Ukrainian War Developments

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The invasion of Iraq was not justifiable. It was wrong. There was no imminent threat.

The invasion of Afghanistan was, but the occupation was handled so badly as to make it grossly stupid to have done.

What I think personally about right or wrong isn't the point.

You have been condemning the US for its adventures and yet are seemingly cheering on Russia here. How is it different? How are you able to justify it? Not from my judgement POV, but from the POV of understanding the internal logic of another person.

It its the POV of 'I hate America,' then that explains it. If its from the POV of anyone who stands up to the US is good, even if it means a war, ok, that's an explanation, too. Perhaps there's a deeper nuisance to what you are about to say. I'd like to hear your POV and its basis in the logic you have.

Power doesn't make right. Power simply will set what nations will do. That's my opinion.

Now then, what is your opinion?

Does Russia have the right to invade Ukraine and what is the justification? The further bit about China is off topic for the thread.
Just want to chip in here.

Iraq invasion is an action while Russia invasion to Ukraine (if - big IF) is a reaction just like US reaction in Cuban Missile Crisis.
MSM propaganda try to portray Russia invasion as an action.

Phrases like "two wrongs don't make a right," tu quoque/logical fallacy, whataboutism etc are used a lot by MSM as well as self-righteous imperialists to deflect a reaction into an action.

As for Russia invasion to Ukraine, so far it's not a fact on the ground. Russia gains nothing by this invasion, except Ukraine crosses the red line by attacking Donetsk and Luhansk.
We've been hearing MSM hype on US forecast of Russia invasion incldg exact timing, maybe just maybe, it was an order for Ukraine to take military provocation to prevent German chancellor visit to Russia. And the attempt failed, Nord Stream 2 is safe ... until now. Pres zelensky is really on precarious ground.

Correct me if I'm wrong, what I've learned from history are:
- realpolitik = might makes/is right,
- diplomacy = realpolitik can be accepted by many.

Above is my two cents and I stand corrected.


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No risk of Russia growing to rival the US.

It's an economic minnow with significant brain drain and falling population.

That must be why the US spents increasing amounts of money into destabilizing Russia and its sphere of influence.

Russia is already a rival of the US, not economically for obvious reason, but militarily and geopolitical to an extent; otherwise, the US wouldn't whine at the thought of Russia putting bases in Latin America. And wait until China does the same thing, the copium and aggressiveness by the anglos will increase ten fold.

Monroe doctrine and all that.


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Well my thoughts were that
a) The blast hole was back to front with the largest blast aperture inside rather than outside
b) virtually no actual blast damage
c) No sign of any shrapnel or shrapnel damage
d) No fire or scorch damage

As you say the rest of the room looked pristine
To me it looks like a half finished firing position knocked through by the Ukrainian army.
Maybe they used a trebuchet and a rock ? surely a wmd ! lol !
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