiv and Kharkiv etc, what the Russians are doing is instead drawing the Ukrainian defenders out to the defensive lines on the outskirts and surrounding towns and villages around Kyiv, where they can engage in a much cleaner fight and where Russian firepower dominance is far far more telling and effective.

That’s the main reason the Russians have made zero attempts take out Zelensky. Because his idiotic leadership is one of Russia’s biggest assets right now since the comedian is so obsessed with the media war he cannot see how he is loosing the actual long term fighting chance of the Ukrainians to achieve more Reddit karma and Twitter likes.

The west will fight Putin to the last Ukrainian, and Zelensky is proving to be the kind of mindless puppet who would gladly do it for them, and in the worst Hollywood-fictional-heartless-Soviet-leader style, with his Molotov Grandma and pick-up-what-you-need-from-the-battlefield-dead ‘strategies’.

So Putin is using that to his advantage and creating a massive meat grinder outside Kyiv for Zelensky to blithely throw all his manpower into so the Russians can move into Kyiv later on to a depleted defence and take the city with far fewer losses and in a much more intact way than they could possibly hope with a Leningrad re-enactment as a fully assault right now would be.
They will make an example out of Mariupol, but I doubt that they will be anywhere nearly as ruthless on Kiev or Kharkov because that would be a thorough PR disaster...


Registered Member
If Russia outrightly fails, the West, the United States will then come for China. China should actually try to persuade Moscow to obtain a face saving way out. For example, capture Mariupol, surround Kharkiv, then demand the neutrality of Ukraine. It is obvious that Russia does not have the ability to take Ukraine without destroying it. Russia doesn't want that... I see that so many people commenting hype and speak of the ridiculous notion of conquering Ukraine. Even capturing Kiev will be extremely long and bloody...

The Russians in the first week of the war undertook careless cavalry charges, especially in the north, and were mowed down in large numbers by anti-armour weapons and drones. Their hubris in having absolutely no respect for Ukraine, despite evidently knowing of Ukraine's possession of such formidable weaponry, made them completely forget about the tactics and strategy of a largely urban combat campaign that they undertook in Chechnya in 99/00, in which they did probing attacks, launched artillery an air strikes against the enemy's known and suspected military facilities, while slowly advancing to surround Grozny from different locations, while all the while fanning out infantry to prevent interdiction of their logistics, as they moved their logistics just behind the combat forces, and they build a number of highly fortified forward operating bases before attempting to launch a full scale combined arms assault on Grozny. It took over four months from the start of the second Chechnya War, for Grozny to be taken, beginning with the first airstrikes in October, though it was in December that the full scale combined arms onslaught actually began.

More than anyone in recent history, the Russians should know the precautions and methodologies necessary to fight a determined, well armed, competent enemy (albeit one that has much less firepower than oneself) in a largely urban setting. Chechnya taught them those lessons. In the hubris at totally disrespecting the enemy, and not working under the the principle of overestimating the enemy's capabilities, the Russians suffered such heavy casualties in the first week of the war. It was as if they had never fought the Chechen War...
@Weaasel bro I disagree, whatever outcome the collective west will be weakened and the pace of multipolar world will quicken. And a Cherry on top, American bluff is being called for and found wanting. The prestige that was built on a house of card had been crashing down. From Iran launching missile at an American base in Iraq to the Gulf state not answering Brandon PLEA for an increase in oil output.


Junior Member
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No. taking a first look ,without reading who he is, i can tell he is European. May be not specific country.
ME region people has distinct features compared to South asians despite almost looking like same, NA people look like latin peoples but there are some distinct features. Btw thats my opinion. :p
Btw only people who can pass for other race are indian girls in my experience, with some degree of makeover.
That's different topic.
Dude, you have literal Canadians telling you, from experience, that he looks like an average Quebecois. Where are you from anyways? We should be getting back to topic.
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