Re: What is the probability that 022 is actually a landing craft?
Wouldn't china wait till she has a operational aircraft carrier, to launch attacks against tiawan? If they had a carrier than it would be a lot harder for the USN to stay out of the attack range of chinas naval airforce.
1. Why would USN put her ships into the attack range of PLAAF? Attack Chinese land targets can be done by cruiser missiles. Close air protection and more can be done by land based aircrafts in Taiwan. Why risk your ships when they can do their jobs a few hundred kms further from the shore? You have to use your CVs to attack PRC's land targets?
Wouldn't china wait till she has a operational aircraft carrier, to launch attacks against tiawan? If they had a carrier than it would be a lot harder for the USN to stay out of the attack range of chinas naval airforce.