Ukrainian War Developments

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Russia does not have the logistical and support forces necessary to carry out a large-scale invasion, tank, armor and artillery units are clearly suited to this task, but the support forces for these units are insufficient.
No, they're sufficient. See? I can assert things baselessly too.
Not sure what you have against Ukraine? Formerly China and Ukraine had pretty good relations.
This is a military forum so I guess Motor Sich? Nationalize other country's investment tend to leave a negative impression.
Turning your country into a den of nazism, usually leads people to dislike said country.

Unless you are american or western european, they tend to have a soft spot for nazis.
Both of these responses are part of the answer to your question, but they're not the core of the answer. Before I get to that, I want to preface what I'm about to say by stating my position that I don't believe there's any such thing as actual democracy. It has never existed, and if it ever did the results would probably be catastrophic. In practice, being democratic means being an American stooge; the terms are perfectly interchangeable. I hold democracy - both as an ideal and in practice - in contempt.

The unipolar moment of American hegemony following the fall of the Soviet Union has been a blight on history. America and its flunkies ran rampant across the world, destroying country after country on the whims of their psychotic religious impulses. But by far the greatest and longest lasting harm they've done has been implanting their religion into impressionable minds around the world. Across the breadth of the Earth, you see people striving for democracy. Not just that, they do it in almost identical ways using the same techniques and chanting the same slogans. I almost wonder if there's a holy book for democracy - a Bible or Quran these people are all reading from, because they're more brainwashed drones than the crudest caricature of an adherent of an Abrahamic faith.

No matter the ethnicity, language, culture, or nationality, it's the same drone. That's the real Clone Army. At every mass gathering, you see them holding up the same signs (in English, of course), shouting the same banal slogans, waving the same Western flags, expecting mighty whitey to come rescue them from the local security forces. There's more variation between local McDonald's franchises than there is among these drones. A particularly galling example I recall was during the riots in Myanmar, when some drone was talking about being inspired by Jefferson. Yes, the genocidal slaver Jefferson. I have never wanted to reach through a screen and slap someone as much as I did then - what I would have given to be able to tell that idiot that Jefferson would be too busy fucking his slaves to bother with you.

That's the sorry state of the world today, but it's begun to change. Which brings us to Ukraine... in truth, I know too little and care even less about it to really have anything against it. Except that it's yet another would-be democracy populated by drones. Given the views I've just outlined, my feeling toward Ukrainians echoes Americans' feelings toward Chinese: complete dehumanization. Russian cluster bombs could saw their children in half and my only thought would be "you brought this on yourselves."

Ukraine will be a lesson by example. Slowly but surely, the drones will learn that America is not a titan astride the Earth and mighty whitey is not coming to save them. They will learn that America is just a con artist and they are its victims. Then maybe one day the disgusting codependency where the drones look to America for identity and meaning and America looks to its supplicants to feed its narcissism will come to an end.

Even if it takes decades, people will learn that "democracy" is a magical word - uttering it opens a portal to Hell.

TL;DR: What I have against Ukraine is ideological.


Registered Member
No, they're sufficient. See? I can assert things baselessly too.

Both of these responses are part of the answer to your question, but they're not the core of the answer. Before I get to that, I want to preface what I'm about to say by stating my position that I don't believe there's any such thing as actual democracy. It has never existed, and if it ever did the results would probably be catastrophic. In practice, being democratic means being an American stooge; the terms are perfectly interchangeable. I hold democracy - both as an ideal and in practice - in contempt.

The unipolar moment of American hegemony following the fall of the Soviet Union has been a blight on history. America and its flunkies ran rampant across the world, destroying country after country on the whims of their psychotic religious impulses. But by far the greatest and longest lasting harm they've done has been implanting their religion into impressionable minds around the world. Across the breadth of the Earth, you see people striving for democracy. Not just that, they do it in almost identical ways using the same techniques and chanting the same slogans. I almost wonder if there's a holy book for democracy - a Bible or Quran these people are all reading from, because they're more brainwashed drones than the crudest caricature of an adherent of an Abrahamic faith.

No matter the ethnicity, language, culture, or nationality, it's the same drone. That's the real Clone Army. At every mass gathering, you see them holding up the same signs (in English, of course), shouting the same banal slogans, waving the same Western flags, expecting mighty whitey to come rescue them from the local security forces. There's more variation between local McDonald's franchises than there is among these drones. A particularly galling example I recall was during the riots in Myanmar, when some drone was talking about being inspired by Jefferson. Yes, the genocidal slaver Jefferson. I have never wanted to reach through a screen and slap someone as much as I did then - what I would have given to be able to tell that idiot that Jefferson would be too busy fucking his slaves to bother with you.

That's the sorry state of the world today, but it's begun to change. Which brings us to Ukraine... in truth, I know too little and care even less about it to really have anything against it. Except that it's yet another would-be democracy populated by drones. Given the views I've just outlined, my feeling toward Ukrainians echoes Americans' feelings toward Chinese: complete dehumanization. Russian cluster bombs could saw their children in half and my only thought would be "you brought this on yourselves."

