Ukrainian War Developments

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Junior Member
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any evidence those are actual Russian helicopters and not captured Ukrainian ones?

Russian helicopters and Ukrainian ones could be very different owing to recent modernizations.

They were moved from the other side of the base due to the Ukraininans malleting them previously


james smith esq

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Yeah, it looks like they're simply not anticipating any long range strike. It would makes sense if they're certain they've taken out all of enemy's long range fire... which is clearly not the case here

I think this shows just how useless so called war experience is. Russian has been in Syria for many years, but experience in fighting irregulars cannot translate to fighting a modern army with nato support.... I'd say the PLA officer's experience in getting their asses kicked in Zhu Ri He is way more valuable than US military's decades of so called experience in playing wack-a-mole in middle east
I was never impressed with Russia’s performance in Syria. They stuck close to the one airbase and never really committed sufficient ground-forces to sustain any combined-arms operations. Their performance, on the ground, at Palmyra was far from exemplary!

I’m convinced that the Russians have no clue as to what they’re doing, now! Attacking cities when military commands, networks, installations, bases, and formations should have been the primary objectives, with individual units having mission threatening capabilities, such as dispersed anti-air batteries being secondary. Whichever units holed-up in the cities could have been dealt with after the threats in the field were neutralized.
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Some helicopters are on fire but no one bothered to fly the others away. there is no reason to park choppers there as the place will be less than 50km air distance from Crimea.
I think these are Ukranian choppers that Russian pilots who are used glass cockpit now may not be able to fly them.

Oryx Intel has, using some incredible spur of imagination, identified over 30 destroyed and damaged helicopters, including Ka-52s and Mi-28Ns using those blurry pictures. When in reality, there are mostly Mi-8s with two identifiable Mi-24Ps. Definitely NO Ka-52 in sight. Pretty much looks like abandoned Ukranian hardware.
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Registered Member
Oryx Intel has, using some incredible spur of imagination, identified over 30 destroyed and damaged helicopters, including Ka-52s and Mi-28Ns using those blurry pictures. When in reality, there are mostly Mi-8s with two identifiable Mi-24Ps. Definitely NO Ka-52 in sight. Definitely looks like abandoned Ukranian hardware.
View attachment 85308
satellite imagery usually delayed so the fire must be burning for a while. I dont see any vehicles in the base. not much activity.


Junior Member
Registered Member
May be. But very unlikely imo. I have seen mixed ones. His facial structure & hair are of those northern africans . And there is no way he has native america genes.
Btw this would be going off topic. So i leave it there :p
Dude, I have worked with Quebecois that looks almost exactly like him LMAO. Definitely has that countryside Quebec look to him.
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