interesting how they do the numbering for type 22s, are we at 2320 already? I doubt it's a simple linear numbering system.
Maybe based on what fleet the boat is assigned to? I don't quite get why they need to paint the numbers onto the boats? Do other navies do this?
Do other navies paint pennat numbers on their boats??? For...(arnger mangment, anger managment...) Well yeas they do. Why not picking any book about warships (or internetsite for that matter) and take a survey around the world navies. You'll notice that all navies does it and have the each numberingsystems varies from each others
But we shouldn't give too much gredit for pennat numbers in the ways of indicating the exact numbers of the platforms. As it is the most visible recocknition feature, thus its the most common way to fool the foreing observators, just change the numbers occasionally.
Do other navies paint pennat numbers on their boats??? For...(arnger mangment, anger managment...) Well yeas they do. Why not picking any book about warships (or internetsite for that matter) and take a survey around the world navies. You'll notice that all navies does it and have the each numberingsystems varies from each others
But we shouldn't give too much gredit for pennat numbers in the ways of indicating the exact numbers of the platforms. As it is the most visible recocknition feature, thus its the most common way to fool the foreing observators, just change the numbers occasionally.