Ukrainian War Developments

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Registered Member
This is a military forum so I guess Motor Sich? Nationalize other country's investment tend to leave a negative impression.
The Motor Sich theft made me salty on Ukraine.

Ngl, unless they fully pay back ($4 billion from what I have heard), I don't care what happens in Ukraine.

If they cant honour the contracts then I am sure Putin can do so if/when he attacks and captures Ukraine


Registered Member
Democracy in the West had become hide bound and unable to change with the times. History will record the death of the Western civilization as due to our form of government. We are quite robust and able to have peaceful and legitimate power transfers, but the cost is a squabbling tower of Babel where nothing gets done. Our form of governments mean that the parasital private special interest groups had usurped all the power, but no other groups have the power to change it even though the cart is going off the cliff.
Time to invite Dong Zhuo from the North


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The US has won this conflict without firing anything via next level mental game to the point where Russians are eager to disapprove them and have been forced into a mind state of disapproving them and precise where the US propaganda machine wants.. They have been tricked and this is exactly why they spamming this shxt invasion threat 24 hours a day..

But in truth you gotta learn these tricks which doesn't work on anyone in Asia hence all this zero sum mental game pressure doesn't fly.. If you gotta take something disregard them and their barks and take whatever is right..

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Registered Member
The US has won this conflict without firing anything via next level mental game to the point where Russians are eager to disapprove them and have been forced into a mind state of disapproving them and precise where the US propaganda machine wants.. They have been tricked and this is exactly why they spamming this shxt invasion threat 24 hours a day..

But in truth you gotta learn these tricks which doesn't work on anyone in Asia hence all this zero sum mental game pressure doesn't fly.. If you gotta take something disregard them and their barks and take whatever is right..



Junior Member
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Don't waste time on disapproving the propaganda nor seek acknowledgement from them.. Don't let there mental game get to you and believe me they have many cards under their sleeves.. The first being media manipulation.. Russia reads to much into their media mambo jambo.. If you fall on their first tricks which is media manipulation.. You should probable retreat as this will sweep into the concensus and the ground forces themselves granting the Ukrainians advantage against opponents doubting themselves.. This video hits closer to home explains my pov..

What type of Russians will even cross into Ukraine currently? I tell you what it would be timid and hesitating ones increasing chances of Russia getting stopped flat-out by Ukraine conventionally.. Russia is not ready period and could take decades perhaps another 15-20 years before they are ready to secure that zone..

No war will happen because Russia is simply not ready they wanted to bluff for negotiations but it was called bringing us jnto the between and accord zone
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