Ukraine will be a lesson by example. Slowly but surely, the drones will learn that America is not a titan astride the Earth and mighty whitey is not coming to save them. They will learn that America is just a con artist and they are its victims. Then maybe one day the disgusting codependency where the drones look to America for identity and meaning and America looks to its supplicants to feed its narcissism will come to an end.

Even if it takes decades, people will learn that "democracy" is a magical word - uttering it opens a portal to Hell.

TL;DR: What I have against Ukraine is ideological.
You are aware that the vast majority of Russians are white Orthodox Christians, yes?


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Ben Hodges was commander of US Army Europe during a destructive political purge that took place in Polish military in 2016-17. The pure ensured that only loyal personnel and US intelligence assets were promoted to important positions and took control over the procurement process. Since then Poland has drastically reduced relationships with European allies in particularly Germany and France and increased its dependency on the US to an extreme rate. Currently American weapons are bought without competitive tenders at exorbitant prices and funding for domestic R&D is almost nonexistent.
I've literally seen Mexican cartels muscle into new turf in a more subtle and benevolent manner. Jesus H. Christ. I can't believe the US MIC can just expand and takeover distant countries like that. Lockheed Martin should adopt the IS motto: "remaining and expanding".

reservior dogs

Junior Member
Registered Member
No, they're sufficient. See? I can assert things baselessly too.

Both of these responses are part of the answer to your question, but they're not the core of the answer. Before I get to that, I want to preface what I'm about to say by stating my position that I don't believe there's any such thing as actual democracy. It has never existed, and if it ever did the results would probably be catastrophic. In practice, being democratic means being an American stooge; the terms are perfectly interchangeable. I hold democracy - both as an ideal and in practice - in contempt.

The unipolar moment of American hegemony following the fall of the Soviet Union has been a blight on history. America and its flunkies ran rampant across the world, destroying country after country on the whims of their psychotic religious impulses. But by far the greatest and longest lasting harm they've done has been implanting their religion into impressionable minds around the world. Across the breadth of the Earth, you see people striving for democracy. Not just that, they do it in almost identical ways using the same techniques and chanting the same slogans. I almost wonder if there's a holy book for democracy - a Bible or Quran these people are all reading from, because they're more brainwashed drones than the crudest caricature of an adherent of an Abrahamic faith.

No matter the ethnicity, language, culture, or nationality, it's the same drone. That's the real Clone Army. At every mass gathering, you see them holding up the same signs (in English, of course), shouting the same banal slogans, waving the same Western flags, expecting mighty whitey to come rescue them from the local security forces. There's more variation between local McDonald's franchises than there is among these drones. A particularly galling example I recall was during the riots in Myanmar, when some drone was talking about being inspired by Jefferson. Yes, the genocidal slaver Jefferson. I have never wanted to reach through a screen and slap someone as much as I did then - what I would have given to be able to tell that idiot that Jefferson would be too busy fucking his slaves to bother with you.

That's the sorry state of the world today, but it's begun to change. Which brings us to Ukraine... in truth, I know too little and care even less about it to really have anything against it. Except that it's yet another would-be democracy populated by drones. Given the views I've just outlined, my feeling toward Ukrainians echoes Americans' feelings toward Chinese: complete dehumanization. Russian cluster bombs could saw their children in half and my only thought would be "you brought this on yourselves."

Ukraine will be a lesson by example. Slowly but surely, the drones will learn that America is not a titan astride the Earth and mighty whitey is not coming to save them. They will learn that America is just a con artist and they are its victims. Then maybe one day the disgusting codependency where the drones look to America for identity and meaning and America looks to its supplicants to feed its narcissism will come to an end.

Even if it takes decades, people will learn that "democracy" is a magical word - uttering it opens a portal to Hell.

TL;DR: What I have against Ukraine is ideological.
You can understand why this happened. Democracy had served the U.S. well in the past, though things have gone south since. We are also an Evangelical Christian nation. You put these two things together, you end up with W trying to push for flat tax in Iraq. I agree that the zeal is misguided and there are a lot of nations where the last thing they need is Democracy. The world is awash in failed states that tried to model their governance along the lines of the United States.

Actually, Democracy as a form of government is a bit of a anomaly. Most governments in the past have top down hierarchy. Other organizations such as church, schools, corporations and military all adapt a hierarchical structure, because they are the only form of governance that actually work.

Democracy in the West had become hide bound and unable to change with the times. History will record the death of the Western civilization as due to our form of government. We are quite robust and able to have peaceful and legitimate power transfers, but the cost is a squabbling tower of Babel where nothing gets done. Our form of governments mean that the parasital private special interest groups had usurped all the power, but no other groups have the power to change it even though the cart is going off the cliff.


Registered Member
Great analysis by Karlin who puts out the notion that an invasion could very well be likely given historical and political currents:
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That is actually pretty compelling. Vlad won't have brought troops all the way from Vladivostok just for an exercise. Also the current pause gives time for troops to rest and kit to be serviced after the work up phase before the operational phase.


Lieutenant General
Registered Member
That is actually pretty compelling. Vlad won't have brought troops all the way from Vladivostok just for an exercise. Also the current pause gives time for troops to rest and kit to be serviced after the work up phase before the operational phase.

It isn't the first time Far Eastern troops were deployed there unlike what the MSM might have led you to believe.
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