Ukrainian War Developments

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Probably "we wanted peace so we're starting a war" as always.
I agree with this. Russia should dispense with the hypocrisy and just say it straight: American presence in eastern Europe - if not the whole of Europe - is unacceptable, a united Europe hostile to Russia is also unacceptable, and we're going to war to change that.
If only Ukraine would move its provocative borders away from Russia's peaceful armored divisions, everything would be fine.
Since you asked me what I had against Ukraine, I'll ask you why you're so sympathetic to Ukraine.


Registered Member
I agree with this. Russia should dispense with the hypocrisy and just say it straight: American presence in eastern Europe - if not the whole of Europe - is unacceptable, a united Europe hostile to Russia is also unacceptable, and we're going to war to change that.

Since you asked me what I had against Ukraine, I'll ask you why you're so sympathetic to Ukraine.
I have no particular sympathy for Ukraine.


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President Joe Biden said Thursday that there is a “very high” risk of a Russian invasion of Ukraine and that could happen within “several days.”
Speaking at the White House, Biden said the United States saw no signs of a claimed Russian withdrawal of forces along its border with Ukraine. He said the U.S. has “reason to believe” that Russia is “engaged in a false flag operation to have an excuse to go in.”
He told reporters in Washington: “Every indication we have is they’re prepared to go into Ukraine, attack Ukraine.”


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I have no particular sympathy for Ukraine.

I have a great deal of sympathy for the people of Ukraine. The government from top to bottom is corrupt to the point the corrupt of the rest of the world would probably recoil in horror. The Nazis there can burn in hell. (pardon me, mods) I've been calling out the Azoz battalion (or whatever they call themselves this week) since they first appeared.

Back to the sitzkrieg:

The DNR+LNR are claiming an uptick in artillery strikes along the border. Others dispute this, but who can tell the truth? its not like outsiders or neutral parties have counterbattery radars along the border between the Donbass and the rest of Ukraine.

I guess Ukrainians decided to one up certain heavily gun armed nations with their love of schools? The LNR claims one of their kindergartens was hit. Kiev claims one of their's was.

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